Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 402

"It\'s OK to go out to experience and break through, but you have to take Christine and Raffi." TIA took a sip of tea and said calmly.

There are some things that old Locke is not suitable to say. Today, she, an old woman, will explain them to Locke.

"With whom?" Locke thought he had heard wrong. He didn\'t keep up with his mother.

Today, in addition to grace and Xia Xi, Angelina also returned from the palace.

"Christine has to go to Santa to study. What are you doing with me?" Asked Locke, puzzled.

"Grace has told me that Christine is also practicing fighting spirit. It\'s also learning to let her follow you." After more than ten years of dealing in the aristocratic circle, TIA, an ordinary woman from the countryside, has a wide range of knowledge. Now she speaks clearly.

Looking at TIA\'s urgent tone and Christine\'s coy red face on the other side, Locke patted his head and figured out his mother\'s plan.

"Then Raffi, she..." Raffi was there. Locke didn\'t know what to say.

"Raffi agreed." TIA answered first, blocking Locke\'s words.

Locke didn\'t look at Raffi\'s face, but he didn\'t have to think about it.

He and Raffi only have the usual little ambiguity and playfulness. There is no love that has been really pointed out.

Locke had no way to refuse his parents\' strong demands and resolute attitude, so he had to bow his head and accept it.

Looking at his son\'s sullen expression, he watched outside the door for a long time. Finally, old Locke, who couldn\'t see it, scolded, "this boy, you\'re a good boy when you get a bargain!"

Rock\'s national beauty and heavenly fragrance were red. Indeed, suddenly, their parents arranged two "marriages" for themselves. The ultimate beneficiaries were Rock, Lafite and Kristen.

During the whole process, Angelina didn\'t say a word. Locke observed her normal performance and guessed that it was mostly what her parents said to Angelina, or Angelina herself.

Two months passed in a hurry. When the floating ship stopped at the Royal Palace in flor City roared again, it also represented that Locke had embarked on the journey again.

This time with him, there are two women, Raffi and Christine. Angelina, grace and Leah are also on the ship. They will go to Santa tower to study. Less than level 1, they will always be mole ants. Only in Santa tower, which is the most suitable place for magicians to study and promote, can they go to a higher level.

Only Xiaxi was left to accompany the two elders at home. As an ordinary person, Xiaxi could only open some stores in flor city to pass the time. Locke plans to sell her property in the omore Empire directly to the Billie family there.

It\'s just some money. Locke, who has several space rings, is now rich and powerful. Gold coins are really just numbers for him now. Angelina filled him with three space rings, all of which are good goods in foster\'s treasury.

Along with you today are his majesty kensell and his princess.

The several year old prince opened his curious eyes and looked at the ship suspended in the sky.

There were few ministers around. Only one Marquis of West Asia was on the side. Among the nobles of other kings, count Melson, who had a good relationship with Locke, watched the floating ship take off below.

"After going to the holy tower, if you need anything, send back the news." His majesty kensell gave an uneasy advice to his sister.

This time, he didn\'t send dark guards to Angelina. Ordinary people are not qualified to enter the holy tower, and with the strength of Angelina\'s senior magic apprentice, they don\'t need other people\'s protection.

As for the maid, the Santa tower trading area and shops, there are many ectopic slaves. With a little pay, they can permanently hire a humanoid slave, which is much better than human maid.

For Locke, kensell only reminded him a little. Kensell hated Locke\'s playfulness. If Angelina hadn\'t tied her heart to Locke, and Locke was a strong quasi knight, kensell might have renovated Locke long ago.

Waving to her parents and Xia Qian below, the floating ship flew away at a gradually increasing speed.

Three years, Locke gave himself three years. He wanted to make a breakthrough in three years and find a way to prolong the life of his relatives.

Instead of heading straight for the Santa tower, the floating ship went to Murphy forest first.

To experience wandering in strange areas, how can he do without a suitable means of transportation? He has to take his mount fermos first.

A week later, Princeton, the imperial capital of the Amor empire.

In the Royal Academy, the floating ship landed slowly.

Fermo and Angie, the scorpion dragon, lay down on the deck and slept late. Locke didn\'t bother to pay attention to them and went to visit some friends here with Angelina.

"Sell them to me?" Wearing a long emerald dress with charming lip shadow on her lips, Bili was surprised. Over the past few years, Bili exudes mature charm. Now she has begun to contact the family business.

"Well, just give me a price." Locke said generously that he didn\'t think Shaxi\'s industries would be worth much.

"Since I\'m an old friend, I won\'t let you suffer. How about 300000 golden moles?" Tasting the tea sent by the servant, Bili said in a comfortable position.

