Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 360

Under the setting sun, in the fear of activating goblins in countless cities, the huge purple shadow in the distance appeared, accompanied by endless ferocious bloodthirsty creatures.

"Roar!" In the roar of the purple scorpion dragon, countless creatures rushed to this small and weak city like a boat in the ocean.

From time to time, some activated goblin soldiers rushed out of the city and struggled to resist the invaders\' attack, but everything was in vain. The scale of victory was set early in the morning.

Led by the purple scorpion dragon, the small city, with about 30000 activated goblin residents, finally fell after less than half a day.

The flame on his hand hasn\'t dissipated yet. Magician bosh looks very high today. He didn\'t use magic hair to bombard long-range as usual, but a rare close fight with the activated demon city master.

It may also be that under the influence of scorpion Dragon Lord Adams, today\'s bosh magician is particularly violent and killing.

The red flame spread to his arm gradually disappeared. Magician bosh put his hand into the heart of the activated goblin city master and accurately took out a green thumb sized oval core.

"Unexpectedly, there is only one city master in this activated goblin city." After the magician bosh collected his booty and the corpse of the activated goblin city master into the space equipment, he turned and said to babrina, who was not far away from him.

"Please say in the newspaper that there are two city masters in this activated goblin City, and most of the other is running away." Babrina paused and said with her magic wand.

When several other official magicians were injured in varying degrees, now they can only face the activated goblin city master.

Babrina is not a greedy person. Only one activated goblin city master is the most favorable situation for them. Under the encirclement and suppression of two official magicians and two first-class Warcraft, she can only activate goblins one by one, and can\'t turn out any waves at all.

Magician bosh obtained the corpse and heart core of the first level activated goblin; Babrina received some compensation items given to her by magician bosh, as well as one-third of the advanced materials in this activated goblin city; Even the scorpion dragon, a two headed Warcraft, has received the commitment of several official magicians to devour as many activated goblins as they want.

This is a happy situation.

In the ruins of this small unknown city, a dark green scorpion dragon, more than seven or eight meters long, is rummaging for edible "food.".

The flavor of activated goblins is not good, but the activated essence contained in their bodies makes many creatures flock to them.

"Stop looking! Go to the next place." At the neck of the green scorpion dragon, a knight wearing half body lock armor stood in the gap between the scales of the scorpion dragon.

There was one more person on his body. The scorpion dragon obviously didn\'t adapt. He shook his huge head, but he was very measured and didn\'t disturb the knight standing on his back.

A corrosive black smell was emitted from the nasal cavity, and the green scorpion dragon climbed in the direction indicated by the knight.

The knight is Locke, and the scorpion dragon under his feet is the smallest of the six quasi order scorpions, and Angie\'s sixth brother.

Now, among the seven children of scorpion Lord Adams, the youngest one has the best talent. She is only close to the age of 10 and has grown into a high-level Warcraft. This is also related to Angelina and Locke\'s cultivation of all kinds of genius land treasures and precious magic food for the little scorpion angel.

In addition to the little scorpion Anji, among the other scorpions, only the sixth quasi order scorpion has the second talent. At the age of 91, he grew up to the category of quasi level Warcraft, which can be regarded as a talent in Warcraft.

But this guy is very lazy. In the past, when he was in Murphy forest, his favorite thing was to sleep. He ate, slept and ate every day. I really don\'t know how he was promoted to a quasi level Warcraft within a hundred years.

Now when it comes to the ectopic side, the scorpion dragon has not changed his bad habits. When other brothers and sisters devour and capture activated goblins with their parents, this guy\'s enthusiasm is the worst.

It\'s also interesting to see this scorpion dragon. After a little communication between Locke and scorpion Lord Adams, Locke temporarily gave his little son to Locke as a mount.

"Fermo, go over there!" Locke patted the big head of the green scorpion dragon and pointed to the center of the activated goblin city.

Fermo is the name Locke gave the scorpion dragon. The scorpion dragon itself has a name. The language of the scorpion dragon is translated as fermos. Locke doesn\'t think the name is too long, so he directly calls it Fermo.

Why is fermos the youngest son of scorpion Lord Adams, because Angie the little scorpion is a mother...

Locke has kept it for nearly ten years before he found that Anji is a female scorpion dragon. It\'s really...

Under the command of Locke, Fermo was not impatient. Instead, he really carried Locke in the direction he pointed out like an honest horse.

What caused all this was what Locke said to it when he first found it:

"Take these two heart cores and eat them as snacks first. Later, I\'ll give you a magic crystal of quasi level Warcraft."

