Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 367

This activated goblin City, named "green wood City", did not stop the attack Party\'s Santa tower troops for long. Only four days later, the minions of slave creatures spread all over the activated goblin city.

Two activated goblin City masters, one dead and one captured, became the booty of several official magicians.

Level 1 creatures can be regarded as little masters of the race in any aspect. This captured activated goblin city master is valuable whether it is branded, sold into slave creatures or used for other purposes.

Apart from the efforts of several first-class magicians and first-class Warcraft scorpion dragon lords, the main credit for capturing a living activated goblin is the contribution of assar magician.

The secret and strange dark attribute cage, the invincible curse witchcraft, and the magical means of assar magician have convinced all the first-class creatures in the army.

After paying a certain amount of energy, the living activated goblin city master has become another precious collection of assar magician.

Locke wondered if the first-class magician liked to study the first-class creatures in vivo. You know, when he was in the holy tower, he also helped assar magician, sliced and studied a living first-class creature.

Assar magician\'s interest is other people\'s own business. Locke is not qualified to ask too much, nor does he ask too many ideas. Locke is busy collecting his booty.

The strength of the quasi Knight allows Locke to ruthlessly crush any creature in the way with the scorpion dragon under his crotch on the premise of not activating the goblin City Lord to participate in the war.

The combination of quasi level Warcraft and quasi Knight level is too easy to kill ordinary activated goblins.

No wonder the knights in the knight Palace are very eager to have a powerful mount. It\'s very important to have a heart to heart partner in battle.

So far, Fermo has not been able to communicate with Locke. Locke can only command the scorpion dragon to act through language or physical communication.

Fermo, the scorpion dragon, is lazier than Angie when he was a child. If this guy didn\'t stand up and be more than three times taller than Locke, Locke would have taught him a lesson.

"Go to the north of the city!" Locke kicked the scorpion dragon under him.

Fermo shook his bluish black barb and reluctantly climbed north. He had just eaten several activated goblin generals. Now his stomach is flustered and wants to find a place to sleep.

Fortunately, after the initial running in, the scorpion dragon still listened to Locke\'s general orders.

Only two months after entering the No. 33 theater, the attack momentum of the Santa tower forces is unbelievable. Seven activated goblin cities were originally set. So far, half of them have been completed, much faster than that in the No. 17 theater.

Part of the reason is that the location and environment of theater 33 is a little worse than that of theater 17. There are not many activated goblins living here. Another reason is that it seems that the number of activated goblins in each city has decreased compared with the original.

"Have you decided on the next activation goblin city? Which one to attack?" In the camp, magician bosh played with the heart core in his hand and asked with a smile.

For the plane war, the harvest is often in direct proportion to their own strength. So far, in this team, there are three activated goblin cores assigned by magician bosh, let alone other precious resources and treasures.

"Not yet. How about this mountain rock city?" With a stroke of babrina\'s crystal ball, a virtual shadow of activating the goblin city appeared above the crystal ball.

"This city, I heard that there are two activated goblin City masters?" Said magician bosh.

Now in the whole army, magician bosh and magician babrina are responsible for choosing the direction of attack and establishing the method of attack. Mage Ashar and mage Kaila are people who don\'t like to be in charge.

"That was once. Now there is only one city lord left." Babrina sighed.

The attack difficulty of theater 33 is several chips lower than that of theater 17. So far, they have not encountered particularly difficult activated goblins and races, so these activated goblins cities that have not been captured can be regarded as easy to catch.

Now every time they run away from an activated goblin city master, it is their loss.

"Well? What?" Bosh was surprised. After the analysis and investigation of Santa magician, it is found that the native view of activating goblins is very important. Generally, they will not leave the city they live in.

Especially those activated goblin City masters, whose cities are where they have grown up and lived for hundreds of years, so that few activated goblin City masters will abandon the city and flee in the face of the threat of the death of the invading Legion.

Babrina shook her head. "I don\'t know. It seems that not only the mountain rock city, but also several other activated goblin cities have changed that we don\'t know."

The crystal ball rotates again. After babrina\'s magic perfusion, the light curtain above flashes again, reflecting the aerial view of several activated goblin cities.

