
Chapter 997

hk985 Angel Parliament , Second Giant !

Highways and pedestrians on Wards Island were blocked by Central Intelligence Agency, and Shi Lei was temporarily trapped on Wards Island.

Originally Shi Lei was calculating Raphael, but in a flash, Shi Lei became a calculated person. Fortunately, Shi Lei has found a fall-out point, that is, the Central Intelligence Agency’s personnel is insufficient, and there is still a gapin the layout of the blocked Wards Island.

The Central Intelligence Agency’s blockade personnel did not know that Shi Lei had mastered the numerous Monitoring System and knew that they were blocking the behavior of the four bridges. They thought that Shi Lei would drive a ‘black car’ walking right into a trap!

However, Izual informed Shi Lei in advance that Shi Lei was aiming at the Shanmen Train Bridge about the blockade of the bridge. The train route where the Shanmen Train Bridge is located only passes through Wards Island and does not have a stop at Wards Island. Therefore, Central Intelligence Agency, in the absence of manpower, has not yet blocked the Shanmen Train Bridge.

After Shi Lei Destroy took the ‘black car’, he passed the [unlock] skill again and took the car again. Shi Lei The target of this selection is a Little Pick-up. The reason for choosing Little Pick-up is that Little Pick-up is inconspicuous.

The train route where the Shanmen Train Bridge is located, the road through Wards Island, all adopt the viaduct mode, and Shi Lei commands Izual to find a suitable entry point. This kind of viaduct mode railway line is also one of the reasons why the Shanmen Train Bridge has not been blocked for the time being.

Since Shi Lei did not anticipate this situation at the beginning, Shi Lei did not make any special enquiries and memories of the train route where the Shanmeng Railway Bridge is located.

Izual inquired about the section of the Wards Island section, but since Izual does not have Image Recognition Engine, it does not have the analytical capabilities of Graphical. Izual can only prompt Shi Lei: “Sir. The route of the Shanmen Train Bridge passes through the Wards Island section. The road image has been sent to your cell phone, please check it out.”

Shi Lei’s mouth is a glimpse, which is the drawback of not having Image Recognition Engine. If you have Image Recognition Engine, Izual can automatically analyze the static Graphical, which determines the route of the viaduct train passing through the Wards Island part, which is the most suitable for humans to cut in. [

Shi Lei stopped at the side of the road and took out a color screen cell phone. This cell phone is not a “sex”, but a cell phone that Li Zifeng uses False Identity. Shi Lei looks at the picture information sent by Izual. Finally, at the intersection of First Lane and K Highway, I found a smashing machine. At this junction, the support between the train route viaduct and the ground, not the reinforced concrete support column, takes the Steel and Iron architecture.

After finding the corresponding entry point. Shi Lei immediately drove to the intersection of First Lane and K Highway. When arriving at the destination, Shi Lei parked the pickup truck on the side of the road. Carrying a guitar case. Go to the Steel and Iron architecture.

“Sir, the Monitoring System scans more than one hundred people and is currently in contact with the personnel blocking the bridge. System automatically calls Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine analysis. Through human Dynamic Behavior and attitude analysis, the emerging human and personalities are friendly.” Izual provides answers to the System analysis.

Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine. It can determine the relationship between human and human Dynamic Behavior and express relationships and attitudes. For example, the Dynamic Behavior between two humans appears as a fight. Naturally it cannot be a friendly relationship. If two human attitudes are like shaking hands or hugs, the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine will determine that two humans are friendly.

Now Izual through the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, determines the friendly relationship between the two parties, indicating that the reinforcement of Central Intelligence Agency has arrived. Shi Lei has not left much time. He must leave Wards Island as soon as possible to avoid having no chance to leave.

Supporting the train route Viaduct’s Steel and Iron architecture, the overall appearance of a semi-arc, the lowest point of the arc is in contact with the ground. Shi Lei flexibly boarded the semi-arc Steel and Iron structure and then climbed up and down with his hands and feet.

A few minutes later, Shi Lei boarded the viaduct of the train route through the semi-arc Steel and Iron architecture. Fortunately, on the viaduct, although there are three railroad tracks, the pedestrian passage is preset.

Shi Lei walks on the walkway and takes about five minutes. Shi Lei can pass the Shanmen Train Bridge to the other half of the ManhAT&Tan peninsula.

“Izual, reinforcements, entered Wards Island?” Shi Lei asked.

This time, the sudden spoiling thing is very embarrassing. Shi Lei has some points to know, who is behind the scenes planning.

“Sir, the Central Intelligence Agency’s reinforcements have been counted, and there are a total of 146 people. Currently, the reinforcements have entered Wards Island and started checking for the Wards Hotel.” Izual replied to Shi Lei.

I heard the Central Intelligence Agency check the Wards Hotel, Shi Lei hā hā smile, Central Intelligence Agency’s move, and as expected, First time will check the hotel. If Shi Lei is really hidden in the hotel, it is definitely a tragedy now!

