Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Chapter 1794

Before she joined the tingxue building, there was an identity known to very few people - the staff of tianyueling temple.

At that time, she was just the middle of the temple, not high or low, and not many people knew her.

Later, she firmly stood on the side of justice and spoke for Xia Qingchen. She was suppressed and persecuted by the Lord of tianyueling temple.

Finally, Xia Qingchen found her and asked her to be the Deputy landlord of the newly established tingxue building.

At that time, the tingxue building was only a small famous force in Tianyue mountain.

She drifted with the tide and chose to take the snow listening building as a place to settle down, not for anything else.

But what I didn\'t expect was that the snow tower seemed like a snowball that couldn\'t stop, rolling bigger and bigger.

Quietly, crazy expansion has become the most low-key super force in the mainland.

If it weren\'t for this time, I\'m afraid no one would have thought that the snow tower would be so powerful.

As the master of the snow tower, she became the most powerful woman in the world.

The Lord of the three realms is nothing in front of her.

In the past, the Lord of darkness who deterred the mainland, yuezun, the king of light who was longed for at home and abroad, was the Lord of the temple.

Both were respectful and polite to her.

This is something once a little clergyman could not dream of.

The drastic change of status makes it difficult for Suxin\'s deputy landlord to adapt. Fortunately, she has mastered the tingxue building for many years, and she has gradually developed her due upper class temperament.

Yue Zun fixed his eyes and found that the legendary Suxin Deputy landlord was so young.

Her heart could not help a burst of loss.

Her position of yuezun was obtained by forcing the previous yuezun to pass the throne. I thought she was unique among women.

Unexpectedly, Suxin, the Deputy landlord of the snow tower, was so young.

It seems that she is only in her early thirties, not much older than her.

Guixuliu secretly exclaimed, "the waves behind the Yangtze River beat the waves before, and a new generation wins over the old."

Today\'s young people, too terrible.

There is Xia Qingchen in front and Suxin in the back.

Moreover, Suxin\'s temperament is graceful. At first glance, she is not an ordinary woman, which makes them treat it with care.

"Although the world is big, it is nothing but snow tower, dark moon and temple." Yue Zun\'s heart was stimulated and tried to show a broad-minded spirit overlooking the world: "if we join hands, all kingship will step on our feet."

Suxin smiled and shook her head blandly: "listen to xuelou\'s lack of enthusiasm for power and kingship, we are not interested."

This made yuezun\'s expression slightly stiff.

Conscious of her anger, she suddenly felt that she was compared.

She valued her power, which was despised by xuelou.

Their level was first opened.

The Lord of the temple smiled with a holy smile: "I preach all over the temple. I hope the snow tower will give more convenient doors. The temple is willing to form an alliance with the snow tower forever."

Suxin smiled lightly: "please help yourself, Lord. The goal of the snow tower is not limited to the world. You don\'t need to care about us."

Perhaps he has followed Xia Qingchen for too long, and his vision has become higher.

Lu chenyiguo, she has slowly felt bound and intends to move towards a broader world.

The temple Lord and yuezun were suddenly surprised.

Is the goal of the snow tower so vast?

What ambition is this?

Lu Chenyi can\'t satisfy them!

Do they still want to take root in the demon world?

Yuezun felt that he was compared and became yuezun\'s joy, which disappeared.

She thought of listening to the snow landlord, the Deputy landlord is still so, and where should the real landlord be sacred?

The Lord of the temple was suddenly dull. The mainland he was thinking about was nothing but a dispensable territory in the eyes of others.

Funny, he also worried that the snow tower would curb the expansion of the temple.

People don\'t care at all, okay?

After some conversation, they have a new understanding of the pattern of the snow listening building!

"Do you have anything else?" Asked Suxin.

Yue Zun thought about it, smiled, took out a bracelet and gave it to Suxin: "the space Bracelet salvaged by the dark moon in the sea is large enough to fit a building."

Similar huge space nirvanas are unheard of in the mainland at present, and no similar nirvanas can be made in the martial arts civilization thousands of years ago.

The Lord of the temple took out a statue carved of colorful jade: "this is a gift from God and can resist the invasion of evil spirits."

This is not a trick, but a genuine gift from God. It contains divinity. Once an evil spirit approaches, it can automatically release the holy light and expel the evil spirit.

There are no more than three of them in the whole continent.

In the face of two amazing things, Suxin is indifferent.

In charge of the snow tower, Suxin has never seen anything good?

She has been numb to the prosperous materials in the world, and few can make her aim.

"No reward for reactive work." Suxin politely refused: "besides, if the landlord knows what to give me publicly, how should he look at me?"

Yuezun moved in his heart and couldn\'t suppress his curiosity: "Deputy landlord, what kind of person is the landlord?"

It\'s hard for them to imagine what kind of people can develop the tingxue building from a small force initially created into a giant that blocks out the sky and the sun in just two years.

Those who have such means must be the tragedy of heaven, right?

The Lord of the temple also pricked up his ears and listened carefully. He was also very curious about the snow Lord.

Suxin smiled and said, "how to describe it?"

She thought about it carefully and said, "it seems that no description can explain his extraordinary."

"I just heard that when he arrived on the mainland, he broke the statues of the gods in a temple, gave an order to let the gods project to worship, raised his hand, and the nine gods retreated."

These, of course, were revealed by Qiu Qiu after drinking.

After hearing this, Suxin was shocked and unforgettable for a long time.


With the supreme status of Yue Zun and temple Lord, they couldn\'t help but suck the air conditioner.

Especially the Lord of the temple: "you mean that when he came to the temple, he broke the statues in the temple? This is what a God, or someone with divine blood, can do. "

"As for the projection of the gods to worship, this... This is unheard of. I think only the true God can do this?"

"While waving, the nine gods retreated. This... The Lord of the temple can\'t imagine what kind of person they are."

Suxin smiled faintly: "it\'s just a rumor. Do you believe it?"

They want to believe it, but how can they not?

Listening to all kinds of secret medicines that surpass the times in the snow building, the 300 month demon clan who are loyal suddenly rises and soars.

It\'s hard for them not to believe what Suxin said.

Although not all of them are true, they may not be false.

The Lord of the temple looked surprised and said, "are you the Lord of the temple the greatest power of the divine blood?"