Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 362

The stones on the surface were hard and small. Locke kicked a gray stone at his feet and asked Angelina: "can there be living goblins in this place?"

"There should be. Please say so in the newspaper." Angelina also said uncertainly that her other side was Diane.

Although Locke is a knight, after such a long time of fighting in the activated goblin world, he also knows that the activated goblins are inseparable from the soil. They maintain their life by absorbing the energy and elements rich in the soil.

Rock and soil are not the same thing. Locke wondered how this area full of rocks and rubble could feed the activated goblins of a city.

"The name is rock fruit city. Maybe it\'s a group of activated Goblins who rely on rock life?" Diane expressed her opinion.

Not seen for a year, Diane is a little more talkative than before. Although she is still introverted, she will not be shy as before.

"Maybe." Locke smacked his mouth.

The task of naming the activated goblin city is usually done by reconnaissance knights and magicians. Almost all of them are level-1 and level-2 magicians and knights who can mark the map and explore the activated goblin city in the unoccupied area.

The strong at this level have their own ideas and meanings in everything they do. Locke doesn\'t believe that the name of rock fruit city was created by the reconnaissance magician.

There are also specific information about rock fruit city, but they are still in the hands of several official magicians. They will tell these information to the magic apprentices only when they are close to rock fruit city.

Slave creatures do not need any intelligence and knowledge. They just need to follow the orders of magicians and rush up bravely and fearlessly.

"Diane, do you want me to help you get a scorpion dragon?" Locke asked Diane with a smile.

Diane had an active look on her face. She bit her mouth and said, "forget it, it\'s too much trouble for you."

"What\'s the trouble? Wait. I\'ll find one for you now." Locke waved and smiled.

I haven\'t seen her for a year. Diane has changed a little more than before. Locke appreciates Diane\'s change and remains strong while being gentle.

That day, Locke brought bony orchid to Fermo, the scorpion dragon. Maybe it was seen by several other scorpions. Since then, these scorpions love to rub next to Locke when they are free.

Their purpose is very clear. They want bony orchid, a magical plant that plays a role in the development of scorpion dragons.

After hundreds of years of rule and exploration by the scorpion dragon family, the magic materials that are useful to the scorpion dragon are regarded as forbidden by them, and the treasures that are useful to the scorpion dragon, such as bone orchid, have long been spoiled by the scorpion dragons who do not know how to cultivate and recycle.

If Locke hadn\'t asked assar for two, he couldn\'t even get the grass roots of bony orchid.

Locke doesn\'t open a good hall. He plans to make good use of the last bone orchid in his hand. He has to squeeze out the value of these scorpions.

Finally, Locke brought Diane a scorpion with a darker color than Fermo and Angie. This guy ranked third among several scorpions. Locke chose it because it was female like Angie.

This female scorpion dragon is not a demon pet or a mount for Diane. It\'s just a walking tool. No matter how good the bone orchid is, it can\'t let this scorpion dragon sell itself.

But that\'s OK. Diane, a medium-level magic apprentice, has such a scorpion dragon with quasi level Warcraft strength close to her. She can be helped by a scorpion dragon in battle.

"Thank you, Locke." Diane said, blushing slightly.

"Oh, it\'s all small things." Locke waved his hand. He really didn\'t do anything. He just paid two pieces of bone orchid leaves.

The appearance of rock fruit city was revealed in front of the holy tower team two days later.

Continuous mountains, jagged rocks, weathered rocks and sand everywhere, a gust of wind blowing, rolling up the sand all over the sky, foggy.

Among these mountains, stone castle like buildings are dotted among them.

"This is rock fruit city." Locke\'s direction is the valley between the two mountains. In front of the valley is a wall made of boulders, and behind the wall is the rock fruit city with tens of thousands of people.

"Activation goblins have learned to be smart." In the procession, a magician sneered.

The stone wall is obviously just piled up and built, and the rock cracks on it are still vaguely visible. It is difficult to activate these goblins. So many boulder materials can be found in such a seriously weathered area.

"Surround first, rest one night and attack tomorrow!" The order of magician bosh came.

The main race of activated goblins in Yanguo city is a kind of strange activated goblins named Yanguo people by Santa magicians. The skin color of this kind of activated goblins is gray, and there is an obvious stone shell in the crown of their head. After the study of magicians, it is found that this stone shell is the main inducement for Yanguo people to spit out mucus and turn gray green.

"When you fight tomorrow, remember to hide behind Angie." Before going to bed at night, Locke reminded Angelina.

The shell of a high-level Warcraft is basically immune to the mucus attack of most activated goblins, as long as it doesn\'t get too much.

