Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 388

Outside the two space fortresses, thousands of giant floating ships rushed out of the activated goblin plane and flew to the internal platform of the space fortress.

The space crack once opened by the fourth level strong Odyssey still exists, and after the Santa magicians reinforced, this crack is much wider than before.

Three guardians died in succession, and an amazing number of activated goblins were killed. The plane consciousness of activated goblins was extremely weak.

There is no need for the level-4 strong to suppress it personally. Only a level-3 magician can stabilize the channel and make this crack exist for a long time.

Through the transparent glass window, Locke and Angelina stood in the corridor of an area in the Space Fortress, looking at the smaller and smaller level of activated goblins in their sight.

"Every time I stand here, I am always shocked and convinced by the vastness and mystery of the star world. I want to explore the mystery of the star world like those powerful magicians who are praised and sung." Angelina leans in Locke\'s arms. In her eyes, in addition to the activated goblin plane that has lived and fought for several years, there are more twinkling stars in the star world.

Every star represents a plane. I\'m afraid even the most knowledgeable magician can\'t give a specific value of how many planes there are in the endless world.

Different from Angelina\'s exclamation, Locke is about to go home. At this time, Locke\'s mind is more about the relatives of the three western islands.

Without any lofty ideals, he prefers to live with his family. To be honest, he misses grace and other girls in Princeton and Foster\'s parents too much.

The two space fortresses sprayed dazzling sparks. After the energy of the element pool was sufficient and the magic circuit was checked, Locke and Angelina embarked on their way home.

This time, the interior of the space fortress is much more spacious. The two space fortresses share all the knight attendants and magic apprentices. All the slave creatures stay at the level of activated goblins and continue to suppress, so that all the people in the space fortress can be allocated to one room on average.

It doesn\'t matter to magicians, but it\'s good news for knights. They were fed up with the big bunk with seven or eight people in a room.

This time back home, Locke and Angelina were not assigned any operation and maintenance tasks. For a long time of four months, in addition to cultivation, they set up a stall on a small communication square in the space fortress.

This small square can hold about 1500 people. Maybe everyone is suffocated. There is a considerable flow of people at different times of the day.

Locke and Angelina are not backed by several first-class magicians behind them. They can\'t occupy a good position to set up a stall.

What she sells is nothing more than Angelina\'s hands-on works. In the use stage of magic apprentices and knight attendants, Angelina can make most of the low-level magic guides at this time.

That elder martial uncle Jos said he couldn\'t do alchemy at first. It was just his joke or modest words. Angelina\'s rapid progress in alchemy in such a short time had something to do with Jos\'s occasional guidance.

Angelina learned from her mentor Kayla that uncle Jos is a powerful level 3 magician of light and fire.

This is only part of Jose\'s ability. His nickname is "no face", which has nothing to do with the element of light and fire.

What magicians do must be fine products, including Locke. Many Knights think so.

Angelina\'s magic guides sold well during her business and were favored by many Knight attendants.

In this horizontal war, more than half of the high-ranking attendants were from the small kingdoms and principalities on the mainland of Messia.

These high-ranking attendants must rely on their strong strength in their own country, can be granted titles, and are in the middle or high level of national power.

But when they came into contact with the plane war and broaden their horizons, they found out how humble and ignorant they were.

As high-level attendants, the difference in strength is like clouds and mud. In addition to the difference in Qi fighting and cultivation skills, the more reason lies in equipment.

Under normal circumstances, the high-level attendants from Princeton, the imperial capital of the omor Empire, must be better than those from a certain principality, which is caused by different horizons and contact ranges.

The magic guides sold by Angelina, a top student of Imperial College and a noble alchemist under the Santa gate, are the fastest way for those knights to lower the gap between them.

After several years of horizontal war, the Knights are "not bad for money", and a few medium and high-level activated goblin cores are nothing at all.

If it wasn\'t for alchemy, Angelina would spend a lot of time and production time was relatively long. The speed of money would be more exaggerated than Locke\'s previous buying and selling.

The time of four months is fleeting. Of course, it is very long for people who are homesick.

During this period, Locke and Angelina also occasionally met Roma knights and other knights belonging to the kingdom of forstan.

The level of activated goblins is so large, and the space fortress is so large. It\'s very lucky to meet them before going home.

