Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 368

Outside the stone city, under the broken city gate, babrina stopped Locke who was preparing to plunder the city.

Besides Locke, Angelina and Dani were also called by the master.

"What\'s the matter? Grandma Shizu?" Angelina always behaves well to Shizu.

Babrina touched the disciple\'s head and said after brewing for half a day: "our team will be divided into two parts soon. Which part do you three want to go to?"

Long before the attack on mountain rock city, some well-informed magicians had learned from their own channels that the team was about to be divided into two groups. One of them was led by babrina, and then continued to fight in theater 33.

The other, led by mage Ashar and mage Kaila, went to the Santa tower headquarters in the seventh theater. Some people with great powers have even heard that the area they finally go to is the second theater.

That is the highest ranked theater among all theaters. The world tree that activates the goblin world is located in the first theater adjacent to the Second World War.

It can be said that there is the most dangerous and sticky area in the whole activated goblin world. There, not to mention the strength of Locke\'s Quasi knights, I\'m afraid they can\'t please the real official knights.

Needless to say, most of the three-level top powers in the two world will meet there.

There is no need for the third level strong, that is, the aftermath of the battle of the second level strong. Locke is not confident that he can carry it.

Locke was speechless about babrina\'s inquiry. He was curious and afraid of fighting at that level. He wanted to contact in advance and worried that he was not strong enough.

Like Locke\'s worry, Angelina and Diane don\'t know whether to refuse or accept. Their strength is even lower than Locke\'s. at that time, even if there is the protection of slave creatures, there will be no accident.

"I see. You can follow me then." Babrina nodded and said that she appreciated the choice of the three people. Those who know current affairs are heroes. It is not difficult to retreat temporarily in the face of a stronger existence than themselves when magicians come.

Reason is the excellent character of a qualified magician. They will not challenge the existence stronger than themselves regardless of the consequences, just like those knights who are full of muscles.

After saying goodbye to bablina, the three took a scorpion dragon to kill inside the mountain rock city. This activated goblin city is a little bigger than the previous one and contains a lot of resources, which is enough for the three to search it.

From this aspect, we also see the importance of having a backstage and backer.

Other magic apprentices have absolutely no right to choose like Locke and Angelina. No matter how dangerous the future is, the orders issued by formal magicians are not ordinary magic apprentices and can be easily violated.

The plundering of mountain rock city once again filled Locke with his own space ring. He had more than ten space rings, all of which were picked up by other magicians.

But Locke didn\'t wake up from his joy of filling the space ring. A cold order came: "Locke and Angelina follow assar magician and Keira magician to meet in the seventh theater."

It was assar and Kaila who issued this command.

On the day he knew his order, Locke took Angelina to find two official magicians.

"Don\'t worry, the tutor won\'t harm you. It\'s good for you to follow me to the seventh theater." This is the explanation of MAGE Kayla to Angelina.

Since accepting Angelina as her only apprentice, Kaila, a light magician, has indeed done her utmost to Angelina and done everything a qualified mentor should do.

Angelina, who regarded Kaila magician as a mother, did not worry that her mentor would harm herself, and respectfully accepted master Kaila\'s will.

Only Locke is here. There\'s something wrong.

Why did the assar magician keep Locke? When Locke went to find the assar magician, he closed the door. The powerful first-class magician didn\'t seem to want to waste too much words on Locke, a knight attendant.

Whether you like it or not, you have to follow me anyway. That\'s what assar magician means. After spending so much time with the magician Ashar, Locke had already figured out what the moody magician thought.

Fortunately, the magician Ashar is quite good to Locke. Locke at least doesn\'t need to worry. He will be left in the middle of the battlefield with the flames of war and let him live and die.

The time when mage Ashar and mage Kaila led their team to leave was a few days after they completely occupied mountain rock city.

Taking advantage of the last time, Locke bent down and directly ordered dozens of slave creatures to hunt and kill medium-level and above activated goblins in the mountain and stone city.

The future is dangerous and unknown. Locke must make full preparations for his backhand.

Locke has no feelings about activating the goblins. When the camouflage City activated the goblins and sneaked into its city, he felt similar sympathy for the kind peach man Alai, so he would release it and his family later.

Just like when eating, he won\'t be impatient with his own food. Locke treats activated goblins more like prey.

In order to live on the battlefield for himself and his loved ones, Locke doesn\'t care about the life and death of those activated goblins.

In Locke\'s view, it is the greatest embodiment of those activated goblins to realize their self-worth.

A few days later, the floating ship sent by theater 7 arrived. Theater 33 is still a distance from theater 7. Of course, it is impossible for them to go on foot.

On the floating ship, in addition to the 400 slave creatures and magic apprentices led by assar magician, there are many other slave creatures and magic apprentices.

Among the other teams, the magician in charge of the team is also a formal magician, which did not surprise Locke. Magician Ashar and magician Kaila are worthy of being close sisters. For the greetings of several other formal magicians, magician Kaila politely replied, while magician Ashar ignored them.

Many of the official magicians in the holy tower have more or less heard of the names of the two magicians. Most magicians smile bitterly to understand. Only a few official magicians who do not know the truth frown and look down on the "impoliteness" of magician Ashar.

In addition to slave creatures, scorpions and Dragons also followed Locke and others on the floating ship.

Today, the scorpion Dragon Lord is very low-key. He saw that there are many official magicians on the floating ship. Even from the faint fluctuation, Adams felt the breath of level 2 magicians.

So he hurriedly took his spouse and children and crowded into an inconspicuous position among the slave creatures led by the magician Ashar and lay down to rest.