Heavenly Sword Divine Emperor

Chapter 298

Two hours later, Zhang shaochu and others recovered.

The battle continues.

At this time, Lin Ye returned to the altar, and Qingming coloured glaze also stopped. However, Qingming coloured glaze did not go to the jiuzhong space to practice, but continued to devour the evil spirit of monsters.

Take turns fighting and taking turns resting.

Around the altar, the fighting never stopped.

Time, day by day.

On the altar, a pool with sealed array is filled with countless monster blood essence. Each monster has a pot of blood essence with unparalleled power.

Finally, on the sixty ninth day.

The pool formed by the seal array is full of nine.

Lin Ye and others hunted as many as 3.3 million monsters.

The battle finally stopped.

After continuous life and death battles, Zhang shaochu and others have reached the critical point of the golden body of the Dharma phase, and their strength has reached a terrible level. Now they can easily kill even if they face three robber emperor level monsters alone.

Fighting makes them strong.

Looking at the increasing value of tianbang, everyone was very excited.

After more than two months of continuous fighting, everyone\'s tianbang value has also accumulated to more than one million.

Lin Ye is naturally the most valuable in the tianbang.

In two months and nine days, the tianbang value of Linye reached 2.78 million.

His list is worth twice as much as others.

There is a gap between other people\'s tianbang values, but the gap is not large.

Qianwuxiu, among the team members, the tianbang value is still the largest. Tianbang value: 1510000 points.

The least is Lin Yang. The tianbang value reaches 1390000 points.

In the first half month, on the last day at the end of the month, the winning team all entered the top 100 of the world list, Lin Ye reached the sixth place, and Nangong Xiyue reached the third place.

On the last day of the second month, all the winning teams entered the top 50.

Lin Ye ranked fourth, and Nangong Xiyue ranked second.

This month is five days away.

However, Lin Ye\'s list value this month has reached 149000 points.

"The spirit of the world."

"How is the world ranking now?"

Everybody, back to the altar.

Lin Ye opens his mouth and calls the spirit of the world.

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared and the golden font flickered in the air. This is the spirit of the world. When the spirit of the world appeared, he asked about the ranking of the world sky list and the number of sky list values in this month.

"This is the ranking of the top 1000 in the world."

"The final ranking should be at the last hour of the last day at the end of the month."

The spirit of the world appeared numerous small golden characters.

Small characters record the current ranking and value of the world tianbang.

"Lin Ye, the first day, the list value: 149000 points."

"Nangong cherishes the month. The next day, the list value is 1410000 points."

"Ruolan rain, the third day, the list value: 1260000 points."

"Mu Zhili, fourth day ranking value: 870000 points."


"Thousand dance cultivation, the 13th day, the list is worth 680000 points."

"Zhang shaochu, on the 14th day, the list is worth 670000 points."

"Yang Yunchen, the 15th day, the list is worth 668000 points."

Lin Ye, Zhang shaochu and others stared at the world sky list displayed on the spirit of the world. They were very excited to see the temporary ranking of the world sky list.

What I can\'t imagine in my dream, but it took only three months to achieve.

Lin Yang, the lowest ranking, was also in the 39th place and successfully entered the 40th place.

To their regret, if the amplitude reaches 1.1 or 1.2, their sky list value is higher and their ranking is higher.

However, this ranking does not calculate the vibration amplitude.

Only the world sky list at the last hour of the month will add the amplitude value.

At that time, their ranking must fall a little.

Because others have amplitude values.

"The first captain is as stable as a rock."

"We don\'t have amplitude values."

His Highness the third prince said.

The amplitude value of Linye is 2.4. No one can surpass him in the summer world. When Linye adds the amplitude value, the final number of tianbang value will be even more amazing.

"Can threaten our captain."

"Only Nangong Xiyue, the elder martial sister of the captain."

"If Lan Yu can bring a little threat to the captain."

Zhuge Ling said.

The world\'s top three are all calculated in millions.

The only one who is most likely to threaten Linye\'s first throne is Nangong Xiyue, because Nangong Xiyue\'s first challenge to the Weiling tower reached the twelfth floor, two floors less than Linye.

Whether it is tianbang value or amplitude value, there is not much difference compared with Linye.

The main reason is that Lin Ye can\'t return now and can\'t challenge the Weiling tower, while Nangong Xiyue can challenge the Weiling tower. People like Nangong Xiyue who are against the sky have great hope of passing through the Weiling tower.

"Captain, we are on the list now."

"Or are you going to sacrifice blood essence to heaven?"

Xue Feng asked.

Although the blood essence has been fully prepared, there are still five days before the end of the month. They all want to rush the list in the last five days and strive to stabilize the world list. The higher the ranking is, the more honor will be.

"You go on."

"I\'m going to sacrifice to heaven."

Lin Ye said.

After that, he closed his eyes, communicated with Biluo, and prepared to sacrifice blood to heaven. However, Qingming glass was not idle. Eighteen green vines stirred the space and helped Linye hunt and kill emperor level monsters.

Zhang shaochu looked at them and was numb or used to it.

They understand that even if Lin Ye lies down and sleeps, no one in the world can shake him.


Linye got busy and began to arrange according to Biluo.

In other words, Biluo used his power to arrange the array for blood essence sacrifice to heaven.


"That human, too evil."

"The tower of micro spirit has 14 floors, and it entered the top ten in the second month."

"It\'s the first one now. It seems that it\'s the first one."

"What\'s more puzzling is that all the people who followed him entered the top 50. Of the top 30, ten were his people. It\'s terrible."

"Lin Ye, the demon of the Tianyang Empire, is one of the ten captains."

"His team, it\'s terrible."

"Why didn\'t I choose to follow him? If I were with him, my name would also be in the top 50 of the world list, but now I don\'t even enter the 1000 of the world list."

"Their sky list value is still soaring. Even without amplitude value, no one can shake their ranking."

"How did that group of garbage become so powerful? It\'s cheating."

As time goes by.

It\'s the last day of the month.

Countless strong demons return to the city of the spirit.

Looking at the names of the winning team members on the world sky list, countless strong people envy and envy.

It\'s not clear why Lin Ye\'s team is so terrible. In just three months, all of them have entered the top 50 of the world list. If this goes on, half of the top 10 of the world list will be his people.

These two months, the hottest topic.

It\'s about Lin Ye and his team.

Just because they are too dazzling, in such a short time, they have surpassed 99% of the people and reached the highest ranking in the world list, and his team is very close.

Obviously, they are some talents despised by other captains, but they are the most powerful in the end.

Tianyang Empire, ten teams.

Lin Ye\'s team has the worst strength and the least number, but now it is the most terrible.