Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 361

Theater 33 is full of rocks and hills.

This is an area close to the northeast of Mori\'s field continent and adjacent to the fertile soil continent.

Activated goblins are evergreen all over the world, and only the southernmost and northernmost have obvious climate differences.

However, the south of the activated goblin world is an endless sea area. Except for some specific creatures in the sea, no activated goblins exist.

In the north, affected by the changing weather and special topography, a number of special kinds of activated goblins different from ordinary activated goblins were born.

The difference between these special kinds of activated goblins and other activated goblins is not obvious, but there are individual and extremely difficult to deal with.

"Babrina, after entering theater 33, your army must be careful. When in trouble, you can ask me for support through the crystal ball." A two meter tall magician stood next to babrina.

"All right, master Sasser." Babrina replied.

Babrina can be honored as a \'master\'. The magician named Sasser is at least a second-class magician.

"Well, the mountains and the valley area are the scope of your team." The high magician pointed to the map mapped on the crystal ball in his hand and said.

The map clearly shows most of the terrain of theater 33.

Babrina stared for a moment and nodded.

The magician named Sasser is indeed a second-class magician, and he is one of the leaders of Santa magician who came out from theater 17.

Sasser is the director of the 17th theater, master Gera, and a powerful secondary magician appointed by him to help master Gera assign and mobilize the ranks of magicians in the theater.

In addition to Sasser, there are several level 2 magicians in their theater. The main work of these Level 2 magicians is to encircle, suppress and kill more powerful activated goblin lords, and even track level 3 activated goblins.

The task of first-class magicians and magic apprentices is to capture low-level activated goblin civilians and capture activated goblin cities.

Babrina looked at the map for a while. There were about seven activated goblin cities in the area divided to them, which was a little less than the number of activated goblin cities they were responsible for attacking in theater 17.

What\'s more valuable is that most of the number of first-class city masters marked by these activated goblin cities are in one. There are only one or two cities with two city masters.

It\'s better to pick up persimmons and pinch them soft. This is a war, not a children\'s play. Bablina, who has lived so old, tends to be more secure in whatever she does. Moreover, she is old and has enough experience. In the theater in charge of master jiela, the magician team led by bablina is very advanced in the efficiency and success rate of completing tasks.

"Although there are few first-class creatures, you can\'t take it lightly." I knew that babrina\'s work was very reassuring, but Sasser reminded me.

"I know. I\'ve heard something about theater 37." Babrina said that the huolongguo people who caused great losses to the Santa tower troops were once summoned by the Santa tower through the crystal ball to warn the magicians in various war zones.

Fortunately, babrina roughly swept around. Among the seven activated goblin cities she was responsible for, there were no cities marked with huolongguo people.

However, there has been a kind of dragon fruit people, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will not be another strange race. Santa magicians have not carried out in-depth research and understanding on activating the goblin world.

"Well, in that case, I\'ll go first." After Sasser said that, it turned into a green light and flew to another Santa magician army.

Watching Sasser leave, babrina returned to her camp.

This second-class magician named Sasser is the right-hand man of master Gera. It is said that he once served as master Gera\'s assistant.

Sasser majored in wood magic. Because the application of wood elements is too deep, the body of the second level magician has undergone some indescribable changes, which involves the secret of promoting the second level magician.

This change not only made Sasser\'s height surge to a height comparable to that of a knight, but also made Sasser\'s cheeks half brown wood.

Half flesh and half wood cheeks look very strange, but they have long been strange to magicians. There are also many magicians who transform themselves into four unlike monsters.

In order to pursue the profound meaning of truth, to explore the essence of elements, and to study everything in the world, the mere body counts as selling the soul. These magicians, who are called "lunatics" by many faceted creatures, will not frown.

"Rock fruit city?" With an apple in his mouth and the sweet juice of the apple overflowing in his mouth, Locke asked Angelina in surprise.

"Yes, according to the tutor, we will arrive in three days." While using wind magic to cool herself, Angelina wiped the sweat on her forehead with a handkerchief.

They had left theater No. 17 for a week. Two days ago, they entered the area named theater No. 33 by the holy tower and the knight\'s palace.

So far, they have not experienced World War I. except for rest, most of them are on their way.

In addition to their Santa magician team, there are three around, all led by first-class magicians.

However, Locke doesn\'t know much about the holy tower teams near them. It may be that master babrina is not familiar with the first-class magicians in other teams. So far, Locke hasn\'t seen other first-class magicians visit their camp.

However, magician bosh disappeared for three or two days. Most of them went to visit old friends in several nearby holy towers.

Since Leona was seriously injured and returned to the seventh theater, in addition to normal communication with babrina, magician bosh, whether Kayla or Ashar, has said very few words with the first-class magician in this team.

Bosh magician may also be idle. When he is free, he always talks to Locke, a knight.

Facing the active conversation of the official magician, Locke certainly had to listen carefully. This modest and sensible approach made bosh very happy and had a good impression on Locke.

"How\'s Lord Kayla\'s injury?" Asked Locke.

"Almost good. The next time she fights, the tutor says she can basically join the war." Angelina smiled.

When hearing Angelina say this, Locke was not only happy, but also worried about assar magician.

After such a long time, the injury of assar magician was not serious, but it was not good.

The main reason is that assar magician is good at occult science and elemental science, and has not made much achievements in medical recovery.

If you are not a magician, you will rely on the light magic treatment of magician Kaila, but assar can\'t.

The element extinction effect produced by the light dark magic hedge is more than twice as powerful as the explosion effect of water and fire elements. The light magic that can cure the injury is invincible, which is harmful to assar magician.

Now she can only recover from her injury by relying on the water restoration magic of magician babrina and her own slow adjustment.

The healing effect of water magic has always been known as gentleness.

Gentle means slow effect. It will take some time for assar magician to return to the peak of strength.


It\'s the end of the month soon. The change at the end of the month is tentatively scheduled to start next Friday. Although it has been increased a lot this month, we can\'t break our promise to readers. Thank you for your support all the time.