The local Knight Roma has a deeper and stronger breath than before, and has not fallen in the war. It is certain that the kingdom of forstan will be protected from foreign enemies for at least the next one or two hundred years under the protection of the Roma knight.

In addition to the land Knight Rom, there were two first class knights, more than ten high-ranking attendants, who visited Angelina\'s "Princess Highness" one after another.

Among these knights, Locke only knew one Roma knight. He felt that the strength of the Roma Knight at this time was not far from that of the local Knight Garcia.

The knight of will he thought he would meet was not among the high-ranking attendants. When Locke joined the army, he was taken care of by the knight of will.

I don\'t know whether the will Knights fell or didn\'t participate in the plane war. Because he was unfamiliar with these knights, Locke didn\'t ask. From a rational point of view, the former is more likely.

When the Space Fortress docked outside the wizard world, there was an emergency communication from the fortress that the floating ship was about to take off.

"Your Highness, would you like to come back home with us?" Asked the Roma knight.

"No, I have to go back to Princeton first, and I won\'t go back to Forrest until about two months later." Angelina shook her head.

"Yes." The Roma Knight nodded. It was the princess\'s right. He had no right to interfere.

Before turning around and leaving, the Roma knight took a look at Locke standing next to Angelina. Unexpectedly, they were together after all. I don\'t know whether his majesty promised or not.

The strict and straight Roma Knight rarely gossips.

Standing on the deck of the floating ship flying to the Santa tower, Locke hugged Angelina and said, "when will babrina Shizu come back? Did you hear the news?"

"No, tutor. She didn\'t say the date when grandma babrina came back." Angelina shook her head.

The two floating ships carry all Knight attendants and magic apprentices. There are not many people above level 1, especially the formal members of the two organizations. Only one third of them come back.

The remaining two-thirds will continue to stay in the activated goblin world to build and develop this new plane.

When everything is on track, the Knights and magicians will come back in batches, ranging from two to four years.

There is a long service life above level 1, and I won\'t care for a few years.

Magician Ashar and magician Kaila came back together and didn\'t stay there with magician babrina.

Dozens of floating ships landed outside the holy tower and left for so long. The official magicians were fine. Those more numerous magic apprentices could not help moistening their eyes when they returned to this familiar land.

Six years is too long for them without long life span and long memory.

Two days later, it is also the docking area for floating ships outside the holy tower.

"I\'ll give you a long holiday this time." Kaila magician, dressed in a flawless magic robe, said to Angelina standing in front of her.

"Thank you, mentor." Angelina bent down to thank her sincerely.

On the other side, wearing a black robe and exuding mystery, the assar magician looked at Locke, who was also ready to go, and said, "don\'t you really regret giving me such a precious thing?"

"How can I regret it? Master, you have taken care of me a lot. Only when you have this activated essence, can you give play to it." Locke said respectfully.

After helping assar magician finish the last experiment yesterday, Locke handed over the secondary activated goblin core to assar magician.

Among the Santa magicians, the best for Locke is the assar magician, although she always wanted to experiment with herself.

"Well, Santa magician pays attention to the principle of equivalence. I will remember your kindness." Said the assar magician.

Locke grinned. In fact, he had no intention of asking assar magician to return anything.

"What about you? Don\'t you think about settling in the forest outside the holy tower?" The magician ASAR turned and looked at the scorpion Dragon Lord who was ready to fly by the floating ship.

When assar magician asked, scorpion Dragon Lord Adams was embarrassed and said, "we have lived in Murphy forest for hundreds of years and have been used to it."

How can the scorpion Dragon Lord bring his family to settle in the forest outside the Santa tower and serve as free experimental materials for Santa magicians?

The forest is actually a bigger zoo. These scorpion dragons are used to it. They are willing to be driven by magicians. Unless forced, it is difficult to succeed.

Moreover, there are many "pets" of powerful magicians in this forest. First-class Warcraft and super class Warcraft are common, and third-class and semi divine beasts also exist. Adam LISS doesn\'t want to have so many terrible neighbors around him.

It\'s good to be in the Murphy forest. You can dominate yourself and the scorpion dragon family can thrive.


Ask for a wave of tickets and recommend tickets. Xiaodou doesn\'t choose~