Heavenly Sword Divine Emperor

Chapter 296


Looking at the numerous monsters, everyone was frightened.

These are all emperor level monsters.

A hundred miles away, do you want to cross the altar from these monsters?

Aren\'t you kidding.

"Fly in the sky and die faster."

"Most of these monsters are flying monsters. They are absolutely the king of the air. The only way is to hide their breath and climb over carefully, on the premise that the monsters don\'t find them."

Yang Yunchen smiled bitterly.

It\'s really possible to climb over, but how can you climb over a hundred miles.

Moreover, outside the altar are numerous emperor level monsters, which is undoubtedly a dream without their attention.

"I have an invisible jade amulet."

"However, each invisible jade charm can only be used three times."

Xue Feng spoke.

While talking, he took out a piece of jade talisman from the storage bag, invisible jade talisman.

However, this invisible jade talisman can only be used three times. After three times, the jade talisman will be broken.

"Three times, not enough."

Zhang shaochu said.

Three times is really not enough, a hundred miles away. Even if they are fast, it will take a period of time. During this period, they must be found by the monster. As long as they are found by the monster, it will be crushed by the attack of destroying the sky and the earth.

At that time, even if you are invisible, the attack will still land and beat you back to your original shape.

"You can only consume it again."

"Give me the jade amulet and I\'ll take you there."

Linye\'s closed eyes opened.

He opened his mouth and said to Xue Feng, there are only more than 20 invisible jade talismans on Xue Feng. Everyone can divide one. Obviously, one jade talisman can\'t pass this 100 li.

Now, Lin Ye can only take all of them alone.

Gather the jade amulet on him alone.


Qian Wuxiu shouted.


Lin Ye looks at Qian Wuxiu.

"Whether the altar can be opened or not is unknown."

"If you waste a treasure, I don\'t know whether it\'s cost-effective."

Qian Wuxiu expressed his doubts.

Moreover, in his opinion, if something happens when he goes to the altar, he will have to spend a treasure. The treasure can give full play to the advantages against the sky in the tower of time. If it is wasted, it really doesn\'t count.

Mainly because I don\'t know if the altar can be opened.

Even if it is opened, can you get opportunities and treasures inside.

"I can some array patterns."

"If you don\'t go and have a look, how do you know if you can open it?"

Lin Ye smiles.

He knew that qianwuxiu was thinking of him.

After all, they heard Lin ye say that the treasure can only be consumed three times. If there is no harvest, it will be a waste. Naturally, they don\'t know that Lin Ye is not a one-time treasure, but a space treasure against the sky.

"Let\'s listen to the captain."

Qian Wuxiu insisted and said no more.

The others nodded and agreed with Lin Ye\'s idea.

Next, Xue Feng handed Lin Ye the twenty-two fast invisible jade talisman.

Lin Ye recalled them all to jiuzhong space.

After finishing everything, he flashed and ran towards the altar, but he didn\'t dare to fly in the air. In that case, he would be targeted by countless monsters and would undoubtedly be killed.

On the ground, no matter what, monsters can\'t attack all at once.



The slight sound of breaking the air sounded, and Linye moved forward at the fastest speed.

In less than half an hour, he came into close contact with the monster. The monster found him. However, at the moment when the monster found him, Lin Ye had opened the jade talisman.

The whole person disappeared into the air out of thin air.

The monster was obviously stunned, and there was confusion and doubt in his eyes.

It never thought that this human being was in front of it, but it couldn\'t see it.

The effect of invisible jade talisman was revealed, and Lin Ye gasped deeply.

Then, move forward carefully.

Check whether your stealth effect disappears at any time.

Time, minute by minute.

Lin Ye walked through the dense demons and beasts. It took three hours for Lin Ye to come 500 meters before the altar.

Seeing the altar, Lin Ye showed an excited smile on his face.

Divine knowledge, hurry to communicate with Biluo.

"Help me see this altar."

Lin Ye is invisible around a huge monster and dare not make any movement. The whole person is completely like a stone. However, he is communicating with Biluo in the sea.

"Ancient holy array."

"I\'m afraid you can\'t open it."

Biluo observed for a while and then said.

This altar is an ancient altar. With Lin Ye\'s current strength, it can\'t be opened at all.

"Is there no way?"

Lin Ye asked reluctantly.

It\'s really frustrating to come here and return empty handed.


Biluo didn\'t hesitate. She said there was a way.

"What can I do?"

Lin Ye was stunned and immediately became happy.

As long as there is a way, it\'s worth trying. You can\'t just go home like this. Then, ask bilao what he can do. It\'s not too late. The sooner you open the altar, the better.

"Sacrifice to heaven with the blood essence of these imperial demon beasts."

"Mobilize the power of heaven and earth, and I open the altar with the help of sacrificial blood."

Biluo said seriously.

To put it bluntly, Lin Ye\'s cultivation is too low. If she borrows her strength, Lin Ye can\'t bear it at all. If she doesn\'t use her strength, Lin Ye can\'t open the altar.

However, she could not open the altar without Lin Ye.

Of course, in addition to blood essence sacrifice to heaven, there is another way, that is, Lin Ye attacks semi saint.

After reaching the semi holy, Lin Ye is more powerful and can open the altar with her power.

At present, we can only sacrifice heaven with blood essence.

"How much do you need?"

"Do you know the use of this altar?"

Lin Ye was shocked when he listened to Biluo\'s words.

Blood essence sacrifice to heaven must be terrible blood essence.

In addition, he wanted to know what was under the altar. Even if he didn\'t know what was inside, at least he wanted to know whether the altar was a seal to suppress evil.

If you untie the seal and release the devil, you don\'t want to cry to death.

"Wait a minute."

Biluo said.

Casually calm down, Linye knows that Biluo is observing the altar.

For a quarter of an hour.

Biluo is roughly certain.

"There are seven array hearts."

"This is an ancient holy array. The sealing technique is very old."

"Moreover, according to my estimation, there are at least eight such altars, which are related to each other. When the nine altars are activated, amazing changes will happen."

"Although the seal comes from ancient times, the honing of years makes the seal loose, if you want to open this altar, at least 3 million demon animal blood essence, the purer the blood essence, the better."

Biluo said with certainty.

In his tone, he is also interested in the altar. It must be difficult to seal the holy array in ancient times.

"Three million monster blood essence!"

Lin was shocked in his ambition.

Three million monster blood essence, that is to kill three million monster.

It takes years and months to be alone.

Fortunately, all the people who defeated the team have arrived. Together, I believe it is not impossible. Hunting monsters can not only obtain tianbang value, but also obtain blood essence to worship heaven.