"Follow me, I promise you can eat meat twice a day, not the bodies of those activated goblins, but the meat of the wizard world."

"Do you want bony orchid? It seems to be a precious magic material for advanced magic apprentices. It doesn\'t matter. I\'ll go to wizard Ashar and ask for some for you later."

Even the scorpion dragon, a Warcraft bred in nature, fell under Locke\'s sugar coated shell.

He chewed a half meter long, dark gray leaf and cut branches. When Fermo walked around, the earth and mountains shook around. This is a quasi level Warcraft with amazing tonnage.

What it chews in its mouth is the bone orchid that Locke brought it. This rare plant, which grows on the magical soil rich in minerals, was shamelessly begged by Locke to assar magician.

This kind of magic material is not much in the hands of assar magician. She gave birth to it by tying the corpse of the mountain newt with two stones in the cultivation room of the holy tower.

It shows that the assar magician is really good for Locke.

Of course, Locke has to pay back for the kindness of assar magician. He knows that assar magician basically doesn\'t lack anything, but he seems to like to enjoy delicious food, so he specially came to this occupied activated goblin city to find some rare and cherished varieties of activated goblins for her.

The juice extracted from the fruit cultivated last time with the blood essence of these activated goblins is really delicious, and Locke still remembers it.

In the middle of the city, there are activated goblins and civilians running and crying, as well as rampant slave creatures.

After looking for it for a long time, he quickly toured the city of activated goblins. Locke did not find any rare species except for a few heart cores of medium-level activated goblins.

Fermo, the scorpion dragon trampling under his feet, burped and ate the bodies of four or five middle-level activated goblins. He wanted to sleep.

"Why don\'t you catch two watermelon people back?" Locke touched his chin and thought, as far as he could see, there were several watermelon people activating Goblins who were driven and slaughtered by slave creatures.

So far, lock and assar magicians have tried many kinds of fruits produced by activating goblin blood essence. Only watermelon human blood essence produces the sweetest and best watermelon in the wizard world.

"Just watermelon people." There is no other good choice. Clap your hands and decide to be a watermelon man for the time being.

Urging the scorpion dragon to climb forward, the power of the quasi level Warcraft and the momentum of the quasi Knight were released at the same time. Those chasing each other, whether watermelon people, civilians or slave creatures, were scared to move.

The strength of several slave creatures is only middle-level attendants. They are ectopic creatures similar to the human height of the wizard world, with three legs and a half man long blue tail.

When these slave creatures saw the scorpion dragon and Locke on their back, they trembled and lowered their heads. They didn\'t dare to look at the scorpion dragon and Locke.

It\'s not that they are so afraid of Locke, but that they don\'t have soul marks. You never know how painful it is.

Souls don\'t belong to themselves. These slave creatures, strictly speaking, are just puppets of Santa magicians invading the ectopic side.

Not interested in observing several ectopic slave creatures, Locke picked three watermelon people to activate the goblins, knocked them out and threw them on the scorpion dragon\'s back.

The watermelon man, who is only half the height of ordinary human beings in the wizard world, lost consciousness without wasting Locke\'s strength.

Originally, there was a Locke standing on the body, and Fermo, the scorpion dragon, was very uncomfortable. Now there were three more activated Goblins who were stunned. The green scorpion dragon showed a very impatient expression.

"Go! Don\'t ink." Locke slapped Fermo\'s brain bag and urged. Locke\'s space ring is not high-grade enough to hold living creatures.

In the face of Locke\'s rude behavior, the scorpion dragon snorted, finally endured it and climbed away.

This activated goblin city is the lowest level city. The high-end resources are scored by several official magicians. The low-end ones, which have reached the quasi Knight level, are also a little despised.

After casually sneaking around for two times and collecting some things of low value, Locke sat on the scorpion dragon\'s back and went home. Towards the magician army camp outside the city.

Angelina only appeared on the battlefield at the beginning of the siege. When the activated goblin city master was killed by two official magicians in cooperation with the scorpion Dragon Lord and the gate of the activated goblin was broken, Angelina returned to the camp. She needs to take care of her mentor.

An official magician is injured and doesn\'t need an apprentice to take care of her. Angelina just wants to do it.

Locke supports this. The help of mage Kaila to Angelina is obvious to all. Just as Locke is grateful to mage Ashar, now the two mages have suffered different degrees of injuries at the same time. They both want to care about the two formal mages as much as they can.