Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 381

"Damn invaders, I fought with you!" Indignation roared from the Centaur real city below.

A centaur with a handsome body, uniform and perfect muscles and a height of 400 meters leaped into the air.

When the Centaur appeared, all the Centaurs in the imperial city consciously knelt on their knees to show respect.

"Hum! Finally willing to come out." In the dark clouds, the cold hum of the Panamanian master came.

Without superfluous politeness and compassion, the golden giant rushed at the Centaur God who was nearly half shorter than him with a long gun.

"Hissing..." The Centaur God\'s front hooves jump up, and his physique suddenly increases, 600 meters, 800 meters, 1200 meters... Finally, the body size was equivalent to the golden giant.

Two giants collided, sending out the ripples that shook the earth circle after circle, and countless weak and small lives fell.

The Centaur God, who was badly wounded by two level four knights, seems to have recovered almost now? It is inseparable from the fourth level Knight Gaia.

Unfortunately, this is not a single fight. The black clouds in the sky cover the whole Centaur real city. The strange black light beam is scattered from the clouds. The Centaur hit by the light beam, whether it is a first-class or a third-class creature, can\'t make a sound, and its strength is locked, just like a fragile baby.

In the middle of the cloud, a black lightning emitting a silent breath gradually formed. When the golden giant entangled the Centaur God, the black lightning suddenly chopped down!

The rain is pouring! The hurricane is roaring!

The whole Centaur world is moaning.

On the ground, millions of slave creatures rushed to the Centaur Imperial City, carrying the long history of the imperial city wall, which could not stop the claws and teeth of these ferocious bloodthirsty creatures.

The neat cavalry Corps moved forward slowly, and under the leadership of the heavenly cavalry, they slaughtered the remaining resistance forces in an orderly manner.

Powerful magic hit every corner of the Centaur real city, causing countless new scars to the Centaur real city. The Centaurs in the city ran wildly, but they could not escape the fate of death.

Like a sickle for harvesting life, it cuts the lives of centaurs one after another.

Unlike activating the goblin world, the level 4 strong are blocked out of the plane barrier. They can only invade and plunder by maintaining the space channel and inputting the Legion.

Centaur world, with the personal participation of level 4 knights and magicians, after the indigenous gods fell, it was a complete one-sided massacre.

The degree of smoothness is more complete than the battle to activate the goblin world.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" In a month or two, the Centaur God rushed out of the imperial city. I don\'t know how many times he was knocked to the ground by two level four strong men.

After endless damage and repair, there are only less than 800 meters left.

Correspondingly, the golden giant, which is hostile to the Centaur God, inevitably has a certain gap in body size.

After all, this is not the wizard world. Level 4 Knight Gaia can\'t speed up his energy recovery with the increase of standard.

However, in the case of playing more and playing less, and showing the overall suppression of power, Gaia\'s real body loss is not much, and it can be maintained at a height of kilometers.

Looking at the Centaur God whose real body is much shorter than himself, the golden giant grinned, showed ferocious and pale teeth, waved a long gun with violent energy fluctuation in his hand, and rushed towards the Centaur God.

Then look at another strong man in the sky, the nominal master of the three western islands, the strongest level 4 magician Panama.

The dark clouds are as black as ink. After two months of consumption, they have not changed at all.

Between the clouds, sometimes leaping and flashing black beams emerge, showing their mysterious and strange ripples.

"Hum! You can\'t escape this time!" A cruel and cruel voice came from the black clouds.

Suddenly, the dark clouds began to expand in all directions. The expansion speed was so fast that people completely shrouded under the clouds before they had time to respond.

The surviving centaurs in the Centaur Imperial City trembled in the broken wall of the remnant Huan, and the sky darkened instantly. With their foolish and insignificant wisdom, they only thought that the fighting of several powerful people affected the rules of day and night change.

The reason why level 4 strong people are called "gods" by the savage aborigines is that they are so powerful that their use of energy rules has exceeded the limit that ordinary creatures can imagine.

Whether you are a first-class creature or a second-class creature, you will be affected by the power inadvertently released by the fourth-class life, resulting in uncontrollable worship and fear.

Only level 3 creatures can slightly resist the impact of the activation rules of level 4 creatures, and the number of such creatures, second only to level 4 life, is so small.

However, in the Centaur Imperial City, they had already struggled to resist the invading Legion. When the dark clouds suddenly expanded overhead and enveloped the whole Centaur Imperial City, these humble creatures had been defeated under the influence of level 4 creatures.

"Crackling!" In the sky, in the strange black clouds, countless horrors are bred by lightning.

The Centaur God, who was fighting hard with the fourth level Knight Gaia in the sky, shouted "no" in the face of the large magic being prepared by the Panamanian master

"Click!" "Wow!"...

These thunder and lightning formed in the clouds covered the whole Centaur Imperial City in a winding posture. Countless innocent centaurs in the imperial city were affected by the power of thunder and lightning, and turned into nothingness before even a scream.

In the center of the thunder and lightning, the Centaur God, who supports the 800 meter real body, resists the attack of these thunder and lightning with his left hand divine bow.

The Panamanian master\'s big magic, of course, was not released against the mole ant creatures in the Centaur real city. It can only be said that the ordinary centaurs in the Centaur real city were only affected by the pond fish.

The nine layers of lightning in the black cloud focus on the Centaur God. Since the Panamanian master is known as the "silent light", the magic he uses must have its unique attributes.

In the fierce roar, the golden giant waved his long hair, rushed under the black cloud and continued to struggle with the Centaur God.

With a terrible physique of more than 1000 meters, the level 4 Knight will form a huge round pit on the ground more than 100 meters wide and tens of meters deep every step.

The lightning that caused a severe blow to the Centaur did not fall on the giant. The Panamanian master manipulated the magic very carefully.

Another destructive magic is about to form. The Panamanian master hidden in the clouds is unmoved by the struggle of this ectopic level 4 life.

This is a battle of trapped animals!