Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 141: Push to Harlot

Chapter 141: Push to Harlot

Harry didn\'t have time to pay attention to anything, let alone Malfoy. He continued to search for the whereabouts of the Golden Snitch during the gap between the move ball just attacked.

Maybe God saw him endure so much and finally couldn\'t help but take care of him. He saw it.

The Snitch was hovering over Malfoy\'s head, and Malfoy laughed at Harry without noticing it.

Harry thought about how to rush to the Golden Snitch without being spotted by Malfoy and avoid being snatched by Malfoy.

But as soon as he used his brain, he forgot that he was still in danger, and the walker finally hit him and slammed into his arm. Harry just felt a "click" and his arm broke, and a burning pain made him dizzy.

His mind is dizzy, and there is no other way, but he speeds up quickly to avoid the attack of the wandering ball.

"Oh, it hurts." Malfoy felt a bit of toothache even though he was far away, and he seemed to hear the sound of a wandering ball hitting Harry\'s arm.

"It\'s miserable!" Malfoy regretted maliciously, and it almost ran into Harry\'s neck.

But he soon lost the ease of watching the show. He saw Harry rushing towards him quickly, "This idiot was knocked out. He can\'t even look at the road."

Seeing Harry\'s face getting closer, Malfoy hurriedly manipulated the broom, "℉Chang"℉Wind"℉wen"℉Learning, ww▼w.c△fwx.ne↗t hurriedly avoided Harry.

Harry quickly brushed past Malfoy, and the only hand that could be used released the broom and scratched his head. He felt the touch in his hand, and the cold golden snitch was about to break free from his palm.

He firmly grasped what was in his hand, and his only hand left the broom. He lost control of his body and fell towards the ground with his broomstick. He is holding on not to let himself pass out.

He vaguely heard Hermione\'s voice.

"Harry! Yugadim Leviosa!" Hermione rushed over for the first time. She and Ron had already been in front of the stands.

The moment the walking ball hit Harry, Hermione almost rushed into the court, and Ron grabbed her. In these few minutes, she ran around the huge stands again just to get closer to Harry. Seeing Harry sliding down from a high altitude, Hermione rushed over for the first time. She quickly took out her wand and caught Harry with a Levitating Charm.

Harry just felt the world spin before his eyes, and he fainted. In a trance, people kept calling his name, awakening him from ignorance little by little.

"We won." Harry felt the hand that could be used. The Golden Snitch was firmly held in his hand. He turned his eyes and saw what was held in his hand.

"You fool." Hermione didn\'t have any good expressions.

If she hadn\'t saved Harry just now, this idiot might have fallen to death. He had already fainted, and the first sentence he woke up was still a game.

Wood squeezed up, he couldn\'t restrain his smile, "We won, Harry, it\'s all your credit. Your performance just now is absolutely incredible. I have never seen such a great performance."

"Stop talking about the game, he should go to the hospital right away." Hermione looked at Harry\'s stupid teammates, who were also accomplices in causing Harry\'s injury.

"Yes, yes, go to the hospital." After winning the game, Wood was in a very good mood, not caring about Hermione\'s anger at all.

"Come on, I\'ll help you treat it." Lockhart also rushed over. He strode away from the students and walked to Harry. "It\'s very simple. I\'ve done it countless times."

"Don\'t, don\'t touch me, just leave it like this." Harry shouted.

Lockhart ignored this, he took out his wand and motioned everyone to stand back.

Then he fell, and he fell heavily into the mud.

Muddy water splashed on his clothes and soiled his calmness. He looked at a small body in surprise, looking down at him condescendingly, standing proudly in front of him.

Hermione looked at her hand unimaginably. She had just done something she had never imagined. She pushed a teacher, Lockhart, to the ground and into the mud.

But she immediately recovered, her hands on hips, like a hen guarding her cubs, stood in front of Harry.

"Someone just manipulated the walking ball and wanted to kill Harry. Now Harry must go to the hospital. No one but Madam Pomfrey can touch him."

Before Lockhart could react, Hermione and Ron had helped Harry up and walked quickly towards the hospital.

Madam Pomfrey was not very happy. "Are you playing ball or playing people? These are all broken."

Hermione immediately agreed, "They are all desperate savages. Some want to kill for victory, and some for victory without even wanting life."

Harry smiled wryly, not daring to refute at all, just feeling a little embarrassed.

"Fortunately, it is not particularly serious. I will fix your bones and drink some bone-forming water. I will be able to recover tomorrow." Madam Pomfrey took out the splint and helped him to fix it in Harry\'s howling. Bones.

"Knowing that it was so bad, next time be careful not to get hurt." Madam Pomfrey brought another cup of steaming potion and handed it to Harry.

While scolding Harry, she complained that the sport was too dangerous and the teachers were incompetent. They never knew how to protect students, and in the end it was always her who listened to the students\' howls.

Hermione kept responding on the side, and followed Madam Pomfrey to criticize the player\'s brutality and the teacher\'s laziness.

Mrs. Pomfrey took care of Harry\'s injury~www.novelhall.com~ and left the ward, she wanted to take care of other patients.

"We won this time too thrilling." Ron felt that he could win this time, and luck helped a little.

Slytherin\'s broom advantage was too great, and there was a huge score gap in a short time. Fortunately, the heavy rain also affected their sight and speed, and Wood, Fred and their desperate defense. After all, the difference was not reduced to 150 points. Otherwise, even if Harry caught the Golden Snitch and scored 150 points, he would only lose to Slytherin in the end.

"Thanks to you for catching the Golden Snitch, Malfoy is mad, his expression is like killing." Ron immediately became happy when he thought of Malfoy\'s anger.

"He still has a face to be angry, and a face to kill? I just want to kill, to let me know who is controlling the walking ball." Hermione snorted softly, speaking unhappy in her heart.

"Fortunately, the wandering ball just hit your hand." Ron was also a little grateful, and his neck would not be harder than his hands. "We can write down this question and ask him when we drink the compound decoction. Forget it."

(To be continued.)