Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 390

Grace and Xia Xi are both older. It is not easy for them in their thirties to maintain their beautiful appearance.

But this is not forever. The two women often worry about the wrinkles in the corners of their eyes.

In a world where life expectancy is generally low, 50 is the average age of ordinary people.

Playing with the medicine in her hand, grace thought to study the composition of the medicine one day, which is the psychological quality of a qualified pharmacist.

Xia Xi carefully stored the medicine in the space ring at the head of her bed. Over the years, she has opened many stores in Princeton and earned tens of thousands of golden moles. Xia Xi is very aware of the value of this treasure that can increase life expectancy and delay aging.

After playing with the two women for a while, Locke recovered his strength and gradually became dishonest in his hands, which caused Grace\'s frequent anger.

Xiaxi is a woman who is determined to Locke. No matter what Locke does, she will not resist. Only grace has always had her own opinion.

Stop Locke\'s salty pig hand, grace said with a red face. There\'s another person here who needs your favor.

"Well? Who?" Locke\'s first thought was Christine. No, grace sold her niece so easily.

Grace looked up at the wall next door. Locke looked over. That was Leah\'s room.

"Well..." Locke doesn\'t know what medicine grace sells in her gourd.

"After all these years, I can\'t see your thoughts?" Grace hated iron and steel and ordered Locke\'s strong chest muscles.

Locke didn\'t feel much, but grace bit her silver teeth. Locke\'s muscles are too hard, which can rival the defense of advanced Warcraft.

"I think you should tell Leah\'s sister." Grace finished the second half of her sentence. The oldest of all the girls, grace has long been matched by Leah as a sister.

When grace said this, Locke was embarrassed to lower his head. He really owed Lido.

"Come on, how many more years do you want Leah to wait?" Grace pushed Locke.

At this time, Xia Xi, curled up in the quilt, also raised her head and gave Locke an encouraging look.

Driven by two women on the shelf, considering that her sister is also in her early thirties this year, the best years of a woman\'s life are about to pass, and it\'s really time for him to make a decision.

Thinking of his secret feelings for his sister from childhood to childhood, Locke\'s heart crossed and passed.

"Hey, you don\'t wear clothes? Aren\'t you afraid of catching cold?" Behind her, grace and Xia Xi laughed like silver bells.

Catch a cold. I\'m kidding. With Locke\'s current constitution, nothing will happen if he rolls in the snow in winter.

Tossing and turning in the quilt, she always felt that something was going to happen. Leah couldn\'t sleep.

"Is it because I\'m going home and want to see my parents?" Leah thought so.

Suddenly, with a "click", the door was violently opened, and a dark shadow rushed to the bed.

Leah exclaimed, a handful of flames came out in her hand, but the fireball technique was about to take shape.

It seems that Leah\'s magic talent is also good. Gathering the fire element so quickly not only shows her high affinity for the fire element, but also represents that she has the strength of a low-level magic apprentice.

When she was ready to throw the fireball in her hand to the attacker, the short light generated by fireball in the room made her see who attacked her.

Fireball went out quietly and the room fell into darkness again.

In the dark, both can feel each other\'s breathing and heartbeat.

The exhalation became louder and louder, and the heart beat faster and faster.

The palm touched Leah\'s smooth face, wiped a tear from the corner of Leah\'s eye, and Locke pressed it on.

******(I don\'t dare to write in detail. If anyone wants to see it, wait until Xiaodou builds a reader group, and then take you to drive.)

The next day was sunny. It was rare that Locke didn\'t get up early to practice on the deck.

After getting up, he went to the kitchen of the floating boat and brought Leah a bowl of thick soup made by Xiaxi. Locke can\'t believe that everything is so smooth.

"You two were not quiet last night!" Grace said impolitely, making Locke a red face.

Fortunately, Leah didn\'t hear it. Otherwise, it\'s estimated that she won\'t have the face to see grace and other women for a long time.

Like the reagent given to grace and Xia Xi yesterday, Locke gave Leah one.

This pink potion was specially made by assar magician at the request of Locke. It integrates the strong vitality of first-class activated goblins, and has a variety of precious magic materials for neutralization, so that even ordinary people can take this potion.

But the quantity is not large. Locke has only six, and he has already allocated them. Grace, Xia Xi and LIA each, his parents each, and the last one is given to old king foster as Angelina\'s bride price.

This kind of medicine that can increase the life span, which is made by a formal magician above level 1 and spends a lot of precious materials, is priceless.

Locke wants to marry Angelina. This potion is only one of the bride price. He has saved a lot of other things. The space ring is full and will never disgrace the identity of Princess Angelina.

At noon, he sweated a set of fists and wiped his sweat with the towel handed by his sister Leia. Locke found that Angelina was a little absent-minded today.

After talking to his sister Leia, Locke went to the control room of the floating ship to find Angelina.

Sure enough, Angelina, who was manipulating the floating ship, looked dull.

"What\'s the matter?" Locke came forward and hugged Angelina.

"What do you say?" Angelina asked angrily.

Locke felt guilty and didn\'t say a word.

These days when he returned to the three western islands, in order to solve his missing, he stayed with grace and Xia Xi most of the night, and ate Leah last night.

Now there are more women related to him than grace and Xiaxi. It\'s strange that Angelina has no idea.

As a princess, Angelina can endure Locke so much. She can only say that she loves Locke too much.

Suddenly her shoulder hurt, but Angelina turned and bit it.

Worried about crushing Angelina\'s teeth, Locke specially relaxed the muscles and skin on her shoulder at the cost of a row of tooth marks on her shoulder.

"I know you haven\'t seen them for a long time, but I also want to have your love." Put your face on Locke\'s shoulder, Angelina said.

"OK." Hold the beauty in your arms tightly, Locke said.

"Go back and propose to your father." Angelina continued.

"OK." Locke solemnly promised.


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