Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 140: Crazy fight

Chapter 140

Gryffindor called a timeout. They landed on the ground and got together. The Slytherin in the distance floated proudly in the air, laughing in waves.

"One hundred to zero, we lost. When we need to defend, where did you go Fred?" Wood asked Fred a little unhappy.

"Someone cast a wicked spell on the wandering ball. I had to stop him from breaking Harry\'s neck." Fred suppressed his anger. "That **** ball did nothing and just stared at Harry and wanted to kill. Die him, **** Slytherin."

"Asshole." Wood clenched his fist, his eyes cracked. "Slytherin used the broom and size to break our defense completely regardless of the rules. Now he is still playing tricks on the ball."

"Listen." Harry looked at his teammates who had nothing to do, and said his decision, "You don\'t care about me, you defend the goal well, I will deal with that crazy ball by myself, and I will immediately catch the stray ball. ."

He also noticed the huge disparity in the score, the huge difference in the broomstick, and there is no other way.

"Don\'t go crazy." Fred said irritably. "It will break your neck. Don\'t you think we will watch this happen in order to win?"

Wood looked at Harry, then looked at everyone, hesitating.

"Oliver, this is not allowed." Ai∷chang∷wind∷text∷learning, w▽ww.c▲fwx.ne※t Leah said angrily, "We can\'t let Harry take risks, we can ask for investigation ."

"The only way now is to catch the Golden Snitch and request an investigation. With the current score, we can only lose." Harry said unwillingly, "We can\'t be because of a roaming ball, and we can\'t be because of Slater. Just give up Lin\'s methods, and we can\'t lose to their conspiracy now. I will defeat them, Oliver, and let them leave me alone."

Fred pressed Wood\'s face and said viciously, "Well, that\'s what you told him before the game. Why do you catch the Golden Snitch to win the game, or die on the court? You are crazy, you will Say something like this."

"Then give me a desperate defense." Wood said with a grim look.

"The game begins." Wood looked resolute and either died or won. This was for Harry and for himself.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, just like the mood of the Gryffindor players.

With a whistle from Madam Hooch, Gryffindor players returned to the sky.

Harry ignored the crazy wandering ball, he kept accelerating, flying higher and higher. Constant turning, constant rotation.

He is like a roller coaster, up and down, left and right, sometimes turning and sometimes diving. He circled the court unabatedly all the way, his eyes widened and desperately looking for the ball.

The raindrops crackled on his head and hit his glasses. His field of vision was greatly restricted. He couldn\'t use Hawkeye. He thought sadly, "Even if you can use Hawkeye, now I can\'t see anything."

The **** wandering ball came after it with a howling sound, "If you let me know who it is, I really want to kill him." Harry gritted his teeth, his heart was filled with endless anger, if Hikari 2001 just made him Angry and feel unfair.

Then, by imposing a curse on the walking ball, he really wanted to kill him. What he ignited at this time was not just anger, but real killing intent.

Perhaps it was the killing intent that made his mind more calm, and he dodged the crazy wandering ball again in a thrilling manner.

Make this difficult movement, let his head hang upside down, he hangs on the broom like a hanged man.

This caused exclaims from friends and ridicule from everyone in Slytherin. He knew that he must be stupid and terrible now. The rain made his hair stick to his scalp, and his eyes were affected by water droplets, but he did not. Consider anything at any time.

He must use every minute and every second of his free time to search for the roaming ball. Teammates can\'t last long, and he can\'t last long.

"Damn it, someone is attacking Harry." Hermione took out her wand and looked around with eagle eyes, but her vision was so clear that she was blocked by the downpour.

"What." Ron also reacted, "I said why the roaming ball is like crazy, someone must be controlling the roaming ball like Quirrell."

The two little friends frantically searched for the abnormality on the stage, looking for the murderer who wanted to kill Harry.

"It\'s not Snape Slytherin and no one is chanting the curse. Who the **** is it?" Hermione checked the stands carefully, but found no abnormalities, "Damn it, why is George not here at this time? He must find the murderer. "

"Wandering the ball is too far, I can\'t interfere at all." Hermione stomped angrily.

She was angry at her powerlessness, obviously the murderer was chasing Harry with the wandering ball. She couldn\'t find any abnormalities, and she couldn\'t even interfere with the curse on the ball.

"Should we go tell the teacher?" Hermione asked Ron indifferently.

Ron bit his lip, frowned and thought for a while, and said, "Harry and the others just called a timeout and they have found an anomaly. But now they have lost a hundred points, and once the game stops, they lose completely. ."

"Don\'t kill me for the game?" Hermione asked unwillingly.

"This is Harry\'s choice. They all agreed. This allowed Harry to face the ball alone. We can only watch Harry. Once he is shot down, we immediately rush into the court to protect him. But now, we I can only trust Harry\'s choice."

Ron also didn\'t want to watch Harry appear in danger~www.novelhall.com~ But the Gryffindor players made so much effort, Harry also made the choice and took the biggest risk. Stopping them at this time makes them more uncomfortable than killing them.

"Both are crazy, they are crazy, one side is to win to kill, and the other is to win the life." Hermione stomped and yelled, "I don\'t know how to be such a **** Quidditch, I hate ball games."

Unfortunately, no one cares about their feelings whether they are anger, fear, or anxiety.

Harry escaped the fatal attack of the walk ball again.

"Are you balleting, Potter?" Malfoy called out maliciously, with harsh sneers.

Seeing Potter as a juggler, constantly turning around in the air, jumping up and down, Malfoy even forgot that he was playing. His mission was all taken away by the walking ball, but he didn\'t mind, after all, he really made him rush up and punch Harry in the head. The game would definitely not be allowed.

(To be continued.)