Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 389

"In that case, I think Locke still lacks a mount. Let\'s leave one of your children here?" Ashar said as soon as the wind turned.

Both Lord scorpion and Lord Locke were wide eyed.

Felmos is not Locke\'s mount. It\'s just that when activating the goblin plane, he was lured by Locke with food and various benefits. Since the plane war is over, felmos will certainly return to murphyson with his parents.

As for the scorpion Anji, because she is Angelina\'s magic pet, she continues to stay with Angelina.

The atmosphere is a little cold. The scorpion Dragon Lord obviously wants to refuse, but considering the strong strength of the assar magician and the fact that this is the holy tower territory, he wants to refuse, but he doesn\'t know how to say.

Without allowing the scorpion Dragon Lord to think for too long, a cold hum full of the spiritual impact of the first-class peak magician was issued, and Adams had no choice but to nod and agree.

Its youngest child, only ten years after Angelina, has grown to the level of advanced Warcraft. It\'s not possible to leave another child. It\'s a good thing for its children.

Adams could only comfort himself.

In this way, in the short communication between several people, fermos, who was still sleepy, became Locke\'s Mount again.

What\'s different is that this time it\'s the knight mount of Miao Hong. For the sake of insurance, Locke said he would go to a powerful magician to help sign the contract in the future.

A secondary activated goblin core is far less useful for Locke than a quasi level Warcraft mount. Locke knows that this is not the reward of assar magician, but he can\'t help being grateful.

In the roar of scorpion dragon, the floating ship spewed out a strong column of air and flew into the sky.

The two headed monster scorpion dragons surround both sides of the floating ship from left to right. Locke stands on the deck and waves goodbye to the magicians Ashar and Keira below. Under the control of Angelina, the floating ship flies to the mainland of Messia.

Seven days later, the towering Princeton emperor appeared in sight.

This time, Locke learned to be good. Before entering the boundary of the imperial capital, he put the scorpion Dragon Lord\'s family in a small forest for the time being.

A small forest without Warcraft or even demonized creatures. It belongs to the wilderness. Without Imperial troops, several scorpions can live here at ease.

"I really miss the imperial capital ~" on the bow, light blue long hair fluttered, and Diane opened her arms, as if feeling the tenderness of her hometown.

Babrina Shizu stayed in the activated goblin world, but her apprentice Diane didn\'t. this time, she returned in a floating boat with Locke and Angelina.

Unlike Locke and Angelina, who took time to go back to the wizard world during the reign war, Dani has never come back since she arrived at the Santa tower seven years ago.

Seven years later, the sensitive and weak little girl has also grown up. The baptism of the plane war has made Diane fade her childishness. She holds a magic wand and has clear and firm eyes. Now Diane is a powerful and mysterious Santa magician.

"Go back to Joaquin and get together with them. Your change will definitely scare them!" Locke said with a smile.

Facing Locke\'s teasing, Diane smiled and covered her mouth.

When they came back three years ago, didubi and Locke didn\'t change much. The pedestrians on the streets were in a hurry. The ordinary people at the bottom had to run for a living all year round.

Only those big bellied noble lords were worried about where to have fun today.

Ladies and gentlemen, they choose their favorite jewelry and perfume in shops in the bustling area of imperial capital.

The appearance of the floating ship in the sky amazed the people who found the giant shadow below.

Fortunately, there was no chaos. There were too many floating ships flying to the imperial capital Princeton these two days. At first, the people would make some commotion, and now they are used to it.

And as an emperor, it is also glorious to see so many magical ships that can fly in the sky in a year.

Two first-class Knights flew into the sky, approached the floating ship, confirmed the holy tower sign on the side of the cabin, and guided the floating ship to the imperial Royal College.

Imperial College covers a vast area and has now become a temporary stop for floating ships.

"Angelina, Locke, I\'ll go home and have a look. I\'ll see you later." When she got off the boat, Diane waved.

"OK." Locke nodded.

After dealing with the Imperial Knights who came forward to register their identity, Locke and Angelina walked out of the college hand in hand.

"Here!" Locke snapped his fingers and greeted a carriage waiting for business outside the gate of the Royal College.

"Go to shanschel street." After staying in the sky for a week, both Locke and Angelina were a little tired. After telling the driver the street number, they half narrowed their eyes and rested.

"Yes, my Lord." The coachman was very discerning and did not disturb them.

The carriage drove smoothly on the emperor\'s Kangzhuang Avenue. At this moment, Locke\'s mind was very quiet.

