Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 70: Mrs. Weasley

Chapter 70 Mrs. Weasley

George’s lack of security is not only manifested in his dislike of dragons, dogs, and pets. He is a little worried about things that lack control, and he doesn\'t even like house elves. Furthermore, what is more lack of control than a bear child?

Of course he can control himself, without a curse to fly the bear boy. But it was too difficult to let him and the child stay together and play together.

So it is not unusual for such a person to lack friends. But fortunately, George didn\'t mind these. With the strength, there were too many people who wanted to be friends with him.

Mrs. Weasley was clanging breakfast, she casually tossed the cut sausages into the frying pan, and glared at Ron and Fred when she was busy. Muttered, "What are you trying to write." "I can\'t believe it."

George added silently in his heart, "Mrs. Weasley loves her family very much, including making complaints to them."

"I won\'t blame you, Harry." She poured seven or eight fried sausages into Harry\'s plate, comforting him, "Me and Arthur were also worried about you. We also decided last night if If you don\'t reply, we will pick you up. But..." She added three fried eggs to Harry\'s plate, "Flying over half a country with an illegal magic car, it\'s simply too bad."

She looked back at George\'s figure and brought out a larger plate with more sausages and more eggs before serving it to George.

George added silently in his heart, "Mrs. Weasley loves her family very much, including family and friends."

Mrs. Weasley tapped her magic wand toward the sink, and the pots and pans clanged and cleaned themselves.

This scene made George\'s eyes bright, and he added another sentence in his heart, "You can use the silent curse in housework at will. While he is proficient in housework, his magic control is also super strong."

"It\'s bad, mom!" Ron mumbled.

"Don\'t gossip while eating." Mrs. Weasley snapped.

"They won\'t feed Harry, Mother." Fred also said.

"Shut up, too." Mrs. Weasley said, looking at Harry with a gentler expression.

"Strict but not harsh, and there is no parent." George looked at the picture and muttered, "Her children are not afraid of her. They can tell her what they are saying. The family atmosphere is very good."

At this time, a red-haired child in wide pajamas ran into the kitchen. She screamed and ran out immediately.

"The economic situation is very poor, and my daughter\'s pajamas don\'t fit." George muttered silently, and when he was going to send his mobile phone, he would send more clothes.

"This is Ginny." Ron whispered to Harry, "My sister, she has been talking about you all summer, she is your number one fan."

"She still wants your autograph, Harry." Fred whispered, he peeked at his mother and immediately buried his head and continued eating.

The atmosphere in the kitchen was a bit tense. Everyone speeded up the meal and swept away the plates.

"I\'m tired, I\'ll go to bed first." Fred put down the plate.

"No." Mrs. Weasley said mercilessly, "You asked for it, and you stayed up all night. Now you can go to the garden to clear the goblins from the garden. They are already out of control."

"Don\'t, mother" Fred looked at his mother pitifully.

"Don\'t expect to beg for mercy." Mrs. Weasley glared at Ron and Fred, "You can go to bed when you are done."

She looked at Harry and George again, "You can go to bed. If you haven\'t slept all night, you must be exhausted."

Harry looked at George, a little embarrassed, and said, "I\'m not sleepy, I\'m going to help Ron work together, I don\'t know what a goblin is yet."

"Good boy, this life is boring," said Mrs. Weasley. "Let me see what Lockhart said."

She turned around and pulled out a book from the shelf of the fireplace.

"No, Mom, we know how to deal with the goblins in the garden." Fred said with a helpless face looking up.

Mrs. Weasley’s hand is a beautifully fancy thick paper book with a thick cover that reads "Guidero Lockhart Teach You to Eliminate Household Pests" on the thick cover, and the entire layout is a big one. Photo of a handsome guy with bright blond hair. The handsome guy in the photo was still winking, and Mrs. Weasley looked down at him straightforwardly.

"He is amazing, he knows everything about the family, this is a great book..." Mrs. Weasley smiled silly.

"Mom admires him very much." Fred lowered his head and said in a low voice, his ears flushed and he looked a little embarrassed.

"Don\'t talk nonsense, Fred." Mrs. Weasley\'s face flushed, and she waved her hand embarrassedly. "Hurry up and work. Since you think you know more than Lockhart, wait for me to check. At the time, if there are goblins in the yard~www.novelhall.com~ I will make you look good."

George has quietly walked out the door, silently complaining, "Mrs. Weasley loves her family very much, but she still has a girlish heart with fantasies, and she likes flashy handsome guys."

As the owner of a huge bookstore, coupled with a wide range of books, George is no stranger to Guidro Lockhart, let him comment, "It is a pity a talented entertainer who was born in the magic world."

Gidro Lockhart knows how to make himself popular, and at the same time he spares no effort to practice these. He is an unqualified Ravenclaw, but when it comes to creating fame and spreading influence, he is definitely a good hand.

Although George didn’t like him, and fortunately Anna and grandmother didn’t like Guidro Lockhart’s books, but I have to admit that Guidro Lockhart is a talent, a specialization in creating fame and spreading influence. Powerful talents.

George even considered some commercial cooperation with Guidro Lockhart. After all, this is a very well-known figure in the magic world. The key is that the price is not high, and it is not picky. It is very good to invite it. But he quickly dispelled this idea, after all, the population of the magic world is far from the point where it needs celebrity endorsements.

The Weasley brothers came to the garden listlessly, complaining as they walked, and yawning from time to time.

The garden is very big, maybe not a garden, the whole is more like a big yard. There are weeds everywhere here, there are many intertwined trees beside the walls, and many weird plants grow messily in the yard. A green pond, the water is not clear, there are frogs jumping around from time to time~www.novelhall.com~ Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www.novelhall.com ~Mobile phone users please go to read.