Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Chapter 1795

Thinking of the picture of the snow landlord holding the giant palm of the demon God and horizontally pressing the son of the demon God, the temple Lord and yuezun agreed to believe that Xia Qingchen must be the descendant of the God.

It may even be a descendant of the first generation of gods.

"Guess." Suxin chuckled and said something mysterious.

The faces of Yue Zun and the Lord of the temple became awed.

There is no doubt that the snow Lord is absolutely the God of the world. The first Tianjiao in the demon world and the demon Gaitian in the quasi Japanese realm were defeated by him.

Such a person

Just think about it, they shudder.

If they are against such people, they are afraid of being killed in a second, and they don\'t know how to die!

Yuezun breathed a sigh of relief and secretly rejoiced that the dark moon and the snow listening building had not yet developed to the point where water and fire could not be tolerated. Otherwise, there would be no place for the dark moon at home and abroad.

The Lord of the temple was also very happy and said, "Deputy landlord, we are also half an ally. Next, let\'s solve Xia Qingchen together."

Yuezun deeply thought so, and his eyes coldly turned to Xia Qingchen, with a trace of hatred intended to echo.

"Xia Qingchen, it\'s time for you to die." Yuezun said coldly, "let your work be higher than heaven. Today, you should hate it."

The Lord of the temple also looked cold: "I said earlier that those who disrespect God will be punished!"

Yu Hualong stood with his arms in his spare time and smiled: "Xia yuan, Xia yuan, your son, lost after all."

The three super forces all want to kill Xia Qingchen. Can Xia Qingchen not die?

Xia Qingchen\'s face was expressionless and said faintly, "I am worthy of my heart in my life. What have I done to make you kill so?"

If you remember correctly, he had no deep hatred with the temple and the dark moon.

But they spared no effort to kill Xia Qingchen.

A respected old man in the dark moon, heavily leaning on crutches, said: "no reason, just because you deserve to die."

An elder of the temple was full of compassion: "God says that those who disobey God will die like a lamp."

They all mean the same thing - damn you!

Xia Qingchen smiled and smiled up: "if I die, you should be doomed!"

He has lived his life for the benefit of one party!

Yungu City, Shenxiu principality, Xingyun sect, Shengzong, Tianyue ridge, Liangjing, mainland.

Wherever he goes, he brings prosperity.

On the contrary, what about the dark moon and the temple?

The former brings killing and darkness, while the latter brings ignorance and exploitation.

Now, the two are openly revealed in the world, and the former should be wiped out.

"The right way in the world is weak, and the evil way is rampant." Xia Qingchen raised his voice and roared, sending out the noble righteousness that shook the world: "there is only your evil way and persecuting the right way."

"It\'s just that you\'re done!"

Xia Qingchen\'s eyes filled with eyes, rubbing thick broken ice.

He was very glad that he didn\'t directly fight against the feather family. Virtually, he found out two evils that harmed the mainland.

Just then, together with the feather family, they were completely buried.

The Lord of the temple was indifferent, and a trace of ridicule arose from the corners of his mouth: "regardless of whether you are qualified to boast of the right way, even if so, what?"

A temple elder smiled and said, "is it difficult? If you shout justice, someone will help you?"

Another temple elder pointed to the vast mortals below and said, "open your eyes and see, who can save you? Is it air? "

Yuezun cast complex eyes at Xia Qingchen and threw a painted black dagger with dark green liquid on it.

I don\'t know if it\'s venom or something.

"Once, I thought you were the best man in the world. I was fascinated by you for a time, but when I saw the prosperity all over the world, I found that you were just a mediocre person."

"Compared with listening to the snow landlord and building the sky, in fact, what are you?"

"At best, it\'s just a spray that jumped up inadvertently in the vast years, and it\'s gone in the twinkling of an eye."

"I blushed for my simplicity and regretted my infatuation. If I could do it again, I would not entrust my heart to you."

Is this a confession?

However, it is too desolate, too regrettable and too embarrassing.

A venerable old man said, "compared with those real heroes, Xia Qingchen is really inferior. Far from it, compared with Suxin, what is your so-called human alliance leader?"

"The battle of human demons in western Xinjiang, I have learned that it is not the main battlefield of the demon clan, but Liangzhou city."

Hearing the speech, the city was in an uproar!

"Xijiang only sent a silver eyed demon clan and two million demon clan armies. Those demon clan armies are all inferior soldiers of the demon clan."

"The real elite are all in Liangzhou city. This is the main battlefield."

"The overall strength of the demon clan defeated by Xia Qingchen is less than one tenth of that of Liangzhou city."

"So in terms of credit, what qualifications do you Xia Qingchen have to call yourself the leader of the Terran alliance? Can you compare with one tenth of listening to the snow landlord? "

In the uproar, people\'s awe of the snow tower immediately rose to a higher level.

Correspondingly, the brilliant image of Xia Qingchen in their eyes is much bleak.

It turns out that the human demon war led by Xia Qingchen is not the most important.

The most important thing is to listen to the snow tower as the main force of the demon family.

"Listen to the snow landlord, is our Terran ally, is our real hero!" The temple elders spared no effort to suppress Xia Qingchen.

The elder of the dark moon also waved flags and shouted.

"If I have a chance, I will definitely suggest to the Lord of the snow pavilion to launch a war against the demon clan! I believe that the Terran can move towards greater glory under the leadership of the Lord of listening snow! "

"Listen to the snow landlord!"

"Listen to the snow landlord!!"

There were shouts and shouts in the crowd.

Many people hesitate, hesitate, and their hearts are shaking.

"Is the Terran alliance leader Xia Qingchen? He has made great contributions. "

"Don\'t you hear me? The west Xinjiang battlefield of Xia Qingchen is actually just a small battlefield. The real battlefield is still in our Liangzhou city. "

"There is no harm without comparison! I thought it was not easy for Xia Qingchen to win the battlefield in western Xinjiang, but I didn\'t expect that our battlefield in Liangzhou city was ten times more difficult than that in western Xinjiang, but what was the result? Listen to the snow building, it will be completely destroyed! "

"Listen to snow, the landlord is a hundred grades higher than Xia!"

"The winner is the king! Xia Qingchen does have credit, but it\'s far worse than listening to the snow landlord! "

"Where can we compare? It\'s not the same level at all, okay?"

"The leader of tingxue building has established a super power at the level of overlord in the mainland. What has Xia Qingchen established in tingxue building? From beginning to end, they are dependent on forces of all sizes, right? "

"That\'s right. There are essential differences between the two."

Listening to the discussion below, Yue Zun questioned. Yue Zun looked at Xia Qingchen, whose status was sharply reduced and alone. For some reason, the bottom of his heart was sour.

Was the young man of that year abandoned by the world now?

She was suddenly a little unhappy, and her hatred was not so clear.