
Chapter 998

hk986 is like a god!

The Angel Parliament has a total of Four Great Giants, and every Great Giant’s Hacker has reached the World Summit Grade.

Among them, Raphael is Fourth Giant and Uriel is Third Giant. Normally, Angel Parliament exactly as stated Raphael and Uriel are the masters. Uriel has been killed by Shi Lei, and at that time almost killed the Raphael, but was escaped by Raphael.

The Angel Giant’s First Giant and Second Giant have long been hidden behind the scenes. ‘formerly’, Shi Lei In the Angel Parliament, when I became a real-named Fifth Giant, I have never seen First Giant.

Second Giant is called Mayorksa Johnson. In the Angel Parliament, Shi Lei can become a real-named Fifth Giant, and in fact has a relationship with Second Giant.

Because Shi Lei is a Xia Nation person and Mayorksa Johnson likes the culture of Xia Nation Ancient Era, Shi Lei discussed a lot of Xia Nation Ancient Era with Mayorksa Johnson in an unexpected situation. Since then, Shi Lei has climbed with the Angel Parliament Second Giant.

As they deepened each other, Shi Lei knew the real name of Angel Parliament Second Giant Gabriel, which is Mayorksa Johnson. Even, Mayorksa Johnson, in recognition of Shi Lei’s, personally met Shi Lei and persuaded Shi Lei to join the Angel Parliament.

Unfortunately, Shi Lei’s heart is too urgent, eager to pursue the mystery of life experience, and was cleaned by Angel Parliament First Giant. If it wasn’t for the intervention of Angel Parliament First Giant, Shi Lei would not have to die at all, and Second Giant Mayorksa Johnson did not resist First Giant’s resolution.

Angel Giant’s First Giant, in the Angel Parliament, has an absolute privilege, an unquestionable absolute privilege!

It’s just that Shi Lei doesn’t know that from the moment he died, there was some gapbetween Angel Parliament Second Giant and First Giant. [

When Shi Lei met Angel Parliament Second Giant Gabriel again, Shi Lei’s mood was very complicated. Second Giant Gabriel, formerly helped Shi Lei a lot, although the reason for helping him may be a bit of selfishness, but Gabriel can not help Shi Lei. Since the choice helped Shi Lei, this is a kind of kindness.

At the same time, Shi Lei also knows Second Giant Gabriel, how dangerous is it. Now he and Gabriel have no contact, and if they compete against Gabriel, Gabriel will go all out with the slightest hesitation.

‘Oops, Mayorksa, this guy, actually came to help Raphael, this is not easy! ‘Shi Lei in the heart is thinking about it.

Shi Lei knows very well how much energy Mayorksa Johnson has, whether it is Hacker technology or the power of personal control. Mayorksa Johnson and Raphael and Uriel are exactly two different grades. Especially the personal power aspect, Mayorksa Johnson has mastered a very large force.

However, Shi Lei in the heart has a doubt, that is, Mayorksa Johnson and First Giant. In the secret implement a top secret Task, how can he have time to help Raphael?

And according to Shi Lei, the relationship between Mayorksa Johnson and Raphael is not good! After all, Mayorksa Johnson has been forty years old, and Raphael is twenty years old. The age difference between the two is too great, and there is no common hobby like Shi Lei and Mayorksa Johnson. How can they have a good relationship?

Shi Lei stopped a taxi, got on, and reported the name of the hotel, then used cell phone to make contact with Izual.

‘Izual, order Li Zifeng Squadron, cancelled all plans and immediately return to the hotel. ‘Shi Lei type text on the cell phone and send it to Izual.

Izual received the Shi Lei’s text command and also responded to Shi Lei with the word information. ‘sr, System has the implement command. ‘


Near the ManhAT&T an Center Park, Li Zifeng received the Izual’s command without any doubt or hesitation, directly following the Izual’s command implement.

Although Li Zifeng has no doubts, in the heart is still speculating, what happened, will let Shi Lei give up the plan. Li Zifeng followed Shi Lei’s time is not short, he has never seen Shi Lei give up halfway.

Li Zifeng doesn’t think that Shi Lei is afraid of Central Intelligence Agency and Shi Lei formerly doing something that is far more urgent and dangerous than the current situation, but Shi Lei has no step of retreat.

Therefore, Li Zifeng was guessing what was the situation and let Shi Lei give up the plan halfway.

Shi Lei took the taxi and returned to the hotel, Lizi Security’s Ruling Security Company Tenth Squadron, who was already in Room Moderate. After Shi Lei entered the Room, put the guitar case down, started talking: “Zifeng, hurry up and deal with these weapon! Remember to clean up all the traces on weapon!”

Li Zifeng hesitated: “Boss, clean up these weapon, what about our Safety?”

“We are the business negotiation team of Dream Entertainment, our Safety is protected by Li Jian Nation law!” Shi Lei said righteously, then whispered: “Central Intelligence Agency is involved in our plan, they will investigate All the people who stayed at the New York City hotel recently, we are definitely the number one suspect of the Central Intelligence Agency. If we don’t handle these weapon, we will find it by the Central Intelligence Agency. There is absolutely no end.”

