Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 384

Another two months later, in front of an ancient tree twined activated goblin city in the fertile Eastern continent, thousands of slave creatures rushed to the city to attack.

Hundreds of slave creatures swarmed in front of the activated goblin City, where strong element fluctuations were gathering and forming.

When all kinds of powerful magic fell head-on over the activated goblin City, the small town with only one activated goblin city master declared its destruction.

Riding on the scorpion dragon\'s back, Locke was more calm than two months ago.

This is not only to conserve energy, but also the forbearance before breaking the cocoon into a butterfly. Locke squeezed his energy as much as possible and made it more solid through the perception when he obtained the promotion of many first-class strong men.

The fighting spirit of the wind system is not known for its bravery. The fighting spirit of the eagle that Locke practices is not a top-grade fighting spirit, so it can be tempered and squeezed by Locke so easily.

But this is not as simple as it seems. Locke will condense his fighting spirit to the limit one day. At that time, it is the difficult time to really promote a knight.

Why can only first-class creatures really participate in the war in place? Less than first-class creatures will end up as mole ants. No matter who they are, they don\'t want to give their fate to the mercy of the top strong.

"Go! Destroy their defenses and enslave them!" With a wave of the long sword in his hand, Locke\'s indifferent voice resounded through the wall in front of him with the help of the diffusion of fighting spirit.

Master ASAR, a first-class top power, entangled the city master of this activated goblin city. For the Santa army, victory is in sight.

"The little guy grew up well." In the rear, in the magician camp, magician bosh, who had fire lines printed on his robe, said with a smile to babrina next to him.

Locke\'s move of applying fighting spirit to sound just now is not a simple fighting spirit skill, but has been a little similar to the sound reinforcement of magicians, just using the energy form of fighting spirit.

"Yes." Babrina nodded noncommittally.

The two first-class magicians were also in a hurry. They didn\'t take care of the magician\'s army, but watched Locke fight in front with interest.

In the past two months, the attack tide of the holy tower and the knight palace has risen sharply. In addition to the removal of strong resistance, the strength of the two forces is also slowly improving.

The plane war is an act of plundering others to make up for themselves. Apart from the turned in, a large part of the activated essence harvested by knights and magicians are taken by them to improve themselves.

In activating the ectopic side of the goblin world, under the suppression of the position plane, it is indeed quite difficult to improve the strength, but it does not mean that it cannot be improved. There are still many talents who use the position plane suppression force as a means of tempering, meet the difficulties and break through the bottleneck.

Of course, the promotion of attendants and apprentices to the first level and the first level to the second level is still very rare, mainly based on small breakthroughs.

However, it is conceivable that as long as these high-level attendants and magic apprentices return to the three western islands of the wizard world safely, they will inevitably usher in a blowout like breakthrough boom for a period of time.

After capturing the activated goblin City, Locke was hurriedly called back by Angelina before he could have a rest.

A brooch made by Angelina herself in front of her chest is one of the major achievements Angelina has learned from her mentor during this period, with the function of short-distance communication and transmission.

Angelina showed everyone her unparalleled alchemy talent.

"What\'s up?" With Angelina holding her hand, the smell of blood on Locke hasn\'t completely dissipated.

"The tutor called me. I\'m in a hurry. I don\'t know the details." Angelina ran and turned back to clean Locke.

In the center of the camp, there are rare slave creatures that are not on duty, not even magic apprentices. It seems that they have been sent away and are empty.

A black iron box covering an area of 56 square meters attracted Locke\'s attention. He had never seen it before and looked like the alchemy product of a magician.

Angelina also looked at the unknown alchemy product curiously. In a short observation, she couldn\'t see its purpose.

But now the important thing is not this. Looking for the familiar spiritual fluctuation, Angelina pulls Locke into the camp where mage Kayla is staying.

As soon as she met the curtain of the camp, Angelina felt an extremely terrible mental force sweep by. Although she stayed for less than a second, Angelina was still scared pale.

This has exceeded her cognition. In terms of the intensity of mental power, this mental power sweep has been dozens of times that of her mentor, magician Ashar, and it seems that this is just an unintentional fluctuation of mental power.

The same feeling is Locke, whose mental strength is lower than Angelina.

Spirituality has never been a knight\'s strength.

However, his performance was better than that of Angelina. Although he was covered with sweat and hair and an unspeakable sense of crisis was in front of him, Locke still suppressed his instinct to flee and walked into the camp with Angelina.

