Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 380

While the Santa magician and the Knights of the knight Palace are raging in activating the goblin world, another plane that is also invaded by the two major forces of the three western islands, fierce fighting is still taking place.

This is a yellow and dry world. There are some shrubs and weeds less than half a meter high on the ground, which seem to be plants in this plane.

Any non element plane, as long as there are flesh and blood organisms, must be accompanied by plants. Through photosynthesis, it produces the most basic and primitive energy and completes the energy cycle.

This is a barren surface, which can be seen from the green plants on the ground.

However, different from the activated goblin world, there are four continents here, and the area of each continent is much larger than the three continents of the activated goblin world.

Together, the overall area has reached three times that of the activated goblin world, which is close to half of the area of the three western islands of the wizard world and the surrounding sea areas.

The Centaur world, the holy tower of the three western islands and the knight\'s palace have invaded for nearly 50 years and are finally going to win a small world.

In the endless planes of the star world, only those who have grown for hundreds of millions of years and multiplied their rules to more perfect micro planes can develop into small planes.

The sign of this equipotential world is that there must be four levels of life in it, which is also another embodiment of the development of rules to a certain extent by the equipotential itself.

Among the endless planes, there are endless possibilities. Some micro planes will give birth to one or two talented people by chance. These talents, their promotion speed and development potential are completely beyond the plane itself. From their birth, they have been rapidly promoted at the speed of people\'s confidence without laws and regulations.

It has been growing to the limit that the in place plane can accommodate. The accommodation limit of the micro plane is level 3, and the accommodation limit of the small and medium plane is level 6.

Those talented people have a certain chance to break through the constraints and shackles of the position and take the lead in promotion.

Once these people break away from their position and force promotion, they will drive the position and accelerate their reproduction and growth. This kind of people is also called the son of the position.

Although the world tree that activates the goblin world has a surprising noumenon and rich heritage, it is still a little worse than the real son of the plane, so it failed to be ordered to grow to the category of level 4 life when activating the goblin world.

Like the Centaur world, it was not invaded by people when it was still a micro plane. After a long development and evolution, it grew to a small world or a low-level plane.

In the Centaur world at this time, except for the one in the east of the world, all the other three continents fell into the smoke of gunpowder and war.

Countless slave creatures on the ground, together with the cavalry corps, drove and killed these four hoofed Centaur aborigines.

In the sky, one magic after another blooms beautiful flight tracks. When it falls to the ground, it forms a frenzy of elements covering tens of meters around.

No matter how barren the small world is, it is also a small world. Its value is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary micro planes.

Take the Centaur world as an example. In the whole world alone, nearly three million first-class centaurs were scolded as slave creatures after enslaving their souls. It is almost enough for several fourth level strongmen on the three western islands to return to the origin of this level war.

In addition, this small world is not really so barren. In some parts of the four continents, there are still minerals useful to magicians and knights.

In the whole small world, the three continents in the Midwest were almost completely occupied, and the remaining resistance organized by Centaur chiefs was crushed by slave biological legions and knight forces. It was only a matter of time.

In a word, this is the real plane war. The magicians and knights involved are all above the first level, with a total of 500000. There are more slave creatures. Of the nearly six million slave creatures, more than 80% are at the first level.

The souls of magicians were enslaved and helped them capture one plane after another in the endless world.

On the last continent in the East that has not been occupied, countless centaurs cruising on the wasteland show fear. They are afraid and confused. Those ferocious ectopic invaders, who killed their relatives and relatives on other continents, are now coming to this continent.

The first-class strong can fly away from the plane gravity. The Centaur strong who escaped from other continents carried a lot of terrorist remarks about the invaders, which caused the commotion of the whole continent.

No matter what level, living race and population, those creatures below the first level must be the mainstream.

On the whole continent of Hawthorne, the number of centaurs above the first level, plus those who escaped from the other three continents, is less than one million, while the number of ordinary centaurs below the first level is several billion.

Over the mainland, two beings with terror appeared.

One of them is a golden giant standing 1500 meters tall. Judging from its height, it is amazing that it is two-thirds of the height of the world tree that activates the goblin world.

What kind of creature can grow like this.

The other is a rolling black cloud, which is not the noumenon of the strong man, but a means to hide itself. However, although the dark cloud covers most of the energy fluctuations of the strong man, its prestige is several chips higher than that of the golden giant.

"Master Panama, I can feel that the Centaur God is in the palace below." The voice of the giant came, buzzing all over the surrounding space.

"Well, after playing with it for so long, it\'s time to end the farce, Jie Jie..." Inside the dark clouds came a terrible voice, which can remind people of memories of all terrible things.

The black cloud suddenly increased countless times and covered the whole Centaur real city below at a very fast speed.

In this huge city on the mainland of Hawthorne, which has inherited hundreds of generations of Centaur royal family, countless centaurs live in it, looking at the unfathomable black clouds above their heads with despair and emitting a strong smell of danger.

The golden giant didn\'t slow down. A jump fell directly in the middle of the Centaur imperial city from the sky. With a height of thousands of meters and a weight of hundreds of millions of tons, the giant almost collapsed one-third of the imperial city when it landed.

Tens of thousands of centaurs were killed indirectly by ground collapse and collapse.