In fact, Shi Lei is not afraid to be found by the Central Intelligence Agency. What he really worried about is the part of the Central Intelligence Agency, not the normal Task, but controlled by the Angel Parliament Second Giant Gabriel.

Once that’s the case, Shi Lei entire group has a law-banned weapon in Li Jian Nation, the Central Intelligence Agency’s personnel, and even if they kill them directly, they can justify themselves.

So, Shi Lei asks get rid of weapon !

Li Zifeng led Shi Mayi, who, according to Shi Lei’s command, quickly processed the evidence on the weapon and then threw the weapon into the Hudson River.

After destroying weapon accomplish, Li Zifeng and Shi Mayi returned to the hotel where they stayed. However, when they went back, in the Shi Lei’s suite, they stood full of uniforms wearing black suits.

“Roscoe Senior Agent, this is exactly as stated Li Zifeng, and the other is Shi Mayi. We are the business negotiation group of Dream Entertainment Company, we will sign a contract with your Li Jian Nation bsTelevision Station.” Shi Lei explained The situation, then with a slight anger: “Roscoe Senior Agent, if you do not give me a reasonable explanation, I will protest to our consulate, as well as Central Intelligence Agency.”

Roscoe Hillenkoetter is the Senior Agent of the Concealed Operations Division of the Central Intelligence Agency. This temporary surprise check was not from the Central Intelligence Agency’s authorization, but Roscoe Hillenkoetter’s own opinion, or that he was forced to do so.

“Mr. Shi, please understand, this is our job. Sorry, I am bothering you to rest. I represent the Central Intelligence Agency and apologize to you. Hope, you forgive me.” Roscoe said a little.

Shi Lei represents Dream Entertainment, and Dream Entertainment Company has a lot of fame in the whole world. Once he has been reported to the Dream Entertainment Company for no reason, and has been reported, the Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters will definitely conduct a thorough investigation.

Based on this situation, Roscoe Hillenkoetter can only retreat. After all, from the case of investigate, there is nothing unusual about Shi Lei entire group.

When Roscoe Hillenkoetter left, Li Zifeng’s face rose and he was afraid, he looked toward Shi Lei, started talking: “Boss wise, material…”

Shi Lei directly interrupted Li Zifeng’s flattering, and the right index finger stood in front of his mouth, indicating Li Zifeng shut up. Li Zifeng “Liang” has a puzzled god “color”, Shi Lei used the index finger of his right hand, pointed to the ear, and then pointed to the direction of the door.

“Zifeng, you just went out and found the delicious Xia Nation hotel? Li Jian Nation These ridiculous fast food, and the damn western food, I can’t swallow it!” Shi Lei said, his hands on the cell phone. , enter a series of text.

‘Be careful, there is a bug in the Room! ‘Shi Lei puts the cell phone screen against Li Zifeng’s Squadron, indicating that they are all four.

Li Zifeng’s face “color” changed, in the heart more admire Shi Lei. So, he followed Shi Lei’s words and responded: “Boss, I haven’t found the delicious Xia Nation hotel yet. Why don’t we call bsTelevision Station and let them arrange this?”

“Good idea! Let the guys at bsTelevision Station do this. If they don’t do well, we won’t sign them!” Shi Lei hā hā smiled and showed a bit stupid.

But on the cell phone screen, Shi Lei continues to enter a line of text.

‘For the time being, don’t move, don’t show your feet, now enter the pattern of eat, drink and bemerry. Company gives each of you Ten Thousand USD spending, you can eat, drink and be merry! But remember, what happens must not get drunk, also what happens must not touch drug. Also, you four must be together to avoid accidents after separation! ‘

Li Zifeng Squadron The four men nodded at the same time and said they understood.

In order to do the whole set, Li Zifeng really took out the phone and dialed the contact number of bsTelevision Station. When the call was connected, Li Zifeng handed the phone to Shi Lei.

“Hey, I am Shi Lei from Dream Entertainment, help me connect Mr. Canbein York, thank you!” Shi Lei uses the standard English channel.

The operator at the other end of the phone was the secretary of Canbein York. She immediately said, “Please wait a moment, Mr. Shi.”

After ten seconds, Canbein York connected the phone. “Hello, Mr. Shi. Excuse me, are you at Li Jian Nation now?”

Shi Lei replied affirmatively: “I am at Li Jian Nation, but you Li Jian Nation is very unfriendly!”

“Hey? What’s the matter?” Canbein York in the heart was surprised. bsTelevision Station attached great importance to this collaboration with Dream Entertainment Company. He didn’t have any surprises with Hope.

Shi Lei replied truthfully: “We have just been investigated by a Senior Agent. He said that I suspect that we are a terrorist personnel of Li Jian Nation. This really makes me very pissed!”

Canbein York coughs up violently. He cursed the Central Intelligence Agency in the heart. If the CEO of Dream Entertainment Company is a terrorist, isn’t this World too Crazy?

Actually, Canbein York is not aware of the situation. The real situation is that Shi Lei has actually made some Crazy behavior. Those behaviors are far more powerful than the terrorist!

“Mr. Shi, about this, our bsTelevision Station, will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!” Canbein York said the scene, first stabilize Shi Lei’s mood.

Can Canin know, Shi Lei directly asked: “I would like to ask Mr. Canbein, your bsTelevision Station, what is the answer for me?”

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