"You know, don\'t worry. Diane and I will take care of each other." Angelina replied.

I was speechless all night.

When the roar of scorpion Dragon Lord Adams resounded through the battlefield, the holy tower army finally collided with the activated goblins guarding the city.

At the head of the city, thousands of rock fruit people gathered. In addition to their signature mucus attack, countless rolling stones and logs fell from the ground.

Therefore, knowledge is regardless of race and level. These activated Goblins who used to only use noumenon mucus also learned to borrow the surrounding environment and resources.

The falling of huge stones and logs with amazing weight will not have any impact on the magicians who release magic safely in the rear, but the slave creatures who have suffered from the siege.

With the strong physique and hard skin of intermediate Warcraft, they could not withstand repeated powerful blows. Just like the mucus accumulated and could corrode the scales of second-order Warcraft, they activated the goblins and resisted the first wave of attack of the siege slave biological legion with their own number.

Unfortunately, this is temporary. The magic of the magicians in the rear fluctuates more and more. The yellow sand on the battlefield is windless and automatic. Under the influence of the element tide, a small tornado is formed in the center of the battlefield.


Countless magics flew to the head of rock fruit city. In the frightened eyes of the activation goblins at the head of the city, they sputtered and produced a circle after circle of brilliant blood and flesh fountains.

There was also a counterattack. A two meter high activated goblin covered in earth armor rushed down the city and flew towards the front of the rear magician.

Several spells hit the activated goblin, and did no harm to the activated goblin except that pieces of broken soil fell.

Looking at the activated goblin rushing towards him, the magicians in the rear were not alarmed. One purple and one basket of two giant shadows flew over the magicians\' heads, but the scorpion Dragon Lord Adams and his spouse Shiva met the enemy.

"Bang!" The exuberant orange flame ignited at the head of the city, and dozens of activated goblins turned into a pool of coke in a miserable howl.

"Bang!" A number of meteorites with a diameter of half a meter fell into the air, carrying a strong power, which opened several cracks in the wall stacked with boulders. Little green juice seeped from the bottom of the meteorite. I don\'t know how many activated goblins were smashed to pieces.

With dazzling thunder and lightning, sharp ice, violent wind and sand, and strange witchcraft, magicians are showing these ectopic aborigines the reasons why they fear many dimensional creatures.

The bloodshed at the head of the city took place, and the battle under the city was equally fierce.

The slave creatures who rushed in front of them had not touched the wall of rock fruit city, but turned into smoke in the wail.

The mucus that activates the goblins is really overbearing. These slave creatures have been armor Warcraft with amazing defense, but they haven\'t lasted long.

The sacrifice is worth it. With the fierce and fearless charge of the slave creatures in front, there is an opportunity for the follow-up to get close to the city gate.

Unfortunately, this activated goblin city was built around mountains, with high mountains and steep cliffs on both sides. Slave creatures could only attack from the front.

Powerful magic, combined with the fierce attack of slave creatures, activates the battle balance at the head of the goblin city and tilts towards the Santa magicians.

The tilt angle is not obvious. The total number of activated goblins is there. According to the previous progress, it will take two or three days to attack, not to mention this time, it can only attack from the front.

The only thing that can accelerate the tilt of the balance is the five dazzling light spots in the sky.

There are two level Warcraft scorpions and dragons in front, which attract the attention of the activation goblin City Master of rock fruit city. The ambush of magician babrina and magician bosh finally saw an opportunity and gave the rock fruit city master a fatal blow.

Among the five light spots, scorpion Dragon Lord Adams is purple, his spouse Shiva is blue, bosh magician is red, babrina magician is dark blue, and the Lord of rock fruit city is yellow.

The mud armor gradually fell from the air, and the rock fruit city Lord, whose crown was wrapped with a layer of stone shell, stared at the four enemies around him.

No matter which of the four is pulled out, the strength is equal to it, but the main mountain of rock fruit city is not timid at all. It is full of fighting spirit to face the invaders.

Different from the fiery temperament of huolongguo people, Yanguo people are mostly famous for being steady and down-to-earth.

The Lord mountain of Yanguo people knows that there is no way to retreat. It\'s better to give a fight to these demons who have destroyed countless of their compatriots and have a look at the anger of the activated goblins.

The inevitable fighting and hostile situation have been established since the beginning of the ruling war.

"It\'s not enough to have assar magician below to solve the activated demon city master earlier." Babrina said in a deep voice.

"Good!" In the words of magician bosh, he was surrounded by flames, and the magic wand turned into a fire sickle and waved to the activated goblin city master.

"Roar!" The two headed demon scorpion dragons also stretched out their sharp fangs and claws and jumped at the little spot in front of them.