Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 139: Fierce confrontation

Chapter 139

Whether he dominated the game and beat Porter, or dragged Porter to let his teammates win a few hundred points first, Malfoy was a little undecided for a while. As for losing, how is that possible.

When the time is up, everyone walks towards the stadium. Today is a hot and humid weekend, and there is a faint thunder in the distance.

The stadium was cheering enthusiastically, but it was not for them. Slytherin has always been a target of the Academy, and their Seven Light Wheels 2001 has aroused public outrage.

But every player held a broom, raised his hands, and greeted his opponents boos heartily. These boos and pouring colors are nothing less than cheers and applause to them. Especially, waiting for them to win a crushing victory, the comparison at that time is even more exciting.

Flint shook hands with Gryffindor’s captain Wood at the sign of Quidditch referee Mrs. Hooch. Wood looked at him fiercely and squeezed his hand hard, but these only made Flint look forward to Wood waiting to lose a few hundred points.

He looks forward to it very much.

"I said prepare." Madam Hooch said, "three, two, one."

The hustle and bustle of cheers sent off all the players to the sky, and fourteen players jumped into the gray sky.

Malfoy followed Potter to the highest position. He saw Potter squinting his eyes and looking around. He seemed to be looking for gold ⌒≧long⌒≧wind⌒≧text⌒≧learn, w★ww.cf●wx.ne ±t Snitch. This was just the beginning of the game, and Porter was too scared to wait to end the game.

Malfoy smiled maliciously, "Hi, Scarhead, don\'t worry, let\'s play slowly, maybe your teammate can lose hundreds of points."

Harry ignored him. He hoped to catch the Golden Snitch as quickly as possible so that he could get the biggest difference in score and beat Slytherin.

At this moment, a heavy black wandering ball suddenly leaped towards him, and he barely avoided it dangerously and even felt the ball had touched his hair.

"Be careful, Harry." Fred rushed forward, and with his batting bat in his hand, he galloped past Harry and swung hard at the ball. A stick hit the wandering ball at Drian Pusi, but the wandering ball was like a stretched rubber band. It didn\'t fly far, and suddenly rushed back and continued to chase Harry.

Harry quickly dived to evade, Fred slapped the ball heavily at Malfoy, but the wandering ball turned back like a boomerang and continued to hit Harry\'s head.

"Scarhead, congratulations, he likes you." Malfoy saw the scene and couldn\'t help but ridicule, thinking to himself, "These teammates are really foolproof. They actually really cursed the roaming ball. They are totally planning to win a few hundred points."

Harry didn\'t have time to pay any attention to Malfoy. He leaned down and accelerated with all his strength, "swish swish!" away from the ball.

But he could still hear the roaming ball chasing after him. The roaming ball seemed to have spotted him. Could someone else harm him? This reminded him of what Quirrell had done to him, and Quirrell had cast a curse on his broomstick.

Fred rushed towards Harry on the broom, trying to drive away the roaming ball for him. Harry slammed his head down and crossed Fred\'s shoulder. Fred used all his strength and knocked the ball away.

"Fuck away," Fred yelled, but soon he realized that it was completely useless. The wandering ball spotted Harry, chasing him again and again, trying to knock him down from a high altitude, Harry had to accelerate desperately and flee desperately.

Malfoy felt that he didn\'t need to do anything to complete the task of holding Potter. He hung behind Potter not too far, watching him flee in a hurry as he was chased by wandering around, making a burst of harsh laughter.

On the other hand, the players of Gryffindor were in a very bad situation, they were suppressed by Slytherin.

Harry was chased by the walk ball, and Fred had to follow along to protect Harry. Not only was their team short of manpower, the opposite Slytherin was shamelessly targeting the female players.

Slytherin’s Drian Pusey took the ball, rode the 2001 smooth wheel, and rushed to the Gryffindor goal regardless. He didn\'t care about Angelina on the defensive side, her burly body rushed directly up like a train.

No matter how unwilling Angelina was, no matter how motivated and enlightened she was, she could only stagger her body at the last juncture in the face of such a beast rushing up at high speed.

Wood wanted to rush to grab the ball, but on the other way, Slytherin\'s Terence Higgins smashed Alia in the same way. It was two-on-one again. They staggered goals and they scored again.

Slytherin relied on this shameless, desperate tactic, and took advantage of the broomstick. All the hard work of Gryffindor, all the training, all the hard work were torn apart.

Wood was furious, but he couldn\'t blame his teammates. They tried their best, but Slytherin was too shameless.

"You are too shameless, you know you are bullying girls and come at me, bastard." Wood yelled.

Terrence Higgins had this idea, but compared himself and Wood\'s body shape, and immediately said unceremoniously, "Slytherin has no opponent in our eyes, we only have victory in our eyes."

Then he shook his fingers, with a look of disdain, "There is no distinction between men and women in the eyes of a wizard. Do you expect to find a few girls to be teammates so that your opponents will be given special treatment?"

Angelina and Alia were also mad with anger, they gritted their teeth, lowered their bodies, desperately about to crash into Terence Higgins.

But he only speeded up slightly, and immediately relied on the performance of Light Wheel 2001 to leave Gryffindor players far behind.

Taking advantage of the chaos ~www.novelhall.com~ Flint scored another goal, and even Wood failed to defend him frontally.

"One hundred points, are you ready? How many one hundred points are you going to lose today?" Flint let out a terrible jackal laugh.

It caused a burst of laughter from the Slytherin players. Slytherin\'s players are all crazy. With the help of their broomsticks and their physical advantages, they are constantly impacting and ravaging Gryffindor\'s riddled defense line.

The ticking rain fell on the Gryffindor players, and it also dripped on their hearts. It was not the first time they flew in the rain, nor was it the first time they played in the rain.

In fact, after more than two months of training, their team uniforms were never dry. Some were rain and some were sweat.

But no moment, rain can extinguish the flame in their hearts, no moment, cold can suppress their fighting spirit.

But now, today’s rain is exceptionally cool, and today’s style is cold. Not only did it blow into their bodies, but also into their hearts.

(To be continued.)