Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 379

On the test-bed, the pear man activated goblins wrapped in a layer of yellow skin were tightly locked in shackles and could not move.

The strong breath of first-class creatures burst out occasionally, making Locke sweating on the test bench, who assisted assar magician in his experiment.

The shackles engraved with mysterious patterns will generate enough strength to resist the pear Man City Lord every time he struggles and suppress the pear Man City Lord.

This pear man with good strength can only watch a white scalpel and a pair of forceps with internal organs waving in his abdomen.

"Lan Ying grass." The voice of assar magician came, cold and with a trace of ruthlessness.

This is the normal performance of assar magician in his experiment.

Locke quickly handed over the materials in his hand.

"Skull flower, I want two." The magician Ashar continued.

Locke carefully took out two strange flowers whose petals looked like human skulls from a translucent reagent bottle next to the test-bed.

"The blood of the sand eagle."

"Dark grass ring."


The experiment lasted for a long time, and Locke\'s body was about to fall apart, which consumed more energy than his war.

There is no reason why assar magician is so good to Locke. Locke can complete both the usual experiments and the tasks given to him.

If Locke didn\'t have the talent to practice magic, assar magician might take Locke as an apprentice.

The pear people on the experimental platform had no life for a long time, the chest was completely cut open, and the internal organs were covered with a gray hairy plant.

Locke is no stranger to this plant. He has helped assar magician cultivate it many times before.

When the furry plant changes from gray to black, it is the time of its maturity. At that time, Locke has to help assar magician collect it.

This is an extremely rare dark magic plant. It can be seen that assar magician cultivated it with the body of first-class activated goblins.

This dark magic plant is the main material for assar magician to refine potions useful for his promotion.

He wiped the sweat on his forehead with his back. Locke noticed that the magician Ashar also had beads of sweat on his forehead.

Cultivating magic materials in a living first-class organism can be done by official magicians with extremely rich strength and experience, such as Ashar magician. The magic lines painted on the internal organs and blood vessels of the pear people\'s activated goblins are enough to dazzle ordinary people. In fact, Locke helped little in the whole process of the experiment.

He hesitated. Finally, Locke bit his teeth and took out a towel from the space ring.

Holding a towel in his hand, he trembled and stretched out, as if to wipe the sweat for the assar magician.

"Pa!" Of course, Locke didn\'t succeed. Before the towel approached the assar magician, he broke away from Locke\'s hand in a snap of the assar magician\'s finger,

The towel was manipulated by assar magician through mental force, suspended in mid air and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

After the towel was used up, the magician ASAR didn\'t want to return it. He directly turned into a flame in the air, and there was not even an ash left.

"Have you run out of medicine I gave you?" The sound of assar\'s magic was still so cold. Compared with the gentle voice of Angelina\'s mentor master Kayla, it was two extremes.

"Not yet, about a quarter." Locke replied that after staying with the magicians for a long time, Locke was used to using a fraction to describe the quantity.

The magician Ashar narrowed his eyes and nodded, "the first-class creature is not so easy to break through. I was 40 when I broke through. You don\'t need to worry too much."

It\'s strange that the magician Ashar, who is usually silent and doesn\'t give false words to anyone, said so much to Locke today.

For the concern of assar magician, Locke nodded quickly.

Three months later, a region in the middle of the fertile land continent.

Nearly two thousand slave creatures gathered here. In front of them, an activated goblin city with a wall height of ten meters appeared.

In only half a year, the fertile land continent was captured by the holy tower and the knight\'s palace, which was more than twice as fast as the original invasion of Sen\'s wilderness continent.

According to this situation, in just one year, this micro plane will completely fall into the hands of the holy tower and knight Palace on the three western islands.

"The Headquarters urged us to speed up." In the camp, magician babrina and magician bosh said.

"Shall we act separately?" Magician bosh made a suggestion.

"I am responsible for the northeast and North alone." Ashar said directly.

"Then I\'m in charge of the southeast." Said magician bosh.

"I\'m in charge of the south." Said the magician Kayla. Even Kaila magician, who is not good at frontal combat, is solely responsible for the attack in one direction. It seems that Santa is really urgent this time.

"OK, that\'s it!" Babrina stung the ground with her magic wand and set the tone.

The activated goblin City blocked in front of the holy tower team did not even launch a decent resistance. It was captured under the tide of attack led by magician babrina.

The powerful element attack launched by a level-1 magician has too much lethality to ordinary activated goblins when it is not resisted by the corresponding activated goblin city master.

Locke led nearly 100 slave creatures to rush into the activated goblin City, followed by several quasi level Warcraft, making them rush to the center of the city without slowing down.

In the evening, the activated goblin city was declared completely lost.

Even without three-quarters of slave creatures and magicians, this small town still has no resistance.

Angelina followed her mentor, master Kayla, to attack the activated goblin city in another direction. After being promoted to a high-level apprentice, it took so long for Angelina to break through the quasi magician. During this time, master Kayla was training her.

And master Kaila\'s team, as well as the level Warcraft scorpion longshiva. Because of the particularity of the light magic of master Kaila, babrina specially sent a level Warcraft to assist in order to prevent accidents.

After breaking the city, he settled the slave creatures and the captured activated goblins, and Locke continued to cultivate and improve, which is his normal in the past six months.

Tonight, this activated goblin city is very noisy. Without more than half of the slave creatures, the monitoring work becomes difficult. There are thousands of activated goblins, and only hundreds of slave creatures can take care of them.

In one night, at least 500 activated goblins ran, which is still within the acceptance range of magician babrina.