Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 369

The floating ship has a total of 3000 members, almost combined with theater 33, half of the official magicians.

Among these members, slave creatures account for the vast majority.

In terms of strength, the scorpion dragon adamlis and his spouse Shiva are well deserved overlords among slave creatures. Of the total number of more than 2000, like them, only another ectopic creature covered with a bone shell has reached the first level.

There are no second-class slave creatures. Theater 33 is not a high-risk theater. The holy tower did not send slave creatures above level 2 to this theater, and the first and second-class magicians performing tasks here also did not apply for slave creatures at that level.

The flying destination of the floating ship is theater 7. After a short assembly there, they will go to theater 2, which master Kayla just told Angelina last night.

Two days later, another huge floating ship fell and put down the magician or knight Legion.

"Which batch is this today?" On the ground, Ozzie, who was in charge of the reception, asked his colleagues.

"The Sixth Batch." A young knight answered quickly while recording the row number of the floating ship.

"What are we doing? We have brought back so many troops." Ozzie said impatiently, waving his moustache.

Logistics operation in the headquarters is no longer an easy job for high-ranking attendants such as Ozzie. They don\'t need to work in the front line and are well paid.

If it weren\'t for someone in the family in the knight\'s palace, Ozzie wouldn\'t get such a good job.

Close the Notepad, and the young knight SAIN said, half guessing, after registering the last stroke, "it seems that the top level is going to make some big moves."

The green fluff on his lips and chin shows that he is still a young knight. His age may be one or two years younger than Locke. At his age, he can become a high-ranking attendant. In addition to his talent and intelligence, there are only people in his family.

Obviously, the reason is the latter. SAIN is a contemporary young talent of the Philip family. He is arranged by the Philip family to logistics here in order to protect his safety and improve his knowledge and qualifications.

It\'s enough to break through high-ranking attendants in their twenties. The Philip family doesn\'t need SAIN to go through dangerous battles.

Unlike SAIN, Ozzie obviously came to fool around.

Ozzie, who is nearly 50 years old, is not as "young" as he looks. This plane war, I don\'t know what to think, has brought him to the battlefield.

Fortunately, the official knight in charge of the team saw Ozzie\'s degraded physical function and quality. Driven by the family behind Ozzie, he arranged Ozzie in this painless position.

"Hey! It\'s magicians, boy, be smart!" Ozzie pulled a handful of SAIN around him and scolded him in an elder tone.

The power of the odd family is a little worse than that of the SAIN family, but the qualifications of ogi are there. SAIN is an excellent knight who abides by the virtues of chivalry and is quite obedient to ogi\'s words at ordinary times.

Santa magician is more "proud" than the knights in the knight palace. This is one of the conclusions that SAIN has come to after working here for so long.

With the notepad on their right arm, SAIN and Ozzie stood respectfully aside and watched the door of the floating ship slowly open.

In the past, the first to come out was the leading official magicians, followed by magic apprentices, and finally a larger number of slave creatures.

After the hatch was opened, a deterrent breath came, accompanied by an extremely sharp and huge spiritual force. SAIN was no stranger this time. Almost every level-1 magician above could produce this formation.

This is the fastest way for magicians to obtain information about the surrounding environment. Generally, after arriving in a new area, many formal magicians will unconsciously use this move.

There are fine beads of sweat on his head. It seems that there are several fierce people in this ship of magicians.

SAIN thought to himself that he had been in the world of activating goblins for so long, and his strength had also undergone earth shaking changes compared with that when he first came. However, inadvertently using to explore the impact of magic could make him palpitation. The strength of this official magician was at least higher than that of ordinary people.

His eyes looked down slightly respectfully. SAIN was curious about how the official magician who caused the fluctuation existed.

Without allowing SAIN to wait, a burst of footsteps came. On the floating ship, powerful official magicians led by a black robed female magician came down.

Whether from the aura or the scene in front of him, SAIN concluded that it was the leading black robed female magician who caused such a great movement before.

This ship of magicians was also interesting. SAIN found that several other official magicians behind the black robed magician were far away from the black robed magician and seemed to be afraid.

Assar magician did not put away her publicity, or it was her intention.

On the floating ship, it may be an aversion to the arrogance and impoliteness of assar magician. A few formal magicians are unhappy with assar magician all the way. Although they did not collide with assar, they have a lot of complaints against assar magician in the small circle composed of several formal magicians.

