Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 366

With the help of wizard ASAR and the blessing of wizard Kaila\'s magic shield, rock fruit city was declared dilapidated without holding on for much time.

The fire suppression of magic apprentices and the fierce fearlessness of slave creatures have been lingering nightmares of being imprisoned, enslaved and activated goblins after breaking the city for a long time.

The battle at the level of a formal magician is also going on very quickly. The participation of the scorpion dragon, a two headed Warcraft, enables magician bosh and magician babrina to use their proud skills freely.

The two magicians are powerful magicians who practice fire and water magic respectively. The role of water and fire explosion makes the city master of Yanguo people unable to find a complete skin on his body after defeat.

"Here you are." When the magician bosh looked at the corpse of the activated goblin city master, it was not only blasted into pieces, but also penetrated with residual violent magic elements. The utilization value was very low for magicians.

I thought it was voluntary labor, but I didn\'t expect to get the body of a first-class creature. Scorpion Dragon Lord Adams and his spouse Shiva were very happy.

Nothing can speed up the breakthrough of warcraft more than swallowing higher energy.

The corpse of this first level activated goblin is more precious to the scorpion Dragon Lord than thousands of ordinary activated goblins.

After the city gate was broken, everything became simple. Without the protection of strong walls and sharp walls, ordinary activated goblins could only be swallowed up by ferocious and ferocious slave creatures.

The only thing that annoyed several official magicians was that there was only one wall of the rock fruit city to attack, which made the speed of invading the city quite slow, and the unbridled swallowing of slave creatures also caused a waste of Activation Essence resources.

"Boom..." On the right hillside, fireballs burst in the middle of the mountain, and hundreds of meters high cliffs slowly sank obliquely in the sound of explosion.

Locke saw such a large landslide for the first time, not to mention that it was man-made.

Magician bosh is flying in mid air. This is his masterpiece. Under several powerful burst fireballs, the cliffs in the east of Yanguo city collapsed and boulders fell. I don\'t know how many poor activated goblins and civilians in the city were killed.

When all the dust and smoke fell and all the gravel fell, the peak on the right disappeared, leaving only a large abrupt hill on the ground, which was the original peak.

Without human command, the slave creatures saw this and rushed to Yanguo city from the stubble of the peak on the right.

The speed of attack and aggression is more than twice as fast as before.

Several spells were thrown out one after another, directly pounding a small mountain, and magician bosh fell from the air in sweat.

Under the greasy fat on its body surface, sweat rubbed all beads of water.

"Occupy the city in three days!" The voice of magician babrina resounded through the whole battlefield. All slave creatures and magicians on the battlefield could hear it clearly.

In the follow-up battle, several official magicians stopped fighting, cooperated with countless slave creatures, and buried the main force of the city guarding and activating goblins. If Santa magician died at this time, it can only be said that he was not proficient in learning or was extremely unlucky.

Cleaning the battlefield in the broken city and collecting and detaining ordinary activated goblins are very familiar to the magicians in this team. It doesn\'t take three days. According to the usual progress, it only takes two days. This rock fruit city will be completely under the management of Santa magician.

Two days later, in the space ring, there were a few more high-level activated goblin cores. Locke, along with Angelina and others, went to the next attack point with the Santa tower army.

Rock fruit city is still too poor. Locke has tried his best to search with scorpion dragons, but only found a few high-level servant level activated goblins.

The bodies of those high-level activated goblins were thrown to the scorpions by Locke, leaving only the heart core containing the most activated goblins.

Next stop, lingguo city.

Half a month later, the smoke of gunpowder curled up on the earthy yellow city wall, and there were dead activated goblins lying on the ground everywhere.

The hearts of these activated goblins have all disappeared. After the city wall, there are slave creatures that wantonly show their animal nature in lingguo city.

From their bloodthirsty eyes and bloody tusks, we can see where the heart cores of the garrison activated goblin soldiers have gone.

A yellow figure fell from the sky, followed by a deep and dark black lightning.

The moment the yellow activated goblin Lord landed, an arm composed entirely of dark energy passed through the throat of the activated goblin Lord.

"Hum!" After cold humming, the assar magician raised his hand and put away the body and heart core of the activated goblin city master.

After several months of cultivation, assar magician finally recovered to her heyday. Today is her battle to exit the customs.

"It seems that the assar magician is stronger." Outside the city, bosh, who had been watching the battle of assar magician in the sky, said to babrina in a surprised tone.

"Yes." Babrina was equally shocked in her eyes.

At this stage, it is difficult to improve each step. Among the first-class magicians, assar magician is already a top-notch existence, and can still be improved. It is enough to see that its potential and end point are far beyond that of babrina and others.

In their hearts, they had guessed whether assar magician had touched the threshold of level 2.

The battle of assar magician\'s exit outside the city has just ended. The ordinary activated goblins are losing ground in the city under the ravage of two end level Warcraft scorpions and dragons. The lingguo city is occupied, and all that remains is a matter of time.

Another month later, a dense green city appeared in front of the Santa army.

Many magicians are slightly surprised that there is such a green activated goblin city in the northeast of senzhiyuan continent with high temperature and many mountains.

The high temperature in the northern part of senzhiyuan continent is not caused by sunlight, but by the ubiquitous crater and the molten sea below.

In the past month or two, Locke has seen more than one volcano on his way after fighting. Most of those volcanoes are dead volcanoes, but there are still active volcanoes.

To create a green city in this hot area, Locke was curious about the race of the activated goblins guarding the city.

Two days later, two powerful energy balls with a diameter of nearly one meter were fired from the magician camp. After hitting the activated goblin City, half of the city walls collapsed, representing the official start of the battle.

This green activated goblin city did not disappoint Locke, or several official magicians.

The two garrison activated goblin City masters let several official magicians sharpen their hands and covet the activated goblins in their bodies.