Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 385

On the east coast of the fertile land continent, an activated goblin city built on a mountain cliff appeared in front of the holy tower team.

The air was filled with the salty humidity of the sea water, and the sound of huge waves hitting the cliffs could not be heard.

The city is crowded with a large number of activated goblin soldiers, which is not the key point. What is striking is that among tens of thousands of activated goblins, there are three city master level activated goblins and one leader level activated goblins.

"Well, I didn\'t expect that the defense force of activating goblins is so strong in this city." Said babrina, standing on the back of a giant turtle slave creature.

"Forced by us, the city has gathered nearly 300000 activated goblins, and one leader is normal." Bosh, holding the magic wand, said with a smile.

Obviously, he is a secondary activated goblin, but he doesn\'t seem to pay attention to the relaxed tone of the two official magicians.

Jos, the masked man standing next to Kayla and Angelina, said to Angelina, "I\'m not good at alchemy. The only magic guide is the pale mask inherited by the teacher and the heart core of the secondary activated goblin. It\'s just a gift for you from my martial uncle."

Ho, the martial uncle\'s tone is quite big, but both Angelina and Kayla take it for granted.

With a wave of long sleeve, Jos jumped up and stayed in mid air without any energy leakage.

All the magical apprentices and slave creatures had a good heart and made way for the powerful magician, which was 50 meters wide.

Riding on the scorpion dragon\'s back and holding a long gun, Locke knew that he would see the martial uncle\'s "divine power" again.

On the far city wall, the activated goblins stationed by virtue of the strong city wall looked curiously at how these invaders had not moved for a long time. Was it because they were afraid of Lord dadalian.

Lord Dalian, who was regarded as the only one to rely on by all the activated goblins in the city, suddenly became a little agitated. What\'s the reason? Judging from the strength of the invaders in front of him, there\'s nothing stronger than himself. The enemy flying directly above the invader\'s troops has only one level of energy fluctuation. It\'s not a worry.

When dadalian comforted himself so much, he was identified as the enemy with only "level 1". His right hand slowly stretched forward, and a complex six pointed star array appeared with mysterious light spots.

With the counterclockwise rotation of the six pointed star array, the fluctuation of magic became larger and larger. In just two seconds, the increase was 30 times, and it was still rising steadily.

"No!" Dadalian screamed.

Before it could escape from the city wall, a red light column ran through it. A circular hole of nearly 30 meters appeared on the wall of the activated goblin city. As for the activated goblins around the hole, the weak ones were directly gasified. Only the generals who reached the middle level activated goblins left pieces of corpses.

As for the second level activated goblin Lord, as the target of the red light column attack, under the combined attack of burst fire element and light element, two-thirds of his brain was melted, that is, with the strong physique of the second level creature and the super repair ability of the activated goblin, he must not live.

In addition, an activated goblin city master who was close to the leader was affected by the red light column. He lost half of his body and died on the spot.

In the air, the disorder of light and fire magic has not subsided, and the activated goblins on the city wall fell into chaos after being stunned for a short time.

That\'s a powerful Lord dadalian. These invaders are so terrible that even Lord dadalian didn\'t stop them. Ordinary activated goblins are running and fleeing, and the beam of shocking light they just saw is constantly emerging in their mind.

While the city wall was broken and the two powerful activated goblins died, Locke made a quick decision, raised his long gun and shouted "kill!".

Fermo, the scorpion dragon carrying Locke, rushed forward with heavy steps, followed by several quasi order scorpions and thousands of slave creatures behind him.

In the sky, two shadows blocking the light were faster and rushed towards the activated goblin City, but it was the scorpion Dragon Lord Adams and his spouse Shiva.

The magicians in the rear also reacted immediately, and the magic fluctuated one after another. After a short singing, it turned into hundreds of various magic and crashed into the city of activated goblins, causing greater chaos to the activated goblins.

"That activated goblin belongs to me!" Assar magician turned into a black streamer and flew to the city wall. He was an eggplant City Lord who commanded the battle of activating goblins at the bottom.

"Then leave the other end to me and the scorpion Dragon Lord." Magician bosh followed him like a burning fireball and rushed to the apple Man City Lord who was fighting with scorpion Lord Adams.

Although in the previous month, I saw this powerful martial uncle take action many times to crush and kill the activated goblin city master who was in the way, I could kill the second level Lord, which really shocked Angelina, a high-level apprentice.