"So much?" 300000 golden moles is also a huge sum of money for the ordinary noble families of the omor empire.

"It\'s worth the price." Bili nodded.

In the years of Locke\'s absence, Xiaxi opened her industry in Wangdu to many areas of the omor empire with the channel of Bili\'s family.

For the achievements made in some places, the Bili family has to borrow Xia Xi\'s strength. After losing money and setbacks in the first few years, Xia Xi\'s growth rate in business economy is very amazing.

Locke found that he underestimated Xia Xi\'s ability. The purchasing power of 300000 golden moles is also a huge sum of money that can not be ignored in his current wealth.

After chatting with Bili about their experiences and interesting stories in recent years, they go to Qiao Jin together. On the other hand, Angelina will also take Diane and others to Qiao Jin\'s house to meet.

"I hear you\'re not married yet?" Locke suddenly remembered something and asked casually.

"Yes." Bili was stunned and then replied.

"Chris and Bob are both married. I find you\'re not in a hurry?" Locke said with a smile.

He said \'you\', including Bili and Joaquin.

Diane has been following them to participate in the plane war. Naturally, she has no chance to find her other half. Another woman in their team, Mina Locke, who practices rare Qi magic, heard that she married a noble magician in Princeton a few years ago.

"No hurry, we are still young." Bili smoothed her long hair and smiled.

Locke didn\'t have an interface on this topic, but instead talked about other topics.

The floating ship took off again and became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

Below, she watched the floating boat leave. Bili held her arm and looked at Qiao Jin who was also standing in place with her.

Joaquin\'s eyes seemed to penetrate the clouds, making people wonder what she was thinking.

"What are you going to do next?" Bili asked.

Although we can still get together and communicate as before, the growing gap between classes is gradually reflected.

With different experiences over the years, even Diane, the weakest water system magician in their team, is about to touch the threshold of a high-level apprentice, and they have been stuck in this stage of a medium-level magic apprentice for several years.

"Didn\'t Locke say he was going to travel? I\'m going to go out, too." Joaquin\'s shawl and long hair hung down in the shade of the tree.

"Go with Locke?" Bili raised her eyebrows and asked incredulously.

"Of course not." Joaquin shook her head and said that she didn\'t even know where Locke was going to experience.

In this way, in the woods of the Imperial College, the two elder sisters of several previous years of the magic college remained silent.

"I don\'t know if I\'ll have a chance to see you again in the future." Leaving such a stupid remark, Joaquin turned and waved away.

When Qiao Jin\'s figure disappeared at the end of the road, Bili took back her eyes and said firmly, "I will, and I want to prove myself." After that, he strode towards another different road.

All roads lead to Rome. Everyone has his own way and decision.

There are floating ships taking off or landing all the time within the Santa tower docking area.

"Wow, many floating boats!" Christine, who just arrived at the Santa tower, exclaimed.

This is not the most amazing. When she saw the magic of the air corridor, the variety of slaves in the operation area and the towering main body of the holy tower, she really knew what was the crystallization of the magician\'s wisdom.

"Register with us first." Said Locke.

"I\'ll go to my tutor and ask for a space bag for you?" Angelina pointed at Fermo, the scorpion dragon lying on the deck.

"Forget it. I\'ll buy one myself. Don\'t bother others." Locke said that what can be solved with money is not a problem.

The space equipment for magicians to install magic pets is very different from that of knights. Knights who do not have enough spiritual power to drive the magic guide need special equipment to dress magic pets.

This is generally valuable and sometimes priceless.

Every Knight wants to have a mounted pet with him.

However, in a place where Santa magic is so prosperous, you can find a magic pet bag that can be used by knights with some effort.

The big deal is to go to the trading hall built by Santa tower and spend more money.

Without any accident, grace and Leia, two women, were directly approved to study at Santa College under the recommendation of Angelina\'s mentor master Kayla.

As many as 30% of the magic apprentices lost in the plane war, and many excellent apprentices fell out of the plane. Now it\'s time to wait for everything to flourish.

As long as grace and Leah study hard and Angelina covers them in front, it\'s easy to get ahead.

One year has passed since the 96th floor of the holy tower, and the number of living floors of assar magician has jumped to more than ten floors.

I don\'t know whether the holy tower affirms the strength and achievements of assar magicians, or the empty rooms where those magicians died on the ectopic side.

It\'s also possible to have both.

"If you want to experience, I suggest you go to the east coast." Said the assar magician.

The room was still a familiar darkness, and assar magician liked this environment.