The assar magician, who has reached the peak of the first-class magician and touched the threshold of the second-class magician, is too lazy to pay attention to the ideas of the first-class magicians.

In addition to the study of cultivation, assar magician is a typical cultivation madman, magic madman, social and interpersonal relationship. During assar magician\'s 300 years of life, he has not paid attention to this.

As soon as an expert makes a move, he knows whether there is one. With a simple mental sweep, the assar magician shut up all the official magicians on the ship.

Among them, there are some official magicians who are at the top of the first level, but even such strong ones dare not guarantee that they can completely defeat assar magician.

The difficulty of dark attribute magicians and the mystery of witchcraft are famous among magicians.

"This girl." A middle-aged magician walking in the back smiled bitterly and shook his head at the practice of magician Ashar.

He was the only second-class magician on the floating ship, and also happened to be the elder of Ashar and Kaila. He saw the dispute between Ashar and other magicians, but didn\'t stand up to break it.

The second level magician is the real wise man and strong man. Obviously, he is the strongest among the surrounding magicians, but there is no release of any additional fluctuation, so that Ozzie and SAIN, who guard outside the floating ship, regard the middle-aged magician as a magic apprentice.

If it is a floating ship carrying knights, Ozzie and SAIN have to go to the official Knight registration of the team leader to check, but if the magician, forget it.

The efficiency of spiritual communication and magic crystal ball transmission of magicians is much higher than them. Maybe as soon as the floating ship fell from the sky, the Santa tower headquarters received the information of the team\'s return.

After several official magicians left, Ozzy and SAIN were relieved, raised their heads slightly, and looked curiously at a magic apprentice coming out of the cabin.

The strength of magic apprentices, because between middle-level apprentices and peak apprentices, Ozzie and SAIN will not have too much estrangement from magicians with similar strength.

On the contrary, like most knights, they are quite curious about the magician. They have seen those magical magic many times. There are many younger generation practicing magic in the family, but the aura born by the magician makes the two high-level Knights unconsciously want to get close to understand.

It didn\'t matter that they looked up, but they saw that they could almost stare down their eyes.

On the back of the huge purple scorpion dragon, a brave knight in armor, holding a long gun in front of him, stood on it. Next to the purple scorpion dragon, on the back of a blue scorpion dragon with a similar size, there was also the magician wearing a robe and holding a magic wand.

There is no doubt that the two scorpion dragons are first-class Warcraft with their huge physique and overwhelming momentum.

The scene of the bunker directly caused the brains of the two high-level attendants to crash. With their knowledge and feelings, of course, it can be seen that the Knights and magicians riding on the two top-level Warcraft have not reached the first level.

What\'s the matter? Can Knight attendants and magic apprentices also have level Warcraft as mounts and demons?

At this time, it is too late to consider why a knight appears in the magician\'s team, and behind the two first-class Warcraft, there are several second-class quasi first-class Warcraft.

Under the attention of two high-ranking attendants, this strange combination passed by.

"Adams, can I really ride on you?" After holding it for a long time, Locke finally couldn\'t help asking about the purple scorpion dragon under his body.

On the nostrils of the purple scorpion dragon, a white column of air spewed out, and said with a spiritual force that could only be heard by Locke: "this is the order of the assar magician. How dare I violate it." In his words, Locke could hear a little helplessness in the tone of the scorpion Dragon Lord.

Angelina on the other side is almost the same. What she is riding today is not her own magic pet, but Angie\'s mother Shiva, a powerful blue Warcraft, who was asked by Kaila magician to protect Angelina.

With a long gun in his hand, he stamped the purple scales of the scorpion Dragon Lord. Locke still has some unreal feelings.

The scorpion Dragon Lord\'s body size of more than ten meters makes Locke ride on his back. It\'s useless to use weapons such as long sword.

Locke now uses a long gun that has not been used for several years, and it is an extended version of a five meter long meteorite iron gun, which was personally built by future alchemist Angelina.

If he was worried about the safety of himself and Angelina before, now Locke is not afraid of anything. He is escorted by two level Warcraft and a group of quasi level scorpion dragons. Unless he kills himself, he will be smart. On the battlefield, there will not be danger, but there may be a great opportunity waiting for him.

The strength of assar magician is at least one point stronger than that of scorpion Lord Adams.