Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 387

In this war of aggression to activate the goblin world, it is too far fetched to say that the Messian continental Knight palace led by Odyssey was set off independently, because the holy tower also played a considerable role in it.

However, it can also be seen from the side of this sentence that the palaces of knights under Odyssey played a great role in this plane war. Nearly two-thirds of the land was won by these knights.

Knights who have made such remarkable achievements should certainly strive for the maximum benefits for themselves.

Who says that Knights eat by muscles. The old and refined Bolong is no worse than other wily magicians in some details.

Activating the goblin world is a big cake. Activating the goblin, unique plant materials and rich mineral resources. The distribution of these booty requires a long and careful wrangling in order to make all forces get an ideal return.

Fortunately, the smell of gunpowder at the meeting was not strong. Mister put on a high attitude that he had nothing to do with himself. After getting what the Santa tower deserved, he rarely spoke again.

Azir, who represents the power of another knight\'s palace, didn\'t say a word throughout the whole process. They only participated in the final stage of the plane war. The credit must be there, but don\'t want to eat the most delicious steak.

Azir didn\'t care how many benefits he could get. As a small world, the Centaur world was much larger than the activated goblin world in terms of comprehensive value. The knight Palace on their continent had already harvested considerable resources.

What made Azur unhappy at this time was that he was injured by these indigenous creatures at the end of two plane wars.

The self explosion level of the activated goblin sacrificial gold, with the additional improvement of the guardian of the plane, has been close to the semi God level strong man. Although Azur fled immediately at the critical moment and avoided most of the damage, the remaining energy affected him and hurt him a lot.

If you want to recover to the peak state, don\'t think about it without a lot of resources or a long time of cultivation.

Azir was good. The other three heavenly knights with him, one dead and two seriously injured, cast a heavy shadow on the victory of the plane war.

Speaking of it, it makes sense that the knight Palace on the continent of Mercia won the fattest harvest in the world of activating goblins. In addition to their achievements, they also paid quite a lot.

The last strong man in the western three islands who stayed at level 4 put all his eggs in one basket, personally took the space fortress and led millions of troops to land on this micro plane.

Three demigod Knights under his command, one of whom is his own son.

The number of level 3 sky Knights accounts for 90% of the mainland of Mercia, which can be said to be in full swing.

I don\'t know how much it cost to succeed in winning this position. Even during the Odyssey, they forced a shot. If they don\'t get a big head, it really doesn\'t make sense.

The high-level booty distribution meeting discussed for nearly a week before dividing the three continents of the activated goblin plane into dozens and reasonably dividing them to all parties.

Locke has never heard of this class of meetings, let alone participated in them.

The masquerade martial uncle attended the meeting as a member, but he was cold and unfathomable, and he was not interested in telling too much to these first-class and less than first-class kids.

Just said, "in another six months, you can go back." Triggered the infinite reverie of Locke and others.

No matter how good it is to activate goblins and how many resources they have, they can\'t compare with the three native western islands, where they have their relatives and fetters.

When the big men stood at the height of the whole continent and macroscopically mobilized and allocated the whole plane resources, Locke, as a small man, also gathered the benefits as much as possible at the end of the plane war.

This is human nature, not only Locke, but also hundreds of thousands of knights and magicians in the whole activated goblin world.

Both the holy tower and the knight\'s Palace are open, closed, or completely closed.

The surviving knights and magicians are the pillars of the two forces in the coming decades or even centuries. There is no need to make a big fuss because of this small profit.

How many benefits can these bottom knights and magicians take, open their space rings and let them take, but they can\'t take one tenth of the overall profit of activating the goblin plane.

The resources generated by the regular and complete level of any party are long with thin water flow. As long as there is no extinction mining, this is a hen that can lay golden eggs.

The two large organizations that have existed on the three western islands for thousands of years can\'t see through this.

In the space ring in his hand, there are miscellaneous materials purchased from the troops of the nearby Knight palace. Locke embarked on the way back to their magician troops.

After the distribution of these materials, a large amount of energy spar was recorded. Locke planned how much profit he could make this time.

After waiting for the hand energy spar, he went to the knight army to buy materials. In this cycle, a large amount of wealth was obtained. Locke estimated that when he set foot on the Space Fortress home, he might have saved enough resources to promote a first-class knight, and there would be a lot of surplus.

People are making progress. In the past, Locke would probably hunt and kill those wild activated goblins like most knights to obtain their heart core.

But now, Locke chooses to use his knowledge and contacts to reap the maximum profit at the least cost.

After helping assar magician do the experiment for so long, there is Angelina, a diligent magic apprentice. Locke has little contact with all kinds of materials rich in the activation goblin world, but he can also distinguish three or four out of ten.

The Knights seldom studied all kinds of precious materials, and they didn\'t have time to study them carefully after five years of fighting to activate the goblin plane.

As long as it contains certain energy and has higher growth vitality than other surrounding plants, it must be useful. This is the means for knights to collect various materials while hunting and activating goblins.

Simple but practical.

Locke\'s task is to carefully identify what these materials belong to and give these collected Knights a reasonable price.

As for the sales, it\'s even more worrying. Only the hundreds of magic apprentices in their magic army are a huge customer group. Locke\'s hand cramps when counting money.

There are also flexible magic apprentices who do the same things as Locke. Their knowledge reserve is more than a little stronger than Locke.

But for the knights, whether to choose a strange magic apprentice trade or Locke, who is also a knight, most of the knights with upright minds and believe in their comrades in arms chose Locke.

Locke is not worried about being robbed of business. There are too many business opportunities. He can\'t swallow everything alone.