Shi Lei ignored the Central Intelligence Agency’s inspection at the Wards Hotel. He came to the bridgehead of the Shanmen Train Bridge and set up the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle, trying to observe the situation through the snipe mirror.

However, the anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle’s snipe mirror has a limited distance, and Shi Lei has not found any useful information. Instead, Izual found a key information.

“Sir, Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, found the Central Governing Agency’s Advanced Gov. Official, do you check?” Izual reminded Shi Lei. [

Shi Lei expression startled, “Which one is Gaov. Official?”

“Cardson Wright, American Division Assistant Section Head, a picture of a specific person, has been sent to your cell phone.” Izual replied to Shi Lei.

Since Izual was paired with the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, the intelligence about human identity has been made faster. When Izual scans the Central Intelligence Agency reinforcements through the surveillance camera, it automatically accesses the Central Intelligence Agency, open to the public image information comparison, and determines Cardson Wright’s identity.

“Cardson Wright?” Shi Lei thought about it and took out the cell phone and looked at the American Division Assistant Section Head. It was confirmed that he was not the Angel Parliament’s personnel. “Who is this guy? Why did you come to Wards Island this time?”

“Izual, trying to invade communication channels between Central Intelligence Agency personnel.” Shi Lei told Izual.

“Sir. The attempt failed, the communication between the Central Intelligence Agency personnel, using closed line communication. There is no line control receiving and transmitting device in the vicinity, and the System method is to crack the other party’s line communication.” Izual directly responds to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei sighed and put down the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle and walked along the Shanmen Train Bridge to the ManhAT&Tan peninsula. Two minutes later, Shi Lei came to the ManhAT&T an peninsula, and the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle was placed in the guitar case by Shi Lei and slanted over his shoulder.

When Shi Lei walked on ManhAT&T an Nineteenth street, he got a contact with Shi Mayi via a Bluetooth headset. “Shi Mayi, action canceled.”

Shi Mayi didn’t ask why, a clean response: “Boss, the order was received.”

Shi Lei ended the newsletter with Shi Mayi and he saw the opposite side of the street. There are a group of people wearing suit uniforms, and they ran to the mountain gate train bridge. Those who wore suit uniforms. It is the personnel of the Central Intelligence Agency.

If Shi Lei passes the Shanmen Train Bridge a little later. He will be blocked by the Central Intelligence Agency’s personnel!

‘Damn Central Intelligence Agency, how to react so fast? ‘Shi Lei in the heart’s resentment, this style should not be Right? And it should be hsDepartment of Homeland Security!

When Shi Lei was guessing, his eyes suddenly startedled. As Shi Lei’s eyes followed, a middle-aged man dressed in Tang suit. He did not hesitate to follow behind a group of agents.

The middle-aged man in Tang suit is not a Xia Nation person!

It was a foreigner who was not tall and even a little thin. His face was very Ordinary. If he is placed in Times Square and replaced with Tang suit, he absolutely attracts anyone’s attention.

It was this unremarkable middle-aged man who attracted Shi Lei’s eyes. Shi Lei looked at him, and when the middle-aged foreigner turned his head, Shi Lei quickly regained his gaze and pretended to walk carelessly.

The middle-aged man in Medicon, dressed in Tang suit, stopped and turned to look at Shi Lei. His brows wrinkled slightly and his face was “exposed”.

‘strange! ‘The middle-aged man in the heart secretly looked at Shi Lei, ‘How do you feel that the youngster is not good to me? ‘

Middle-aged people are not skeptical that Shi Lei is gy, even if Shi Lei is gy, it will never look at the middle-aged person. After thinking about it for a while, the middle-aged man looked at his Tang suit and smiled.

‘It turned out to be the issue of this dress! The middle-aged man of ‘mediocre shook his head. He was not a Xia Nation, nor a Xia Nation. He just liked the Xia Nation of the former Ancient Era, especially the brilliant era. Therefore, he likes to wear the clothes of the era, even if the clothes are very unconventional in Li Jian Nation.

Shi Lei carries the guitar case, the muscles of the whole body are tight, and the right hand is intentionally swept across the waist, keeping Izual’s contact at any time.

“Izual, mobilize the surveillance video behind me, once there is any personnel behind me, make any inappropriate moves, report me immediately!” Shi Lei told Izual for Security Monitoring.

“yes, Sir!” Izual replied quickly.

Shi Lei walked forward without hesitation, until he reached a fork in the road, he turned left and went out, and he exhaled a long breath.

Until this moment, Shi Lei understood why the person would appear in Wards Island, why he calculated the Raphael, but it was counter-calculated!

Because the medicre middle-aged man in Tang suit is a very old acquaintance of Shi Lei’s!

Angel Parliament, Second Giant – Gabriel!

(to be continued

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