Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 382

In the past six months, the former Centaur imperial city has been completely erased on the eastern continent, leaving only thousands of miles of tiles and ruins, telling the brilliance of the previous Centaur family.

A month ago, the stars fell and everything shook. In the past 50 years, the Centaur world produced two large shocks of this degree in less than three years.

In June, snow falls, rivers flow back and volcanoes gush, which is a disorder of rules.

In a small world, a complete world, the phenomenon of this degree must be caused by the disappearance and fall of things or individuals that are extremely important to the plane itself.

On the eastern continent of the Centaur world, north of the former Imperial City, a vast pit covering an area of several provinces is formed here.

In the deep pit, the elements of tyranny and disorder are surging, and all kinds of unimaginable absurd phenomena occur here. The energy fluctuations all the time are at least the best of the first-class creatures.

This is the forbidden zone of life. Without the level of secondary organisms, it is absolutely impossible to approach, and without the various means of tertiary organisms, it is absolutely impossible to go deep.

This vast pit also has a very similar one in the western continent of the Centaur world. They represent two level four strong men falling here!

Above the starry sky beyond the plane, the golden giant stood. Near him, an old man completely wrapped in a black robe played with the golden bow in his hand as if no one else.

"Well, the simplest use of energy is far away. It\'s just a weapon made of high-grade materials and added the power source of level 4 creatures." The golden bow in the opponent of the old man in black robe was abandoned in his words.

"It\'s no use to me. Here you are!" The old man threw the golden bow to the golden giant like garbage.

In a hurry, the giant caught it. The long bow is useless for the old man. It is a rare treasure for the golden giant.

After being used by the level-4 strong for so many years, this Longbow also carries a bit of power that can only be generated by the level-4 strong. It is definitely not a level-3 life.

"Master, I will compensate with a million slaves." Said the golden giant respectfully.

The old man in black didn\'t seem to hear it. He said to himself, "the value of activating the goblin world is not small. Zekley and they haven\'t solved it until now. After the side is roughly stable, send two legions."

"Yes." Replied the golden giant.

The southern continent of the Centaur world, which was first captured by magicians and knights, has undergone decades of changes. With the average life expectancy of the Centaur family of 120 years, the new generation of centaurs has accepted these new rulers.

About the glory and glory of the Centaur family, these young centaurs born in recent 20 or 30 years can only learn a thing or two from the oral accounts of the tribal chiefs and elders.

There is no rigorous inheritance system, and even paper has not been invented. This small plane still uses the most primitive animal skin to record knowledge, which has become the main way for all Centaur tribes to continue civilization.

Blackstone City, once the most powerful soldier in the Centaur tribe, can have the qualification to enter. Now it is a restricted area for all centaurs.

Because noble magicians and knights live here.

Inside a tower built of black stone and countless wood, several powerful magicians gather here.

From the appearance of the tower, it is very similar to the magic tower on the three western islands of the wizard world. It must be built by these knowledgeable magicians by borrowing the unique materials of the Centaur world.

Blackstone city is a major city radiating one-third of the occupied area of the southern continent. There are 1000 resident magicians in the city, and only seven people can enter the magic tower for a meeting.

"News came from Gesi and cevas that their suppression progress was similar to ours, and the southern continent was basically stabilized by us." At the meeting, a magician with a gray beard on his chin presided over the meeting.

The atmosphere of the magician present was quite relaxed. The most difficult period had passed. Now it was time to harvest the booty.

Except for a magician wearing a white mask, his performance was out of place.

"Now, one of us needs to pull out and go to the micro plane called activating the goblin world." The white beard magician said so, and his eyes did not leave the mask magician when he said this.

Not only him, but all the magicians present here focused on the magician with a strange mask on his face.

"Well, I\'ll go." Feel the sight of these magicians, said the mask magician.

"Then, joss, please." White beard magician is a real level-3 magician from the perspective of energy fluctuation. What\'s the reason why he doesn\'t treat this masked man so politely.

"No harm." Under the pale mask, a short voice came out.