Jos is not a person who likes to show off and talk. After killing the activated goblin Lord in understatement, he flew to the rear of the camp. Angelina knows that the martial uncle is going to finish his experiment.

"Don\'t forget to get your present yourself." In the air, martial uncle\'s voice came faintly.

He refers to the heart core of the activated goblin Lord whose head has been melted.


The battle ended quite quickly. Before the sunset, which represents the evening, the city with a population of 300000 activated goblins has been completely controlled by the Santa tower forces.

Like the smooth degree of the previous month, after the unfathomable martial uncle joined, their attack tide never stopped.

Flat push, or flat push. No creature can stand in front of them.

And Locke found that their team was still a powerful activated goblin city. From the fertile land of the eastern continent, they directly attacked and plundered to the coast and looked down.

After receiving four high-level activated goblin cores, Locke was satisfied to choose the tree house in the city to stay tonight.

It\'s so hot and humid here that Locke plans to find a high place to sleep.

"Locke, here!" A familiar voice came. Locke looked up. Angelina was holding Diane and waving to herself.

"Didn\'t you study tonight?" Locke went over and asked curiously that Angelina has been more tired than Locke recently. As far as he knows, master Kayla will assign Angelina a considerable amount of homework every night.

"Of course, I\'m going with Diane later." Angelina said with a smile.

"Here you are!" Before Locke could react, Angelina stuffed a space ring into Locke\'s hand.

Looking at the shape and material of the space ring, Locke can already judge that it is one of the works refined by Angelina herself.

At her age of more than 20, she can make a space ring alone, which reflects Angelina\'s understanding and mastery of the magic of space and her high attainments in alchemy.

Now Angelina is estimated to be the only powerful alchemist who can refine space equipment among the magicians officially counted by the kingdom of foster.

Locke didn\'t believe that Angelina gave him this ring to show off to him, but before he asked the specific reason, Angelina took Diane and left here happily.

Two dynamic and beautiful women talked about what kind of activating essence to use to maintain their skin tonight, while discussing the problem of magic.

Locke, who didn\'t get the answer, stopped and put his mind into the space ring to see what riddles Angelina played for him.

In the ring with only half a cubic meter of space, there is an activated goblin core that is transparent, round and glittering with bright yellow light.

"This." Locke mulu was surprised that the quality of this activated goblin core was more precious than the first-class activated goblin core he saw in assar magician\'s laboratory.

"It\'s the heart core of the secondary activated goblin!" Locke carefully placed the space ring inside the armor to preserve.

These treasures are given to Locke and Angelina now. They have no half effect. Locke has already figured out how to deal with this secondary heart core.


"Rush! Crush them!"


"Run away, the terrible invader is coming!"


After seven months of rampaging and killing in the holy tower and knight palace, the fertile land continent finally fell in full force. The slightly powerful activated goblins were killed, and hundreds of millions of activated goblins civilians were displaced. They became the targets of magicians and knights to capture and enslave.

Then, in a large tonnage floating ship, Locke followed several official magicians to the last pure land of activating goblins - the other shore of Huahai continent.

The last pure land is also very reluctantly, because six months ago, the knight palace that invested more power in the activated goblin world had already set foot here.

The four demigod Knights joined forces and had only a few resistance forces of level 3 activated goblins. They retreated one after another. In half a year, they had lost two-thirds of the control over the flower sea world on the other side.

By the time Locke and his men arrived, the war had reached its final stage.

The three-level activated goblins that caused the most confusion to the invading Party: vine man, banana man and sunflower sacrifice gold, were sniped and killed by semi God strong men and sky Knight successively. The activated goblins in this continent have fallen into chaos.

"After all, there is no enemy..." The wooden handle in his hand is broken, and several indelible wounds on his body are gushing blood. This activated goblin is the strongest genius in the world in hundreds of years. Arnold the banana man has come to the end of his life.

Not far away, several invaders with a terrible smell bombarded the intricate vine branches in the pit on the ground. The smell in the pit became weaker and weaker until it disappeared. Arnold smiled miserably. The vine man who had a good relationship with the activated goblin world must have died.

As a three-level strongman of the same era, although Arnold had been living in seclusion in the mountains and forests before, he still communicated with the vine man on the other side of the Huahai continent.

"Alas, die." Holding the wooden handle, he felt that the invaders came towards him. Arnold\'s heart was full of nostalgia for life and reluctance to give up his mother. He had not fully breathed the air of the beautiful and activated goblin world.