Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 78: Private possession of the Malfoy family

Chapter 78 The Private Collection of the Malfoy Family

This standard experience is not simple, you know, the author of "Secrets of Meditation" has spent a lifetime thinking about restoring meditation. In the end, it was precisely because I didn\'t know the training method and the effect of the training, I struggled for a lifetime, and failed to reproduce the power of meditation.

After the Forbidden Forest accident, Malfoy knew the importance of strength, and George told him that after the school started, he would train with Harry and others. These all inspired his eagerness to win.

Throughout the summer vacation, he did not waste it. Putting his time into hard training, it is precisely because of these performances that his father Lucius will bring him to Knockout Alley this time. In addition to beating him, I also intend to prepare some gifts for him as a reward.

As unique to the entire magical world, George’s is one of the few experiments in meditation. George didn\'t forget to care about everyone\'s meditation progress during the summer vacation, and even Malfoy didn\'t fall behind. After Malfoy asked for some advice, when George gave an appropriate answer, he also reminded Malfoy of his arrears in the mutual aid agency and his compensation for advice.

And this time he knew that Lucius would deal with his possessions in Knockturn Alley, which was the biggest gain he got from Malfoy.

Mr. Bokin ran out of the back room again, holding a thick book in both hands, and said out of breath, "Mr. Joe, this is the book. This "Ancient Curse Revealed" records the restoration of some basic ancient spells. , It is unique and precious in the world." Bojin said, with an expression of merit, and handed the book to George.

"Have you tried it?" George took the "Ancient Curse Revealed" from Borkin and read it casually.

Bojin\'s face began to change again, and after a while he smiled in a jealousy, "I am not as powerful as Mr. Joe, this ancient spell is dusty in my hands."

"That is to say it\'s useless." George gave Bojin a disapproving look. This old fox always blows ordinary things into rare treasures, and there are really many unseen people fooled. But wanting to lie to an outstanding Ravenclaw, these are far from enough.

"The book is real, although it is useless, I also accepted it." George flipped through the book roughly, then carefully closed the book, and then said:

"Tomorrow you go to Malfoy Manor and see his collection. You can try to persuade him to buy more. The price can also be increased by 20% after your offer today, and I will still increase the price by 20% according to your purchase price. ."

Mr. Bokin looked at the mysterious customer in front of him, his heart was also tight, and asked tentatively, "If Mr. Joe is interested in Malfoy\'s private possession, why not come by himself?"

Bokin wanted to test how much the mysterious Mr. Joe had over Malfoy\'s manor.

"Don\'t play with your cleverness." George raised his voice and began to beat the table rhythmically.

"Don\'t... don\'t... Mr. Joe, I know." Bogin\'s heartbeat changed with the percussive sound. Faced with George, who made a shot at disagreement, he immediately began to beg for mercy, "Mr. Joe should be For fear of causing Malfoy\'s vigilance, treat those things as odd goods and raise prices."

"Honestly earn your money, don\'t play with your cleverness, you won\'t have another chance." George\'s voice became cold again, and the language seemed to be a curse, scaring Mr. Borkin into a cold sweat.

"Except for Malfoy\'s house, I will also pay more attention to the items that other people have sold in Turnover Alley recently. If there is something Mr. Joe needs, I will definitely keep it for you." Bojin bowed eagerly and apologized, regretting his previous temptation. Knowing that this person is so terrible, why bother to test him? It seems that the business has grown, and my brain and courage are all confused."

"Okay, I\'ll be here in three days." George ignored Bogin and went straight out.

Why didn\'t you go to Lucius directly, but start from here in Turnover Alley. On the one hand, as Bojin said, there is a big difference between door-to-door buying and selling. When you deal with it yourself, no one is fighting and no one wants, only to take action to solve the problem. Many valuable things will be treated as garbage.

If George comes to buy it himself, needless to say, even if he doubles the price. It will only arouse other people\'s vigilance, drive up the price, or even think that there is some secret hidden, and no longer sell it.

The recent investigation by the Ministry of Magic has not only affected the Malfoys. It can even be said that even the amazingly powerful Malfoy family have begun to deal with their own possessions, especially for others.

At this time, George certainly didn\'t want to arouse other people\'s alertness. Knockdown Alley, as a big market for contraband, was the only place to swallow half of the magic world\'s possessions without attracting other people\'s attention.

As for these are prohibited items, black magic, the Ministry of Magic law expressly stipulates that they should be prohibited. George disagrees, the magical world has been peaceful for too long and stable for too long. Suddenly encountering Voldemort\'s dark reign, at this time it was like a frightened bird, and many incredible things were taken for granted.

contraband? When will wizards say this? Or ~www.novelhall.com~ How can wizard stuff be safe? Power is power, whether it is poison, curse, curse, black magic, power is always power.

Power neither defends evil nor helps good. Only power can fight power, and the current Ministry of Magic is really dizzy. He tried to use black magic to cover up and clean up contraband to maintain peace. Once Voldemort returned, how would he respond?

However, George would not remind the Ministry of Magic, they are neither reliable, nor capable, and even more rigid. Most importantly, he is benefiting from such actions.

Just like today, because of this situation, he obtained half of the collection that the Malfoy family had accumulated over thousands of years. Not only that, but during this sensitive period, more "good things" will continue to spread out in Turnover Alley.

This kind of opportunity is unique, if not in the current special environment. If it weren\'t for the environment where the entire magical world was frightened and trembling by Voldemort, it would be absolutely unimaginable.

It is precisely to "starve the timid, and die the courageous." After this turmoil, as long as George handles it properly, the entire magical world, except for Hogwarts, all treasures and accumulations, George should be the best.

In addition to secretly collected, precious books and items circulated due to the Ministry of Magic\'s investigation

Another reason, his current identity is also considered a secret. Although his figure has not changed, no one has seen his face under his hood. If something is involved, just don\'t admit it. With his ability, it is too easy to take advantage of the legal loopholes in the magical world. Keeping a mysterious identity will help him a lot~www.novelhall.com~ Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works All in ~www.novelhall.com~ mobile phone users please go to read.