Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Chapter 1796

But the Lord of the temple was not so soft hearted and said, "ladies and gentlemen, I just heard from the Deputy landlord that our snow landlord is likely to be the descendant of the gods!"

"Therefore, he can defeat the first myth Tianjiao and devil Gaitian in the demon world!!"


"We also have the descendants of the first generation of gods in the human world!"

"Oh, my God! This is our human God, the human God! "

"It\'s all my fault that I gave the title of human God to Xia Qingchen just now. Now I\'ll call the building owner tingxue. The weight of this title will be greatly reduced."

"Me too. I regret it!"

"Are we a little crossing the river and tearing down the bridge? I\'ve just held Xia Qingchen so highly. It\'s too disrespectful to belittle him now. "

"However, facts speak louder than words. Anyway, the snow landlord is 100 times stronger than Xia Qingchen."

"If Xia Qingchen can\'t stand it, OK, he will also defeat the main force of the demon family and the devil Gaitian. We didn\'t stop him."

"If Xia Qingchen can\'t stand this blow, to tell you the truth, I really want to underestimate him."

Human collective wisdom is often stupid.

Anyone with a rhythm is easy to be stupid collectively.

"Did Xia Qingchen do no meritorious service? Or is it false? Are you too cold? " Those who are calm and rational fight against injustice.

"And! There is only one hero. Since Xia Qingchen is not as good as listening to the snow landlord, of course, he can\'t enjoy the aura of universal support. "

"We didn\'t tell him anything. We just told him the truth. Why are we so excited?"

"You... You..."

Calm and rational voices are always a minority.

The whole people almost one-sided support listening to the snow landlord and belittle Xia Qingchen.

The Lord of the temple smiled and smiled from his heart.

What an unexpected ending.

Xia Qingchen, who had just been regarded as a God by the people all over the world, and the Terran alliance leader who had just returned his prestige and had no competition, was abandoned by the people all over the world in the twinkling of an eye.

"Lord Xia Meng, how\'s it going? Does it taste bad?" The Lord of the temple sneered.

Yue Zun pointed to the dagger thrown in front of Xia Qingchen and said, "Xia Qingchen, if you want to keep your reputation, you\'d better commit suicide. Then you\'ll be more decent."

This is the last tenderness she can give Xia Qingchen.

Today\'s summer light dust has been abandoned by the world, losing popular support, prestige and reputation.

If you are killed by the dark moon and the temple, you must be very embarrassed and unbearable.

Rather than so, it\'s better to cut yourself in front of the people in the world. In that way, maybe you can retain a little face and a little integrity for the world to remember.

Xia Qingchen was indifferent, just carrying his hands and silently looking up at the sky.

Yuezun and the temple looked at each other, and there was a cold light in their eyes. The Lord of the temple said, "since the Lord of Xia Meng needs us to do it ourselves, let\'s give him a good time."

Yue Zun said, "can you give me this opportunity? I want to cut him myself. "

The Lord of the temple smiled: "please!"

As long as Xia Qingchen can die, it doesn\'t matter who does it. Besides, yuezun can owe him a favor. Why not?

Yue Zun was about to take a step when the Suxin in the sedan grew up and said slowly, "I\'d better come."


The Lord of the temple was surprised, and the Lord of the auxiliary building did it himself?

Isn\'t she too dirty with her hands?

Xia Qingchen is such a small person. Why should the Deputy landlord of tingxue building do it himself.

Yue Zun was surprised, but there was a flash of panic in the depths of his pupils. He hurriedly said, "it\'s just a small matter. How can I bother you? I\'ll do it! "

With that, yuezun almost took the lead and quickly walked to Xia Qingchen.

She just took a few steps, and the dark shadow flashed in front of her. It was the huge figure of the white bone beast, blocking its way. Under the black robe, the beating flame eyes stared at yuezun: "the Deputy landlord said she came, she came, you don\'t move."

Yuezun\'s hair blew up and witnessed the terror of the white bone monster. How can she not be afraid?

His eyes turned again and again and came up with various ways, but he couldn\'t get around the interception of the white bone beast.

Suxin has left the sedan chair gracefully and walked to the summer light dust.

Her steps were very light, but she crossed ten feet in one step.

The hearts of all people beat in the sky and on the ground.

For the Terran alliance, the dark moment is coming, and their alliance leader will be put to an end by the snow tower.

But for people all over the world, the mood is very complex.

On the one hand, Xia Qingchen is a hero in fighting the demon clan.

On the other hand, listening to snow building is a great contribution.

Both should have been the stars of mankind, but one mountain can\'t tolerate two tigers. It\'s inappropriate for them to support anyone to get rid of Xia Qingchen.

Can only choose silence, looking at the summer light dust, falling into the hands of the snow tower.

"Ah! What a pity! "

"Xia Qingchen is also a hero of a generation. It\'s a pity that he was born in the wrong era. He competed with tingxue building in the same time and space, which doomed him to fall."

"Well, let\'s fall. We still have the listening snow building. The landlord is here. Our world continent is fine."

The Lord of the temple said, "I can finally die."

When Xia Qingchen dies, no one will hinder the temple. They will soon have divine power in the world!

Many elders of the dark moon are relieved.

"The last yuezun can rest in peace. Her old enemy has perished."

Heaven and earth are quiet, time and space are silent.

As if heaven and earth were silent for this moment.

A once brilliant star will fall from the vast starry sky left by Lu Shen.

Some people are sorry, some are sad, some are unwilling, and some are glad... All beings are different.

Suxin is close.

There are only ten, nine, eight and seven feet left from Xia Qingchen

Xia Qingchen didn\'t move. He didn\'t mean to resist. He still carried his hands and looked out of the sky.

As if he had accepted his fate and waited for death.

Seeing that the general situation was gone, Emperor Dongyuan and sword Zun Beiyuan put down their Nirvana with sadness and indignation.

An era is over!

The era that once belonged to Xia Qingchen will come to a historic end.

They still remember that Xia Qingchen defeated the Silver Eye demon family!

Still remember, Xia Qingchen retreated from the invincible style of hundreds of millions of corpse eating demons and insects!

I still remember the glorious moment in the history when Xia Qingchen ordered an expedition to the demon family.

I still remember how excited and inspired human beings were at that moment, and how tears filled their eyes.

All this turned into the dust of the times and fell into the silent world.

A trace of hot tears slipped from the eyes of emperor Dongyuan and glanced: "Lord Xia Meng, I have lost you in this era!"

Xia Qingchen created a new era for mankind.

This era, but failed to live up to Xia Qingchen.

Not even a chance to accommodate him.

Many people cried.

Nothing is more sad than witnessing the end of an era.

The former God of war, the former leader of the Terran alliance, is going to wave goodbye to this era.

All he left to the world was his back with his hands on his back.

Ten feet!

Here comes Suxin!