Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 386

After an earth shaking noise, the whole earth trembled briefly.

Even the combat groups of both sides hundreds of miles away here can feel this great power.

In the center of the battle group, the body temperature of the people in their arms cools. No matter how the sunflower sacrifice inputs its own energy, it can\'t wake up the bingo people in its arms.

"Fen lan..." As the holy city sacrifice that all activated goblins follow and worship after the world tree, Jin didn\'t have the appearance and posture of the holy city sacrifice at this time.

Holding the body in his arms, his expression was heavy, and the muddy tears of bean were dripping. Jin regretted that he had been afraid to express his inner thoughts for so many years. When the person he cared about died, he cried here like a coward.

In the explosion just now, Jin felt a familiar smell.

It was Arnold, the genius who activated the goblin world, who finally chose to explode to end his life.

"In that case, I also..." Holding the corpse of the iceberg man, the sunflower priest stood up and hobbled forward without fear in the face of the many strong people who surrounded him.

"Be careful, Ogan. There should be something wrong with them." Azur, a semi divine knight with golden armor and the title of "golden gun rider", charged the three heavenly Knights around him. He also heard the explosion just now, and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Being besieged by four strong men, there is no room for the activation of goblin sacrifice. Now as long as we maintain the struggle of trapped animals and don\'t be attacked by it on the verge of death, there is no problem.

"After the death of Lord world tree, the title of guardian did not fall to Arnold, who was more gifted, but fell to me. This is probably the last gift from the mother world to me." The sunflower sacrifice muttered to himself with words that only he could hear, "then, with the function of plane blessing, I want to see how bright the light belongs to me!"

"Fen lan... Let\'s go together." Jin did what he wanted to do most in his life and never dared to do. After gently kissing the Bingguo man\'s body in his arms, he was shining in an instant. The strong energy fluctuation centered on the sunflower sacrificial Jin\'s body and began to shoot in all directions.

"No, get out of here! It\'s too late to stop it!" Azur\'s dead spirit took a big leap, stamped his right foot and fled to the distance.

The remaining three heavenly Knights also found the abnormal shape of the activated goblin, and tried their best to speed up and flee in all directions.

The close range self explosion of a level 3 creature, whether a demigod knight or a sky knight, is unwilling to touch the edge.

As for the ordinary knights and second-class knights who are close to here on the battlefield, we can only expect them to ask for more blessings. At a critical juncture, even with the strong strength of heaven knights, we can\'t help these bottom Knights do anything.

The skin is chapped, and slight light is transmitted from the cracked skin. The sunflower sacrifice gold is temporarily transformed into a light man.

"It\'s so bright ~" after Jin spit out the last sentence of his life, the gorgeous light swallowed up Jin.

The light ball expanded more and more. After the bodies of gold and Bingguo people turned into ashes, the light ball spread around. The powerful energy fluctuation and gravity made countless creatures integrate into the light ball in the scream.

When the material that the photosphere can hold reaches the limit, an explosion with wider range, louder sound and more violent vibration will occur in the southern plain of Huahai continent on the other bank.

Countless flying flowers, fluttering and burning, flowing fire everywhere.

On the other side of the sea of flowers, the mainland is known as the "sea of flowers" because flowers do not fall in four seasons. However, today, thousands of flowers die and wither under natural and man-made disasters.

Millions of creatures were buried. In terms of power, the self explosion of this activated goblin sacrifice can be compared with the northern corona meteor shower summoned by the semi divine magician mister.

The generation of terror power caused by being so close to the level 4 strong person not only represents the defeat of the activated goblins, but also the final afterglow has dissipated; It also represents the end of the plane war. After spending a considerable price, magicians and Knights have obtained all control of the activated goblin world, and the activated goblin plane has become another enslavement plane of the three western islands.

"Locke, the tutor said that there were 10000 activated goblins on it. Lead the slave creatures to the designated coordinates." Angelina\'s voice came from the brooch.

"I see." Said Locke, holding the brooch.

Angelina\'s alchemy has improved again. The transmission distance of this brooch has not only been widely improved, but also has the function of reply.

Just inject your mind into it and cooperate with a little fighting energy. Locke can also communicate with Angelina in reverse at ordinary times.

Several quasi rank scorpions and Dragons swept the array, 800 ferocious slave creatures whipped and drove away, and 10000 activated goblins and civilians were slowly escorted to the position where the floating ship was coming.

In the former No. 7 theater, now the command headquarters of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace, several senior leaders of both forces gathered here for a meeting.

"What did Lord Odyssey say?" Asked a heavenly knight.

"Convergence of ordinary activated goblins as soon as possible." On the throne, Bolong said.

"All back?" A heavenly Knight cannot set a channel to activate the aborigines of the goblin world, which adds up to hundreds of millions. With the huge volume of the Space Fortress, it is unrealistic to transport all of them back to the three western islands.

"Of course not. Several high-power refining furnaces have been built with the assistance of many Santa mages." Bolong finished and glanced at Meester, who sat silent in the corner of the headquarters.

"Does the adult have a specific time limit?"

"Within a year."

"Do you want to leave some activated goblins as seeds to harvest the precious resource of activated goblins for a long time?"

"It\'s very necessary. You can discuss the specific matters with master Meester and set up a conservation area and habitat for the activated goblins, but be careful not to let them give birth to more than one level of activated goblins."


After years of cooperation and plane war plunder, the knight palace and the holy tower have their own set of post-war benefit maximization operation steps.

The two forces complement each other, achieve unity in contradictions, and grow together.

The only thing that is not right is that only the part of the sky Knight belonging to the Odyssey adult is actively discussing in the whole meeting.

The number of heavenly knights in this part is also the largest, with two-thirds.

Mister, who belongs to the Santa power, seldom spoke at the meeting, but occasionally put forward one or two key proposals, which won considerable interests for the Santa side.

There were only two people present who didn\'t speak from beginning to end.

First, faceless Jos, who doesn\'t care much about the distribution of benefits, is certainly qualified to sit here as one of the few semi divine magicians in the Santa tower.

Second, azir, known as the "golden gun rider", the semi divine Knight under Lord zekley is in a poor state. It seems that his injury has not completely recovered from the self explosion of activating the goblin sacrifice.


I didn\'t notice when we broke through 1 million words. Today, I saw a lot of emotion. From the beginning to now, I thank all readers for their support. Without your support, Xiaodou would never stick to it until now.