Not only in Blackstone City, but also in the whole Centaur world, in the occupied areas of various knights and magicians, as long as the suppression work is almost done, some people are sent to activate the goblin world.

A month later, outside the plane, a huge space fortress stopped here. Hundreds of thousands of knights and magicians entered the Space Fortress, accompanied by more than one million slave creatures.

Whether it is the Centaur world or the activated goblin world, the overall situation has been determined. Panama can\'t spend a huge price to directly transmit this Legion at this time.

Using the space fortress to reach the activated goblin world is the most economical and convenient way.

Anyway, it will take at least three or four years for the Centaur world to fully occupy and rule. There is nothing wrong with taking advantage of this time to transfer this space fortress.

Six months later, the goblin world was activated, and two-thirds of the fertile land had been captured by magicians and knights. But in the last third of the region, there has been no major progress.

The main reason is that on the fertile land continent, the vast majority of activated goblins gather at the edge of the last coastal continent.

A staggering number of ordinary activated goblins, as well as secondary and tertiary activated goblins hiding in them, have greatly delayed the attack tide of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace.

Today, Locke did not assist assar magician to do magic experiments in the laboratory, but was sent to share intelligence and reach a simple deal with the troops of a nearby Knight palace.

Holding the magic medal given by the magician babrina and riding the quasi level demon scorpion dragon, Locke found that most of the knights in the knight palace had derailed.

The dead bodies of activated goblins can be seen everywhere in the activated goblins city just broken by the knight palace, and the killing continues. The activating spirit contained in the activating goblin is equally effective for knights.

The knights with very thick nerve lines did not have the cumbersome process carried out by magicians when extracting the activated essence. On both sides of the road in the city, these guys with exploding muscles could be seen everywhere. They took wooden sticks to tie up a string of flesh and blood of the activated spirit and roast it on the spot.

With a frown, Locke did not approve of the Knights.

He often assists the magician Ashar to study and dissect the relationship between activated goblins. Locke knows that the activated goblins are very easy to inactivate under the high-temperature flame. After barbecue, there is no activated essence contained in a piece of activated goblins\' flesh and blood. Such an application of energy is extremely crude.

Not only did Locke look at these knights, but the knights in the city who noticed him also looked up at Locke curiously.

In addition to the magic medal in Locke\'s hand, the ferocious and cool scorpion dragon mount is the main object of this group of knights.

Every Knight wants to have a heart to heart partner. Knights have no means for magicians to conclude contracts, nor the ability to enslave their souls.

For knights, if they want to have a favorite mount, in addition to choosing one to cultivate since childhood, they only have to get powerful partners by chance.

However, this kind of trouble will rarely appear after the Knights are promoted to the first level, because they will understand the application of shallow spiritual power when they reach the first level biological level. At that time, it is OK to control a creature whose strength does not exceed their own as a mount with strong spiritual power.

In the main hall of the city, Locke gave the medal in his hand to a senior Knight attendant who led the way, and stood patiently waiting.

He heard from babrina Shizu that the knight troops who broke through this activated goblin city were led by a powerful secondary knight.

When Locke was sent to contact the knight army, babrina also indirectly asked Locke to have a good communication with the knights in the knight palace.

If you can get more information and methods to promote a knight, it is of great significance to Locke.

Although the old lady usually yells at Locke and is full of directing some rough work, from this point of view, she is still good to Locke, at least there is no estrangement at the beginning.

After waiting for a long time, Locke thought that at most a first-class knight was forced to hand over to him. Unexpectedly, a boss came.

"Lord Garcia, is that you?" Locke tried to ask.

A valiant female knight in green armor strode over, took off the green helmet on her head, threw her soft and beautiful long hair, and showed a strong and beautiful face. She was indeed the Garcia, the second-class Knight of the omor Empire who knew when she was in the Murphy forest.

"Eh? Is it you little fellow?" The green armored knight was surprised. It seems that she is still impressed by the little Knight she met ten years ago.

The quasi order scorpion dragon tied in the hospital roared uneasily. Obviously, the sharp perception of Warcraft made it feel the terrible power of the newly appeared knight.