Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 71: Weird law

Chapter 71 The Wonderful Law

"Actually, there are goblins in Muggle gardens," Ron said, lowering his head and rummaging vigorously among the peony flowers. The branches and leaves of the peony flowers trembled and the petals fell off. Then he grabbed something and yanked it out, "Look, this is it, like a little Santa, chubby, and carrying a fishing rod."

George clutched his forehead, how much Ron hates Santa Claus! Not only are goblins not like Santa Claus at all, they are not even like people. They are bare and round, like a huge pebble, they can only be regarded as humanoid creatures, but their facial features are not particularly imbalanced, and they are much more attractive than house elf.

"You need to do this!" Ron gave a demonstration. He lifted the goblin\'s ankle upside down, lifted the goblin above his head, swung his arm into a big circle, and finally slammed it forward. The goblin flew far away. With a plop, it landed on the ground behind the hedge, "This won\'t hurt them, it can turn them dizzy, and then they won\'t find the original hole."

"You are too bad, I can throw that stump." Fred looked at Ron with contempt, and threw a goblin over the stump.

Harry tried to catch a goblin, but was accidentally bitten by the goblin\'s sharp teeth. He became a little cautious and turned his head to see what George did.

"You are cheating." Ron also saw George\'s way of dealing with goblins.

George took out his wand and waved it lightly without chanting. One goblin after another floated on the surrounding ground. They floated very high, being whirled high and far in the air by a whirlwind. Compared to the distance Ron and Fred threw out with their hands, it was far too far and much more efficient.

"The wizard must use the wizard\'s method." George said disapprovingly. If he wants to exercise, he has a sufficient exercise plan. He will add gravity to himself, and then conduct all-round training. These ordinary household chores, of course, are still used to exercise magical control. Otherwise, a wizard in a peaceful age would not have so much time to train and fight.

As for the ban on minors? Just like Ron\'s father\'s, "The Division of Muggle Items is Prohibited". How many people will there be in the Department of Prohibition of Abuse of Magic? George remembered whether it was one or two.

Speaking of the legal provisions of the magical world, George picked up a legal provision and found a bunch of loopholes. You can\'t really expect a small group with extraordinary powers to have such complete legal provisions, unless they use Veritaserum in everything. After reading several law books, George already knew most of the ways to circumvent the prohibition.

"You\'re right." Fred threw the goblin in his hand far away, and said with a sullen expression.

With George\'s magic "cheating", it didn\'t take long for the goblins to be cleared out.

"I don\'t know if they can still find here?" Ron looked at the goblin who was blown away by the whirlwind, and said with some uncertainty, "They always find them back before, because my father is very tolerant of them. , Even think they are interesting, it is difficult for them to find a better place than here."

Ron was talking, and there was a sound "banging" from the door.

"Dad is back." Fred said happily, walking across the garden towards the house.

As soon as everyone entered the door, they saw Mr. Weasley slumped on the kitchen chair, with a pair of glasses on the table in front of him. His eyes were tightly closed, he was thin and tall, and a little flat, and his hair was not as red as his children. A green robe was crumpled, and the whole person looked very tired.

"I\'m really exhausted." He reached out to grab the teapot, and ignored everyone who came in. "I checked nine houses in one night, and the old guy Mondungus Fletcher almost gave me one when I turned around. The curse..."

Mr. Weasley drank the tea in the teapot in one sip, before he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Did you find anything? Dad?" Fred looked very curious.

"It\'s just a few keys with reduced spells, and a kettle that bites people." Mr. Weasley yawned listlessly. "There are also some troublesome things, like some weird ferrets, but thank God, that They are not in our control. They have been sent to the spell laboratory and need to be checked and confirmed..."

"Why did they add a reduction spell to the key?" Ron didn\'t want to understand the reason.

"Just to make fun of Muggles." Mr. Weasley\'s voice revealed contempt, "They sell Muggle keys, and then reduce the curse to make the keys smaller, so that when they need to be used, they suddenly cannot be found."

"This makes Muggles incomprehensible. They cannot admit that they cannot accept that their keys are reduced by magic. They will only insist that the keys are lost. They will always turn a blind eye to the magic that is right in front of them, but we are real. With the magic cast, you can\'t believe it..."

"Like a car, right?" Mrs. Weasley came in, holding a poker in her hand. She had just come over from the stove and the stick was still smoking.

Mr. Weasley opened his mouth wide, and his words seemed to be stuck in his neck. His eyes were erratic and he looked at his wife with a guilty conscience, not knowing what she found, "Car...car, Honey, what are you talking about?"

"Yes, Arthur, it\'s the car." Mrs. Weasley\'s eyes became angry, and her voice became low. "Think about it. A wizard bought an old rusty car. He told his wife that he just I want to learn about Muggle things to facilitate work and look at the internal structure. Then he used magic to transform it into a flying magic car."

"Oh, my dear, don’t worry, I don’t think you know, he is not illegal. Of course he should tell his wife in advance. There is a loophole in the law. In fact, as long as he doesn’t use it to fly, the car will It\'s not illegal to fly." Mr. Weasley explained hurriedly.

"Arthur Weasley, you deliberately left loopholes when you were writing the law!" Mrs. Weasley yelled, "Just to allow yourself to fool around those Muggle things in the shed? Tell you , This morning, Harry came in your magic car that was not going to fly."

George held his forehead with his hand, feeling a little speechless, "No wonder there are a lot of loopholes in the laws of the magic world. It turns out that these laws are written by employees. Each employee has left himself a pile of back doors. This magic world Isn’t the law full of flaws?"

Although the real world does this, the people who make laws always leave loopholes for themselves, but the real world is not only one or two people in a department. Entrust the entire law to one or two people to formulate it. Under the constraints of selfishness and level, the legal provisions of the magic world are almost like a sieve.

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