Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 79: Mr. Weislai

Chapter 79 Interesting Mr. Wesley

As for the end, it was also to hide the source of Draco. Hidden in the dark, there are more opportunities to come into contact with the other half of Malfoy\'s private possession. When Malfoy began to seek power and continued to seek George, the Malfoy family would gradually no longer have secrets about him.

Just as Malfoy didn’t know how much help the "Secrets of Meditation" would bring to George, he also didn’t know. It was just a small piece of news, only news that could offset 500 gold gallons and could bring George What\'s the harvest.

Malfoy knew that George was rich, but he would not know how rich George was, nor would he know that George could take all his father\'s treasure from Mr. Borkin.

For him, just a small innocuous information was revealed, and he received a rebate of 500 gold gallons, which was really a good deal. For George, he therefore acquired the Malfoy family. For thousands of years, half of the collection was a good deal.

George went out of the gate of Borkin-Bock, did not continue to wander, and left Knockover Alley.


On the other side, Harry had already found the Weasleys. He was lucky enough to meet Hagrid in Knockover Alley. Hagrid took him to Diagon Alley and found the Weasleys.

"Harry, we were all terrified. Everyone didn\'t see you after they came out. Fortunately, everything is fine." Mr. Weasley ran over panting and wiped the sweat from his head with his sleeve. "Molly looked everywhere. You are going crazy."

"I\'m sorry, I worried you." Harry said apologetically.

"It\'s none of your business. There was a problem with the transmission. Where did you come from?" Ron asked carefully.

"I found Harry in Knockturn Alley." Hagrid said sternly.

"It\'s so cool." Fred exclaimed with excitement.

"It\'s enviable, adults won\'t let us pass by." Ron also looked envious.

"You are not old enough to go there," Hagrid said coarsely.

Mrs. Weasley hurried over. Ginny was being dragged by her and she was out of breath, "Thank God, oh—Harry—you are finally fine—I was terrified—thinking in my heart You can go anywhere—" she said, taking out a coat brush from the bag she was carrying to clean up the dust on Harry.

Mrs. Weasley clutched Hagrid\'s hand tightly. "Thanks for you to find Harry in Knockturn Alley, fortunately, nothing happened."

"I have something else, I\'m leaving now." Hagrid remembered that he had to buy insecticides to deal with the cabbage pests. "Goodbye at Hogwarts." Hagrid looked a little embarrassed.

"Guess who I saw in Knockdown Alley?" Harry asked Ron and Hermione in a meaningful tone, but without them answering, he gave the answer, "Malfoy and his father."

"What did Lucius Malfoy go to buy?" Mr. Weasley also heard behind them.

"He went to sell things." Harry turned his head and answered Mr. Weasley.

"He must be scared. The ministry is checking the contraband. There must be a lot of contraband hidden in his house." Mr. Weasley said contentedly, "I really want to catch Lucius Malfoy on the spot. evidence..."

"Be careful, Arthur." Mrs. Weasley didn\'t want to get into trouble. "The Malfoys are not easy to mess with. Don\'t get into trouble." As they said, a little goblin led them into the bank.

"Do you think I can\'t fight them?" Mr. Weasley looked angrily, but he quickly transferred his interest to other places. He saw Hermione\'s parents standing at the counter in the marble hall, looking very cramped. As ordinary people, too many pictures in the magic world make them nervous.

"Oh, they are Muggles." Mr. Weasley looked a little fussy. Although he had contact with a lot of Muggles on weekdays, he used the Forgetting Curse. At this time, I was very curious when I saw Muggles who were also the parents of the students.

"We must have a drink later and get to know it. By the way, what are you holding? Oh, this is exchanging currency, Molly, look at it." He looked excited and pointed to Gran in a fuss. The banknote in Mr. Jie\'s hand.

"Don\'t yell, don\'t make a fuss, and be polite." Mrs. Weasley covered her forehead, very helpless for her husband\'s impoliteness in front of the children\'s parents.

"We will meet here for a while." Ron lowered his head and told Hermione, and then everyone followed a Gringotts demon and hurried towards the underground vault.

The little demon drives a small car like an acrobat, constantly shuttles on the railroad tracks, and passes through a long underground tunnel to reach the underground vault.

After the Weasley\'s vault was opened, the Weasleys were shocked. Both Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley squeezed in front of the safe and touched the corners of the safe. Ron stood by the side with a silly look and smiled. He had never seen so many. money.

Mrs. Weasley, after hesitating for a long time, he grabbed a lot of Jin Jialong and put it in her bag~www.novelhall.com~ After thinking about it, he grabbed a handful of Jin Jialong and put it in Wes. Mr. Lai’s pocket reluctantly closed the safe.

"Thanks to George, we have a lot of savings now, but we can\'t waste it. If we want to open the safe in the future, I must be together with Arthur." Mrs. Weasley\'s face flushed with excitement, panting. Said roughly.

When Harry also hurriedly grabbed a handful of gold coins from his safe and put them in his purse, everyone drove back to the hall.

"Go to the Lihen Bookstore in an hour to gather. You can have a meeting here. I\'m going to buy Ginny a robe and a magic wand." Seeing that everyone has different things, Mrs. Weasley decided to split up in consideration of time. After leaving, he told me, "Don\'t go to Knockoff Alley."

Percy also got a gold coin. He plans to buy a quill pen. With the remaining money, he can also buy a few books that he has already read, such as "The Rights of the Prefect."

Fred met Hogwarts\' classmate, Li Jordan, and they planned to stroll around Diagon Alley together. Mr. Weasley had a huge sum of money in his pocket that he had never seen before, and made up his mind to take the Grangers to the Broken Cauldron Bar for a drink.

Harry and Ron, Hermione wandered back and forth on the cobblestone streets. Harry felt that he had taken out a little more money, and he felt the gold coins in his pocket calling him, which made him a little impatient to spend them.

He took Ron and Hermione to buy three huge ice creams. While eating ice cream, they turned around in the alley, looking at the dazzling products through the glass window~www.novelhall.com~ Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works All at ~www.novelhall.com~ mobile phone users please go to read.