Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 401

The news that Locke left two months later reached old Locke and TIA.

The old couple, who were still ill in bed, came to the prince\'s house to teach Locke a lesson.

"Tell me about you. How did you leave soon after you came back?" Old Locke smacked his cigarette gun and cursed that iron is not steel.

If he wasn\'t too low to reach Locke, old Locke wanted to knock his son\'s uncivilized head with his cigarette gun.

"Yes, my grandson hasn\'t landed yet." TIA said with broken thoughts. After more than ten years of aristocratic life, TIA has long been transformed into an aristocratic old woman, but the small-scale peasant thought in her bones still exists.

"If you want to go, give me a grandson first!" Old Locke waved his hand aggressively, without any scruples about the image of his son Prince, so he blocked the door and said.

"I don\'t think Leah has to run to take care of us. She just stays in the pro Prince\'s house. You have a good love and will certainly have a child." TIA murmured.

Let Leah, who is serving the second old man, brush her face red.

The second old man also dared to speak out when Angelina was not in the prince\'s house.

"I didn\'t do it for you." Locke tried to persuade him that the reason why he wanted to go out for training had been clearly told to the two old people, but the two old people just didn\'t listen.

According to old Locke and TIA, don\'t go out of this door until you leave me a blood!

I don\'t blame old Locke and TIA. They are worried. The longer they live, the more clearly they can feel where their deadline is.

To say a bad word, old Locke and TIA probably knew that they would have a few more years to live at most.

At this age, they haven\'t even seen the shadow of a grandson. Can they not be in a hurry.

Anxious to return, Locke can only say that he has tried his best.

The possibility of blood is too low due to the unequal energy levels of life.

It can\'t be said that a few years later, after Locke and several women can\'t conceive blood, Angelina, as the mistress, will consider giving locker several rooms for female knights with a high level of fighting spirit.

There are many palace maids married with Angelina. One of them is a middle-level attendant level master, but Locke doesn\'t start with these women and has no certain emotional foundation. Locke doesn\'t want to be a humanoid planter.

"You go out first and I\'ll talk to my parents." At the critical moment, grace stood up and pulled Locke.

"I\'ll leave it to you." Locke confidently entrusted grace with the task of persuading her parents.

Angelina went to the palace to prepare Locke with all kinds of necessities and medicine for training. Looking at the posture when she left the prince\'s house yesterday, she wanted to empty the Treasury.

Now in the palace, grace is the only hostess who can speak up. Others are either too soft or have no opinions.

Out of the living room, Locke looked up and sighed.

He investigated many Knight families about Xinmi\'s blood inheritance. The high-level attendants are already the top group of strong men of foster besides the first-class knights.

There are nearly 30 high-level attendants in the whole Faustin. In these Knight families, there are two ways to inherit blood. One is to expand branches and leaves and find multiple spouses for family knights, especially those who practice fighting spirit. The other is to insist on continuous hard work for a long time.

The strong of many old aristocratic families, their lineal blood, are usually born very late and old children, which are common among the aristocrats.

According to Locke\'s inference, the main reason for the phenomenon of old children is that when the Knights reach the middle and old age, their physical function decreases, their strength level drops to a low point, and even demoted, they can easily get children.

This kind of situation is put on Locke. With his quasi Knight strength, it will not initially happen until he is in his forties, and when he is 50, it is the best time to obtain children.

But at that time, the high-quality blood that his immediate children can inherit will become uneven.

Aristocrats often have more than ten or twenty children, and they are not afraid that they can\'t afford it. When the younger generation of the family grows up, they can choose the best one as the family heir.

So as to promote the prosperity and prosperity of the family.

Fifty years old... Locke didn\'t care, but old Locke and TIA had absolutely no chance to see their grandchildren at that time.

How did grace finally persuade old Locke and TIA? Locke didn\'t ask. At dinner, the old couple\'s mood had stabilized and stayed in the pro Prince\'s house.

"Come on, Leah, have some of this. It\'s good for you."

"Grace, eat more and don\'t leave any. I asked someone to buy it."

"Christine, how can you be so thin? Come and have some snake soup."

"Xia Xi, you should mend it. This is turtle soup."

At the dinner table, Locke helplessly looked at TIA, like a hen protecting her cubs, and mixed vegetables for several women.

These dishes are food with a certain effect of replenishing qi. They are valuable and are especially suitable for use before sex.

You can just bring food for Leia and grace. Why did you put it back on Christine? Locke hasn\'t done anything to Christine yet.

Unable to stand the atmosphere at the dinner table, Locke quickly picked up the food in front of him and ran to the quiet room to practice.

"Hum, I know how to practice all day!" TIA, who doted on Locke since childhood, was angry today and snorted Locke for the first time.

When Locke finished, TIA filled Christine with a plate of dishes and aimed at the person in the corner of the table.

"Your name is Raffi, right? Come here, come here, sit here." TIA said kindly to Raffi at the edge of the table.

Raffi has followed grace and Christine for so many years, and her former little maid has grown up now. For the sake of cultivating fighting spirit, Raffi has more heroism than ordinary women.

At ordinary times, at the strong request of Locke, Christine and others, Raffi also eats with the table.

But Raffi, who was born as a maid, always couldn\'t let go. He always kept his duty as a maid and sat on the edge when eating.

TIA\'s sudden enthusiasm shocked Raffi\'s body, and a bad feeling came from her heart.

She cast a look of help to the hostess grace, who gave her a reassuring expression.

Turn around and look at Christine again. Christine is busy with herself. She is dealing with the mountains of food on the dinner plate. How can she help her out.

With heavy steps, Raffi walked to the table next to TIA.

When grace became Locke\'s woman, Raffi actually had the consciousness of dedication at any time. After so many years, Locke didn\'t touch her. Is it today?

He glanced up at TIA secretly. Well, it was a look at his daughter-in-law. Raffi accepted his life.