I saw some small black spots pouring out of the activated goblin City, which attracted the attention of two official magicians.

Bablina increased the release of magic in her hand, and the picture became clearer. The two official magicians could finally see that the black spot was the activated goblins fleeing from the city.

"This... What the hell is going on?" Magician Bosh was surprised that such a large-scale escape was probably not a phenomenon in this city recorded in the light crystal ball.

"The situation in the crystal ball was transmitted to me by the investigating magician a week ago." Babrina said in a deep voice, "it seems that we should send this situation to Santa command as soon as possible."

"Yes." Bosh nodded and agreed.

When the intelligence jointly sent by babrina and Bosh, two magicians, reached the Santa tower headquarters in the seventh theater, it did not attract the special attention of those secondary magicians in the headquarters, because such intelligence appeared in front of the Santa tower senior management more than once in this month.

Not only theater 33, but also station 31, station 35, and theater 42. On the senzhiyuan mainland, there have been large-scale activation of goblins and ethnic flight in areas not occupied by the Knights\' palace and Santa tower forces.

The escape direction of these activated goblins was observed by a level-3 magician and divined by several level-2 astrologers. It was found that their destination was the direction of the holy city of activated goblins.

"What\'s the matter?" In the Santa tower headquarters, a second-class magician raised the same question as magician bosh.

The answer was the contemplative expression of other magicians.

Suddenly, the leading level-3 magician suddenly thought of something and shouted, "call the energy capture instrument of the space fortress to see the energy distribution among these activated goblins."

As the holy tower command in the seventh theater, it certainly has the right to call part of the functions of the Space Fortress outside the plane.

When the energy mass spectrum from the Space Fortress came back, I saw that in the image engraved with the general outline of the whole activated goblin season, there were energy arrows at different positions on the three continents, all pointing to the southern holy city of senzhiyuan continent.

In the energy mass spectrum, what can be used as an arrow must have gathered a considerable degree of energy body. Judging by its color and depth, the first level 3 magician must be a level 3 activated goblin.

The arrow should be the second level activated goblin lords, and the tail of the arrow should be the first level activated goblin City masters.

These arrows only represent the energy flow direction of the activated goblin plane. The vast energy pulled behind the arrows is, needless to say, the amazing number of ordinary activated goblins.

"Is this to gather the power of the whole plane and fight a decisive battle with us?" The third level magician snorted coldly. He had participated in countless plane wars. He had already seen these tricks of the weak plane many times.

It\'s just accelerating death. Are you trying to stop the attack of the holy tower and the knight\'s palace?

The level-3 magician didn\'t neglect it. He immediately passed the information he obtained to master Meester at the front line, and copied it and handed it to the knight\'s palace.

"Send a third of the troops back and let them go directly to the second world war area!" Master Meester\'s magical voice soon came.

A magic glare came from the Santa tower command in the seventh theater and flew to all regions of the activated goblin world.

The action of the knight\'s palace is also very fast. It has fought and killed all over the senzhiyuan mainland. It has even sent a considerable number of troops. The knight troops who touch the fertile land mainland and the flower sea mainland on the other side have allocated part of their troops to rush to the Second World War area adjacent to the activated goblin holy city on the senzhiyuan mainland.

Two days later, babrina, who received a message from the headquarters, couldn\'t help sighing, "I didn\'t expect a decisive battle so soon."

It was originally thought that attacking and activating the goblin world was a battle of boiling frogs in warm water. It needed a little erosion and infiltration through the holy tower and knight palace forces until it completely occupied the whole micro plane.

Unexpectedly, the activated goblins finally chose to gather most of their forces and force the holy tower and the knight palace to fight against one of them.

This may not be the original intention of the activating goblins. They may just want to gather all the high-level combat forces to keep the holy city intact - the collapse of the tree man defense line puts great pressure on the activating goblins.

But in the eyes of the invader\'s holy tower and knight\'s palace, this is a declaration of war.

It is impossible for the holy tower to watch the activated goblins twist into a rope, and the knight hall will not give up the fat meat that will be obtained. No matter how the activated goblins struggle, the holy city will be broken, and the activated goblins will fall.

"Maybe this plane war will end soon." Some magicians with forward-looking wisdom have predicted that the plane war will end soon.


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