Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 365

On the northern front, looking at the endless green tree man Legion in the distance, he slowly withdrew to the rear. Mister, standing on the tens of meters high magic tower, thought for a long time, and finally did not issue the order to pursue the victory.

The retreat of the tree man and the activated goblin troops has something to do with the huge movement that took place on the southern front a few days ago.

Lord Odyssey, the fourth level knight, personally took the shot and was not surprised to achieve this situation.

Even when Mister thought of a deeper meaning, he would rather bear the pressure from the feedback of plane barriers and take out his hand to help the knight palace forces speed up the attack. It seems that Lord Odyssey is also anxious.

The war process in the Centaur world is getting faster and faster. The injured Centaur God has also been found out recently, allowing two level four knights to have a good fight with the Panamanian master.

The battle of that low-level plane has entered the final stage. As long as the last Centaur God is killed, it must be that the other three level four strong men on the three western islands will immediately divide one person and move to activate the goblin world, this micro plane.

Lord Odyssey\'s move this time is to expand his voice and get his satisfied share when he finally distributes the booty.

Half of the Knights\' palace troops participating in the plane war belong to the mainland of Messia, especially the Legion composed of an amazing number of high-ranking attendants.

The mainland of Messia is the stronghold of Odyssey.

Lord Odyssey was anxious to add weight to himself. After thinking about it, Mister chose to let go.

At this stage, in fact, there is no need to compete. The share that should be allocated to the holy tower is absolutely indispensable. In order to make a small profit, it is really not profitable to rob this credit with a level-4 strong man who makes friends with him.

It was not until nearly a week after the southern defense line was broken by the knight palace that the Santa magician troops stationed in the northern defense line advanced under the order of the third level Archmage mister.

Dozens of meters high magic towers and light cannons have two meters long magic guide cannons, giant magic dolls, an amazing number of slave creatures, all kinds of summoned elemental creatures, and countless floating props. The propulsion actions of Santa magicians are much more dynamic than those of the knight palace.

Before that, the Santa magicians also received a message that the northern tree man legion, which had confronted them for a long time, was secretly attacked by the semi divine strong of the knight Palace on the way, and suffered heavy losses.

The group of tree people and activated goblin troops who finally returned to the activated goblin holy city were only about two-thirds of the original.

These achievements were completed independently by the knight\'s palace. After the end of the reign war, this credit will also be recorded, adding a heavy color to their harvest.

This also means that the knight\'s palace, especially the high-level led by casus, owes miss a small favor.

"Hey, this mister, probably guessed the idea of Lord Odyssey." In the theater headquarters, Bolong, dressed in military uniform, smiled.

"There\'s no simple one among the Santas." Casus said, "but I really owe him a favor this time. I have to find a way to pay it back in the next plane war."

The magician\'s human kindness is not good, and it\'s even worse to repay it. These "lunatics" who are good at calculation may not put forward excessive demands on him.

"It\'s just that other magicians don\'t have a good job." Bolong smiled.

The holy tower is not a hall of words. There is no obvious superior subordinate relationship between magicians. Miest\'s practice obviously gives up the credit that should have been given to the holy tower. Most of the magicians who can\'t see it will reason with him.

"Hum, they should be satisfied with so much activation essence." Casus disagreed.

On this plane war, the benefit of the holy tower is absolutely no worse than that of the knight palace.

There is a secret involved here, that is, after the return of the previous space fortress, the amazing number of tens of millions of activated goblins were exchanged for slave creatures from the magician organization on the west coast through the relationship of the holy tower.

To say that the holy tower does not operate up and down, Cassius will never believe it.

There\'s no way. Who can put other people\'s strength there, and the relationship network is several times more complex and profound than the knight\'s palace.

"It\'s said that a large number of slave creatures traded in the holy Tower last time were obtained from the Dragon warlock family on the west coast." Casus casually mentioned a message he had received to his teacher Bolong.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Bolong was surprised.

It is well known that the three western islands have a bad relationship with the east coast magician organization, so when dealing, they choose more, which is the barren West Coast magician organization.

The magician organizations, large and small, have imported slave creatures to the three western islands several times in a short period of more than a decade, and their own stocks have long dried up.

In such a short period of time, it is reasonable for Santa to recruit nearly one million slave creatures again. Santa has a deal with the Dragon warlock family, the top force on the west coast.

"I\'m worried that the Dragon warlock family will also be involved in activating the goblin world." Casus spoke out the problem he had been worried about for a long time.

Hearing this, Bolong thought for a while, frowned and then dispersed. In a relaxed tone, he said to casus, "you don\'t have to worry about this. The power of the Dragon warlock family is also ranked in the whole wizard world. They won\'t see this small micro plane."

"It must have been the sub family of the Dragon warlock family that communicated with the holy tower before." Bolong expressed his views.

His experience and understanding of the major forces in the wizard world are richer than the young casus.

The Dragon warlock family is the overlord force in the north of the whole wizard world.

Its family members, the Dragon lineage contained in their blood, enable the most common members of the Dragon warlock family to obtain the strength of first-class magicians or above after their blood awakens.

Moreover, warlocks rely on the strength of blood vessels. With the energy contained in blood vessels, first-class warlocks can be regarded as a mixture of first-class magicians and knights in actual combat, and their combat power is terrible.

There are five level six strong people in the wizard world, one of whom is a member of the Dragon warlock family.

After listening to Bolong, casus was relieved that the value of activating the goblin plane was too great. Neither he nor his father wanted to give up a penny of it.

While the knight palace and the holy tower magician advanced towards the activated goblin holy city, the aggressive battles of the other two continents were also in full swing.

At the head of Yanguo City, Locke with a long sword rode on the back of scorpion dragon Fermo, and killed a high-level activated goblin general in the way with a sword. Scorpion dragon Fermo opened his mouth and swallowed all the miscellaneous insects in front of him.

The city wall collapsed, and at the huge gap, countless slave creatures poured into the city and began to massacre inhumanely.

This is a gluttonous feast.