Heavenly Sword Divine Emperor

Chapter 297

After confirmation, Lin Ye\'s body exploded.

A terrible breath erupted, and the body shape was exposed in the sight of the monster.


The roar shook the sky.

The monster is extremely angry and wants to tear up the forest.

However, the moment they found Lin Ye, Lin Ye\'s figure had disappeared in place. When it appeared again, it had entered the altar.


On the altar, a light burst out.

The light enveloped the altar.

The fierce and angry monster stopped at the edge of the altar.

Blood red eyes make people feel palpitation.

On the altar, make sure that the monster doesn\'t dare to come. Lin Ye is a little relaxed. If the monster can come, even if he is ten times and a hundred times stronger, he will disappear in an instant.

Of course, it is impossible to dissipate.

Because, the end is more miserable than vanishing. These powerful monsters will be used as a good meal and end up with no bones and no real place to die.

A thought moved.

Jiuzhong Kong Family opened.

Zhang shaochu and others appeared in front of Lin Ye.

The first time I came out, I found that there were terrible emperor level monsters all around. Everyone was stunned. There were so many emperor level monsters around. Is there still life?

Fortunately, it was soon found that these monsters did not dare to come.

"Captain, you did it."

His Highness the third prince spoke.

I was very surprised.

They didn\'t hold much hope, but they didn\'t expect that Lin Ye really did it and took all of them to the altar. The monster could only stare in the distance.

"Let me tell you something first."

"It\'s hard to open this altar."

Lin Ye said.

Looking at Zhang shaochu and others.

Hearing Lin Ye\'s words, they were silent, but soon accepted the reality.

"Captain, shall we return now?"

"Or we\'ll fight here."

Hunting Tianyu said.

He is familiar with this place.

I was trapped here for three days last time and knew it like the back of my hand. Although I can\'t open the altar now, I can rely on the geographical advantage here to hunt monsters.

"It\'s really a great place."

"There are endless monsters to kill. If you are tired, hide in."

"However, there are all three or four evil beasts here. If those eight or nine evil beasts are led over, even if they can\'t help us, we can\'t kill them."

"Here, basically all are three or four evil beasts. Eight or nine evil beasts are rarely seen. They should be far away or in the center."

For a time, more than a dozen people discussed it.

Everyone is eager to kill monsters here.

"Open the altar."

"There is a way."

Lin Ye waited until Zhang shaochu and they finished, and then he opened his mouth.

"Captain, what can I do?"

Hunting Tianyu looked at Lin Ye curiously with excitement and expectation in his eyes. Other people also looked at Lin Ye at this time. If there is a way to open the altar, they may enter it to get opportunities.

"Blood essence sacrifice to heaven."

"Three million monster blood essence."

Lin Ye said seriously.

The blood essence of three million monsters, how terrible it is.

There are more than three million monsters around the altar. Moreover, it is getting closer and closer to the center of the dark forest, and there are more and more monsters inside.

However, it is not easy to hunt these monsters.

"Three million!"

"Three million!"

Everyone, hearing Lin Ye\'s words, was shocked by the number of three million at the first time.

Three million monsters are terrible to think about.

"Three million, there are three and four robberies here."

"There are five emperor level monsters. It\'s too difficult."

"If you really kill three million emperor level monsters, each one is only two minutes of the sky list value, that is the six million sky list value. It\'s too shocking."

"If a person keeps fighting every day, he can kill two thousand monsters. One day is thirty thousand. If three million, it takes a hundred days."

"See clearly, there are all three and four evil beasts here."

The voice of discussion continued.

More than a dozen people talked fiercely.

They all want to kill monsters to earn tianbang value, and they want to open the altar.

But it\'s too strong.

"Together, two people in a team."

"I press the battle, take turns to rest and take turns to fight."

"Endless battle."

Lin Ye opens his mouth.

Everyone is the golden body of the law of heaven and man. It is only one step away from the semi saint, or there is only one holy robbery with the semi saint. Its strength is comparable to that of the semi saint.

If you fight, you can kill two and a half saints.

Maybe we can fight with the three robbers and half saints, but we don\'t have much confidence in killing the three robbers and half saints. Now, the imperial demons we face are all three robbers and four robbers, and they are still overwhelming.

Not to mention killing, even if you can save your life, you have to be careful.

"Then spell it."

"Don\'t we just want to earn the value of tianbang and become stronger? Now the opportunity is in front of us. It\'s impossible to give up if we\'re wrong, otherwise it will really become a joke."

"I joined hands with shaochu."

"Tianyu, let\'s join hands."

"Wang Ze, I, Xiao Yanqing, join hands with you."

"Only the captain is left."

"The captain is strong. One person can be stronger than all of us. Even if we add up, his green vine can\'t compare with it. Let\'s consider ourselves."

Lin Ye\'s plan, everyone nodded in agreement.

Although it was difficult, they didn\'t flinch.

After 14 years of cultivation, he finally became strong. In order to fight, he didn\'t even rest. He came to the dark forest to find monsters to earn tianbang value. Now it\'s hard to find countless monsters. Naturally, he can\'t retreat like this.

When you\'re ready.

The long and endless battle begins.

Fifteen people, Lin Ye didn\'t do it.

Other people, every two people form a team to fight monsters together.

One main attack and one auxiliary.

When in danger, hide at the altar for the first time.

Kill monsters and clean up their materials at the same time.

Collect the blood essence, put it together and store it to worship the heaven.

Half a day passed.

Finally, someone couldn\'t carry it and had to go to the altar to rest.

However, when they were resting, Lin Ye\'s mind moved, and Qingming colored glass appeared in front of them. Suddenly, Qingming colored glass burst out with the power of shocking destruction, turned into 18 green vines, and attacked the dense monsters.



Monsters, one by one.

The forest is suspended in mid air.

Point it out from time to time.

From time to time.

From time to time, a cold Aurora rolled over.

From time to time, a mark is rolled down.

Every time you make a move, a powerful emperor level monster must die. Whether it is a three robbery emperor level monster or a four robbery emperor level monster, it can\'t escape the fate of being killed in a second.

For a time, Zhang shaochu and others were crazy.

I also understand how strong Lin Ye\'s strength is. Compared with Lin Ye, they are no longer a level at all.

The same realm.

Lin Ye killed three and four evil beasts, and played it down.

In the face of three and four evil beasts, they can kill them together, and they have to rely on the safe point of the altar. If there was no altar, they would have died thousands of times.