There is no change at home. The two stone lions in front of the door are spotless. It seems that they are often cleaned.

The sound of the carriage stopping seemed to be heard by the people inside. Before long, the door opened and Leah appeared behind the door.

"Sister!" Seeing his yearning sister, Locke ignored Angelina\'s presence and directly came forward to hug her. He didn\'t want to separate for a long time.

"Locke, you\'re finally back." Leah was suddenly hugged by Locke at first, and she couldn\'t let go.

But seeing Angelina\'s indifferent face, and missing her brother\'s mood, she put her hands on Locke\'s shoulder.

"Step, step..." Many footsteps came from the door.

"Brother!" The fastest runner is Christine, a 20-year-old girl who doesn\'t have the modesty of an adult woman. Looking at Locke and Leah holding together, she jumped up with a leap and wanted to hug Locke.

Looking at the girl\'s menacing appearance, Locke was really afraid that she would fall to him, so he quickly opened his arms and caught Christine flying over.

Then there were grace and Xia Xi, two women who were eaten by Locke. They were not so anxious to make out with Locke as Christine, but looked at Locke affectionately.

It was a coincidence today that everyone was at home, holding Leia in one hand and Christine in the other. Locke walked into the house with a smile.

The dinner in the evening was quite sumptuous. The two beautiful cooks, Xiaxi and Leia, cooked a table of delicious food to entertain the returning Locke and Angelina.

At the dinner table, Locke couldn\'t extricate himself from the happiness and warm family affection.

"By the way, sister, how did you know we would come back today?" Remembering that the first person to appear in the afternoon was his sister Leia, Locke asked casually while drinking soup.

"I know, I know!" Christine said.

"Sister Leia weaves clothes or practices magic in the yard near the gate every day, so she is the first to go out." Christine is still thinking about not being the first to enjoy Locke\'s arms.

Locke understood everything when he heard it. Holding Leah\'s hand under the table, everything was silent.

They didn\'t stay long in Princeton. After visiting their acquaintances, they took the floating boat again and flew to foster.

Accompanied by nearly a hundred dark guards, these king sent to protect Angelina\'s comprehensive chess pieces, which are of little use now. Angelina\'s breakthrough of quasi magician is imminent, and there is no need for the protection of this group of soldiers whose strength is generally in low-level and middle-level attendants.

"Brother, how do I think these big guys are a little fatter." Christine took Locke\'s arm and asked, pointing to the scorpions sleeping late on the deck.

Feeling the softness and warmth on his arm, Locke coughed his throat. The girl didn\'t pay attention to the occasion. Didn\'t she see grace watching from a distance.

"Well, it\'s a little bigger." Locke nodded.

He said that these quasi order scorpions ate so many substances rich in energy and vitality in the activated goblin world, and their overall strength has taken a step further.

It\'s too early to directly promote Warcraft, but it\'s conceivable that as long as these scorpions grow up safely for one or two hundred years, they can\'t really reach the realm of their parents.

Christine, who had been harassing Locke, heard that her face turned red and muttered in a low voice, "is it only a little bigger?"

Locke didn\'t understand at first. When he reacted, he quickly covered his face and fled to one side.

Last night, he just had a bowel fight with grace and Xia Xi all night. He didn\'t taste the meat for long. He didn\'t want to annoy grace and lead to an empty room alone at this time.

In other words, Christine is not young. At this age, grace began to let go of Christine\'s careful thinking. Although there is still a barrier psychologically, grace has already convinced herself.

She always wanted to have a baby for Locke, but she was in her thirties. To tell the truth, she was no longer suitable for having a baby, so she turned her attention to Christine.

Locke doesn\'t know a series of psychological changes of grace. In his opinion, Christine will always be the little child. Maybe there are some dirty ideas in his heart, but at least now he can restrain himself.

At night, in the largest room inside the floating boat, on the bed covered with brocade, Locke just after vigorous exercise hugged a beautiful woman with one hand.

"These two medicines, you two put away, one drop a day later, you can apply them externally or take them orally." Locke took two pink potions from the space ring.

"What is this?" Grace asked curiously, opened the medicine plug and smelled.

Grace is now an intermediate magic apprentice. As a minor in medicine refining, she can understand the functions of general potions, and can refine some low-grade potions.

"It can increase life expectancy and delay aging." Locke said so.

Grace\'s eyes brightened, and she had guessed the powerful effect of the medicine through the strong breath of life in the medicine.