Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 69: The Burrow of the Weasleys

Chapter 69 Weasley’s Burrow

"Then this car?" Harry looked out the window. This flying car was obviously a magical creation.

Fred laughed, "That\'s it. My dad is also obsessed with Muggle-related things because of work. Our house is full of Muggle-related things. He took them apart and reassembled them with magic. Get up. If he also takes care of our house, he can get himself up. My mother is going crazy about this."

Hearing this, George couldn\'t help but laugh. Mr. Weasley is really a model of doing a line of love.

"It\'s the road." Fred said, looking at the familiar sight outside the window, "We will be there soon, and the day will soon be bright."

A faint blush appeared on the eastern horizon.

The car was lowered continuously under Fred\'s control, and outside the window was a landscape of green fields and rows of trees.

"Our home is on the edge of the village." Fred said, "This is Ottery-San Catchpole"

The car flew lower and lower, and the sun had carefully climbed up the treetops.

"Oh, we are here." Fred exclaimed excitedly.

The car landed gently and everyone jumped out of the car. After flying for a while, they stepped on a solid ground again, which always made people happy.

They are now by a dilapidated garage, surrounded by a small courtyard.

The financial situation of Ron\'s house is really bad, and the yard looks very shabby and rough. It used to be a pigpen built of stones, but some rooms were added later. There are several floors in the room, but they are all slanted, like sticking together by magic, a bit scary. There are four chimneys on the red roof, and a sign hanging in front of the house is an oblique "burrow". It really deserves its name.

There were a pile of leather boots thrown by the gate, and a rusty crucible, and a few brown chickens ran around in the yard.

"Not very good." Ron said embarrassingly. He likes his home very much and his family very much, but entertaining friends still makes him a little embarrassed.

"It\'s great here." Harry looked very relaxed and cheerful. He liked the atmosphere of home revealed here, the pastoral style of the old country.

"The style is avant-garde, but it\'s very warm." George felt that it was not bad here. If you change the style, it will actually feel like a paradise.

"Okay, let\'s go upstairs quietly, don\'t let people find out." Fred already has a plan, "When Mom calls us to have breakfast, Ron, you will be responsible for running downstairs and hopping downstairs, Mommy , Do you see who is here! Harry and George only came out at this time. When she was happy, she wouldn\'t notice that we used the car."

"That\'s it." Ron acted immediately, planning to take Harry and George upstairs, "Come on, follow me upstairs."

As soon as he turned his head, Ron\'s face immediately turned green, staring blankly in the direction of the house.

Mrs. Weasley walked over quickly from the opposite side, driving the chicken to run around. The kind-eyed woman in the ordinary days is now like a tiger with its claws exposed, her eyes are extremely scary.

"Oh!" Fred exclaimed, now he was caught.

Ron lowered his head.

Mrs. Weasley stopped in front of them, with one hand akimbo, and the other pointing at them, examining them one by one. She was wearing an apron with her wand in her pocket, as if she had just run out of the kitchen.

"You are so courageous." She suppressed her anger.

"We!" Fred raised his head and whispered in defense.

"Do you know how worried I am?" Mrs. Weasley\'s low voice made Harry and George who were standing beside him startled.

"Sorry, mom, but..." Ron apologized in a low voice.

"The bed is empty, and there are no notes everywhere. There are no people, no cars, I am almost crazy. The whole night, there may be a car accident, have you thought about it? I have never encountered... Charlie, Bill, Percy never worried me like this."

"Percy the model student," Fred whispered.

"You should learn more from him, don\'t worry about it." Mrs. Weasley yelled, poking Fred\'s chest with her hand. "You may accidentally fall to death, you may be seen by someone, and then you will be implicated. Your father."

After a long time, Mrs. Weasley didn\'t turn her head until she screamed hoarse.

George immediately walked up, "Hello, Mrs. Weasley, Ron and Fred did not leave you a note. This is really reckless. They should communicate with you in advance so that they don’t worry you. You can also get your help."

Mrs. Weasley\'s face softened a lot when he heard George\'s approval, "Yes, I am not angry that they went out, but they didn\'t tell me at all, which made me so worried."

"They should remember this lesson, and remember how to deal with it next time. Harry and I would also like to thank you and Ron and Fred. They were too reckless, but they also helped Harry. I\'m glad to be here See you here." George pulled Harry over and bowed together like Mrs. Weasley ~ www.novelhall.com ~ You are so kind, I am glad to see you, dear George, dear Harry. "Mrs. Weasley said kindly, "Go in and have breakfast,"

She turned her head and shouted at Ron and Fred, "Learn something from George, you can\'t let me save some snacks."

Mrs. Weasley turned back to the room, Fred whispered, "Model student George."

George patted Fred on the shoulder and raised his eyebrows. "If you plan to take less training, everyone comes here like this."

The burrow’s kitchen is very small and seems a bit crowded. In the middle is a wooden table and several chairs, all cleaned. There is a clock on the opposite wall, but there are no numbers, only a pointer. It should be written in the place of the number, "morning tea", "feed the chicken", "late for school" these specific words.

There are three layers of books stacked on the mantelpiece; "Magic of Cheese", "Magic of Bread", "Magic Dinner" and other magic books about cooking.

George muttered to himself, "Mrs. Weasley loves her family very much, including family services."

George is trying to analyze the difference between Mrs. Weasley and other witches from the daily details. These details make the Weasley family very different from other people in the magic world.

George looked around carefully. Although he was born in the magic world, he didn\'t have many friends. You can\'t expect an adult\'s soul to have fun with a child.

If it weren’t for Harry and the others for the protagonist status, it would be difficult for George to make friends with an eleven-year-old child. The grandmother was afraid that he would have no friends, and it was not all unfounded worries~www.novelhall.com~Book friends are welcome to visit. Read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www.novelhall.com~ mobile phone users, please go to read.