Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 77: George's threat

Chapter 77 George\'s Threat

"My money is very easy to make. As long as I need it, I don\'t mind asking a higher price than others. But not everyone can make money from me. Isn\'t that your value? Mr. Bokin "George tapped the counter lightly with his hands, and said unhurriedly.

"You are so right, Mr. Joe, only valuable people can own gold coins and have everything. I have recently spent a lot of effort to collect some good things from all over the world, and I want to show you. "Mr. Borkin\'s face was like a drama actor, and immediately became happy again.

"My money is easy to make, but it\'s not easy to cheat." George continued to tap the counter, every beat pacing Bokin\'s heartbeat. "Boom, boom, boom...".

Listening to George’s words, Bo Jin’s face looked like he had opened a dye shop, and his face changed, "I don’t understand what you mean, Mr. Joe."

"Do you need me to be clear? Why do you think I came." George\'s low voice was like thunder, shaking slightly around him, the whole house trembling with the rhythm of his tapping on the counter.

"Oh, Mr. Joe, stop now. I just found an ancient magic spell that you mentioned before. I was about to give it to you as a gift." Mr. Bogin covered his heart with a pained expression and shouted To.

"Huh, why do you think I came here at this time." Hearing Bogin found the book he needed, George\'s voice eased, and the rhythm of tapping the counter slowed down.

"Mr. Joe, did you see Mr. Malfoy when you came in?" Mr. Borkin held his chest with his hands, lowered his head, not daring to look at George, and tentatively spoke out.

"I want to test me. I know what Malfoy is about to change hands. Maybe you can try it?" George\'s voice was cold, and the fog under his hood was like a black hole for people.

"No... how dare I... Mr. Joe joked, I will add 10% to what Malfoy changed hands..." Mr. Borkin secretly raised his head and saw the black hole under the hood. After a chill, he immediately changed his words, "I will transfer the original price to Mr. Qiao..."

"I\'ll raise the price by 20% at the price Malfoy shot." George\'s voice eased, and stopped tapping the counter. "But if you try to deceive me, maybe you will want to put yourself on the counter too. "George\'s voice immediately became hoarse and cold.

"No...no..." Mr. Bokin wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, "I will give you the ancient spell first." He ran all the way towards the back room. Go, slander in my heart, "This mysterious Mr. Joe is getting more and more terrifying, can he really turn money into magic?"

Mr. Bokin\'s heart is also uncertain. Malfoy came to deal with the private information. How could Mr. Joe know? He has only just taken up the private possession of Malfoy\'s house, and is planning to change hands to make a fortune from Mr. Gu Qiao. Who knew that Mr. Joe walked in front of Malfoy and found the door. How could this be?

Does Mr. Joe have his own eyes under Malfoy\'s hands? Malfoy goes wild all year round. This man who can even be used as a stepping stone for Voldemort, now has such a mistake, even this kind of secret information is known to Mr. Joe?

This time the business can earn 20% when changing hands, saving worry and effort, not to mention it is a big deal. Bojin is also overjoyed at this time. But when I thought of this mysterious Mr. Joe, even Malfoy, this kind of secret information about an old ghost, could be in his hands.

Bo Jin only felt a chill on his back. Of course, making money made him happy, but he felt a little uneasy when he thought that he was in contact with such a terrible person.

George looked at the treacherous and cunning businessman in front of him, but he was helpless. The lack of people in the magical world brought not only a small place but also a few things. The biggest problem is that it is almost impossible to have a complete industrial chain. All factories are workshops, but the workshops are bigger and smaller.

All businesses, all merchants, also only stay in small businesses. George was here before the start of school last year, and there was news of a huge reward for the Phoenix, but it has been a whole year, not to mention the Phoenix, even some other rare items cannot be collected. The magical world is too small, and more often it is too rich to spend.

George is not short of money, but it is difficult to exchange money for rapid growth in strength.

He came this time because of the gains from the previous layout.

"Unexpectedly, Draco Malfoy would surprise me so soon." George sighed for a while, Malfoy had already given him too many surprises.

George doesn\'t like Malfoy. After all, a arrogant bear child, except for the family of the bear child, there will be no normal people who like such a troublemaker.

But as the saying goes, not seeing and not bothering. Not in the same academy, and there is usually no contact, and Malfoy would not ask himself to be boring, and provoke an enemy that he can never win. Therefore, although Malfoy\'s relationship with him is not good, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has not deteriorated.

This laid the foundation for the subsequent cooperation between the two. Since George didn\'t intend to be arrogant or take the initiative to treat Malfoy as an enemy, Malfoy naturally knew not to provoke him.

And when George\'s mutual aid agency began to operate, Malfoy also took the opportunity to cheekily borrow 1,000 gold gallons from the mutual aid agency. For students, this is not a small amount of money. Even if Malfoy\'s family is one of the best in the magic world, a student would not have so much pocket money.

Malfoy borrowed a large sum of money from the mutual aid agency, and George suddenly discovered this way to exert influence on Malfoy.

After the Forbidden Forest incident, Malfoy was almost threatened with death, and suddenly became a lot more mature. Not so courageous, not so arrogant, and a little more planning.

Under this situation, Malfoy began to do what he wanted, intending to have a good relationship with George, and George naturally went along. He has always been interested in the private possession of the Malfoy family, especially after he learned that Malfoy Manor was once the residence of Voldemort.

And things went smoother than he expected. In order to get closer to George, Malfoy sent a book of "Secrets of Meditation" that he thought was very significant. This treasure that was dusted in the hands of the Malfoy family arrived. His hands were radiant. He had used meditation as a pillar of his power source, and even brought Harry and the others.

And Malfoy, who sent the "Secrets of Meditation", also gained a lot. George also chose a very good meditation technique for him in the Secrets of Meditation. It also comes with a standard experience.

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