In the camp, in addition to the terrorist existence, there are several smells belonging to mage Ashar and mage Kaila. He believes there will be no danger.

When the curtain of the camp was lifted, the first thing that came into view was the magicians Ashar and Kaila who gathered together. There were still green blood stains of activated goblins on the magician Ashar. Obviously, like Locke, he hurried over just after the battle.

Magician bosh and magician babrina were also here. They showed great prudence. They didn\'t have the momentum that a level-1 magician should have at ordinary times.

The reason for all this in the camp was a strange magician wearing a white mask who talked closely with magician Kaila at this time.

On the white mask, there was nothing such as nose, eyes and mouth. Locke looked as if the whole person would be sucked in by this mask. It was strange and terrible.

He quickly withdrew his mind. Locke and Angelina stood at the door, motionless.

It\'s not that they don\'t want to go in, but they can\'t. from the instinct of life and the smell of danger, Locke feels that as long as he is close to the masked person, he will be squeezed by the powerful energy fluctuations around him, resulting in a certain internal injury.

He is such a terrible quasi knight, not to mention Angelina, who is weak.

"Oh? Is this your apprentice?" Said the masked man, turning to the tent door.

There were no organs on the white mask. Locke still felt that the mask man was staring at them. To be exact, it was staring at Angelina who was paralyzed in his arms.

"Good will, but poor physique." After a comment, the masked man put away his energy fluctuations.

Feelings are not unintentionally distributed by the powerful person, but deliberately performed in order to explore Angelina\'s potential?

"Elder martial brother, you scared my apprentice!" Kaila magician said angrily.

When did Locke see the icy and jade mage Kaila make such an expression? He couldn\'t react for a moment.

"Since I\'m your apprentice and the seed of our vein, I\'ll compensate the little guy." Said the masked man.

Maybe the masked man usually doesn\'t communicate with others too much, and his sentences are a little stiff.

Kayla also knew her elder martial brother\'s temper. Helpless, she threw a silver white light band on Locke and Angelina.

Suddenly, the internal injury just squeezed by the powerful energy fluctuation of the mask man was soon relieved under the appeasement of the light magic, and some previous small hidden injuries were repaired together.

Locke and Angelina heard the "elder martial brother" that Kaila magician had just called. They dared not make any changes, for fear that the new "elder martial brother" would not like it.

Judging from the current situation, the powerful magician with mask is obviously the strongest here, but I don\'t know how much stronger than several official magicians.

At least Locke once felt the strong energy fluctuation when assar magician fought with several other formal magicians, but none of them caused more noise than the masked magician just now.

Locke had heard and guessed about Angelina, a possible martial uncle, but he never thought that she was so terrible and powerful that she looked stronger than the Garcia Knight he saw two months ago.

The masked person who has converged his momentum. At the moment, the energy fluctuation is like an ordinary person. Compared carefully, even Angelina, a high-level apprentice, is inferior.

But Locke is more afraid to underestimate, can put his own strength freely, with Locke\'s shallow experience and cognition, can also guess the real strength of this, absolutely powerful to terrible.

At least the knight Garcia has never shown such ability. Locke was even sure that this was the strongest life he had ever seen, stronger than the heavenly Knights he had glimpsed in theater 7.

Later, magician bosh and magician babrina left the camp after two polite words with the masked man. Locke found that the two official magicians left in a hurry.

Assar magician didn\'t stay long. Although she was no stranger to the masked man, she was the elder martial brother of her sister. She had some friends when she was in the holy tower.

When the magician Ashar left, he took Locke with him. This is the time when people\'s teachers meet. It\'s inconvenient for "outsiders" to get in.

"There are many high-level activated goblins in the city. Go and get me three heart cores. I want to use them in my experiment." After taking Locke out and explaining this sentence, assar magician left in a flutter.

After everyone else left the camp, only Angelina, Kayla and the masked man were left.

"Since the death of master abino, there are only you and me in this vein. Unexpectedly, you have accepted an apprentice since you haven\'t seen him for more than ten years, which can be regarded as inheriting our vein." The masked man first sighed at the magician Kaila.

Then he went up to Angelina and asked, "my name is masked Jos. You can call me masked or uncle Jos."

Angelina of course chose the latter. She stroked her chest with her right hand and bent down. After a standard magician ceremony, she kindly called "Uncle Jos."