Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 403

"East coast?" Locke murmured.

"It\'s really not friendly enough with our three western islands." The black gauze that assar magician wore covered his white skin, full of mystery and sexuality.

"But if you want to be promoted to a formal knight in a short time, the wizard continent on the east coast is your best choice." The magician Ashar said seriously.

There are three places Locke can visit. One is to go east to the main continent of the wizard world - the wizard continent, the other is to go west to the west coast, and the third is to go to the other two continents of the three western islands.

Locke believed that assar magician would not harm him. After weighing the pros and cons, he finally chose the east coast.

"Just two days later, a merchant ship will go to the east coast. You can board the ship with my keepsake." The Sorcerer assar threw the greyish black crystal, which stored a trace of her dark magic.

After a few words of thanks to magician Ashar, Locke left here wisely.

Assar magician\'s breakthrough is imminent. Now he doesn\'t need to do experimental research to increase his knowledge and experience, meditate on his spiritual power and cultivate his magic. Everything will come naturally.

After saying goodbye to wizard Ashar, Locke went to the official trading hall of Santa tower. In addition to purchasing living materials for grace and other women, Locke also wanted to buy pet bags that can carry mounts.

"Space equipment that can summon mounts with you..." The magician with a white hat and a black beard smacked his mouth, as if embarrassed by Locke\'s request.

Locke certainly won\'t say such silly words as "money is not a problem". He\'s not a Kaizi.

Pretending to light the gray black crystal that assar magician had just given him, the magician\'s attitude changed 180 degrees.

"What a coincidence! Some time ago, hall, the alchemist, just consigned a space flute. You can also use it easily." The magician flattered and smiled.

Finally, it took Locke 20 high-level magic crystals to buy this space flute. If the magician didn\'t please him all the way, Locke would doubt whether he had been cheated.

Out of the trading hall, Locke said to himself, "it seems that assar magician is about to be promoted to level 2, and his position in the holy tower is also rising."

It also strengthened Locke\'s determination to hold this thigh.

The lost twenty high-level magic crystals Locke only hurt a little. When he left Princeton, he exchanged a large amount of gold coins for medium and high-level magic crystals again.

At the collar in front of the solid chest, a turquoise Piccolo hangs on it, and the space power hovers.

Produced by the holy tower, it must be a high-quality product.

With the quality of this Piccolo, Locke was not surprised to get the auction of the omore Empire, even if he could call the price of 50 high-grade magic crystals.

On the floating ship, two scorpion dragons communicate with ambiguous animal sounds that only they can understand while basking in the sun.

Warcraft generally spit out people when they reach the first level. It is enough to understand the command for the wisdom of two scorpion dragons, high-level Warcraft and quasi level Warcraft.

Many Knights don\'t want to have a spiritual mount, but rather want to have a high-level or even stronger partner.

But this kind of situation is very rare. They don\'t have the financial resources like Locke. They casually spend dozens of precious high-grade magic crystals to just buy a prop to hold the mount.

The value of Warcraft itself is far greater than just a space prop.

Knights above level 1 have such financial resources, but they don\'t have suitable mounts for them.

It\'s better than the wild level Warcraft scorpion Dragon Lord Adams. You can ask it to work with you, but it\'s too natural to enslave it with a contract.

The strong have the dignity of the strong.

Playing the piccolo gently, Fermo, the scorpion dragon, opened his eyes and looked curiously at the green stars around him.

Locke had bought a precious contract and signed a master servant contract with fermos, the scorpion dragon.

As a Warcraft with intelligence comparable to ordinary people, felmos rejected the extremely harsh master slave contract that Locke originally wanted to sign. Under that contract, felmos\'s life will be completely controlled by Locke.

Locke didn\'t care too much. Instead, he signed a master servant contract with fairmoss, which also had inequality, but fairmoss had no choice but to accept it under Locke\'s obscenity.

Locke\'s Quasi Knight level strength is no worse than fairmoss. With such a master, fairmoss is fairly balanced.

Two days later, a huge ship docked on an unknown island outside the holy tower.

"Isn\'t it a floating boat?" Looking at the huge ship parked on the sea, Locke asked the assar magician who came to see him off in surprise.

"You are not afraid of being blasted down by the magician on the east coast. Just go and take a floating boat." The magician Ashar replied angrily.

The wizard world is united as a whole, but there are some contradictions among many internal forces and individuals.

Where there are people, there is struggle, which is determined by the ideology of human society.

Although the three western islands are not the object of all magic organizations on the east coast, at least one third of the forces have no good feelings for them.

In these organizations, the three western islands are synonymous with barbarism and banditry.

As for why the two sides have had so many years of contradictions, Locke is not very clear.

The volume of the giant ship is very large, which has exceeded the volume of ordinary floating ships. Moreover, Locke found that the waterline of the giant ship is very deep, and it seems that it is loaded with a lot of goods.

"Ashar? Are you on a mission to the east coast this time?" Above the ship, a magician with a black hat flew down.

The magician was familiar with assar, and flew straight to assar and stood in front of him.

"No, I just came to send some younger generation." With that, the assar magician pointed to the three lockers.

"Knight? Well? And the little fellow practitioners of magic and fighting spirit?" The black hat magician looked at Locke and Christine in surprise.

None of the three wore armor, but the energy attribute fluctuation faintly emitted from their bodies could not deceive people. The official magician could easily see the details of several people.

"Their strength is OK, but they haven\'t seen anything in the world. You need to spend more snacks." The magician Ashar said to the black hat man.

"Well, since I\'m your younger generation, I\'m sure I\'ll take care of it." The man in the hat nodded. The character of assar magician was widely spread among Santa magicians.

It\'s very rare for this to ask for help.

This kind of help is not in vain. The human relationship between magicians is much more precious than money.

At the beginning, Angelina was able to worship under mage Kaila because mage Kaila owed a favor to mage babrina.