
Chapter 996

hk984 is in a desperate way!

Li Jian Nation, New York City, Wards Island. June 6th, 3:16 pm.

Everything in the world is always changing. Perhaps at this moment, the hunter is still hunting for prey. The next time the hunter has become a prey.

Shi Lei carefully arranged the layout of the design and initially deceived Raphael from the Headquarters of Angel Funds Investment Management Company in accordance with Shi Lei’s expectations.

And, as Shi Lei pre-processed the Angel Parliament’s Weapons Storage Site in New York City, further forced the Raphael and chose Wards Island’s Safety House as a hiding point.

Shi Lei arranged for Li Zifeng to snipe Raphael midway in order to ambush Raphael. At the same time, in order to prevent accidents, the other three of Li Zifeng Squadron are distributed in three other directions to prevent Raphael from choosing other Safety houses.

In addition, Shi Lei himself came to Wards Island to make sure that there are some remedies when there is an emergency.

However, the emergency did occur. First, Raphael escaped the ambush of Li Zifeng, and then Tankarn was in danger of avoiding the Raphael being killed by Shi Lei.

Raphael was lucky enough to escape two times to kill! [

Shi Lei originally wanted to fill the gun and make a second time shot. Tanarn, with the outstanding “sex” ability of the car, entered the Safety House of the Angel Parliament first, and succeeded in avoiding another snipe by Shi Lei.

Seeing that the law continues to cause damage to the Raphael, Shi Lei decided to retreat and temporarily let go of the Raphael. After all, Shi Lei pays more attention to his own safety than killing the Raphael target.

When Shi Lei was ready to withdraw from Wards Island, Emergency Situation occurred. That was Li Jian Nation’s Central Intelligence Agency, which suddenly blocked Wards Island.

In Li Jian Nation, fb and both are the famous Intelligence Organization. However, fb has different responsibilities. Ordinary people have different perceptions of fb and.

The main responsibility of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation is intelligence and policing. Most of the Tasks are for Li Jian Nation’s internal affairs, and there is a bit like the High First Grade Police Force. When some special cases are dealt with by the local state Police Force Act. The fbFederal Bureau of Investigation will be involved in investigate.

All in all, the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation is very close to the life of the Ordinary people, and the image aspect is more intimate.

It’s different!

The Central Intelligence Agency is more inclined to the “sex” nature of spies and counter-spyware. Although they also serve as intelligence gathering and processing, they mainly target intelligence outside of Li Jian Nation.

As long as it is foreign intelligence information, it is responsible for collection and processing. It is politics and military, as well as economics and Science and Technology. These important intelligence data are not important information such as culture and education. They are all interested, they all like to collect them.

Simply categorize Central Intelligence Agency’s responsibilities, including intelligence gathering, assassination, and subversion of hostile regimes, as well as maintaining Li Jian Nation’s overseas military equipment, and even supporting some organizations that are not Lawful.

The relationship between the Central Intelligence Agency and the Ordinary people is very strange. Their means of the Ordinary people far exceeds the scale of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation.

Anything that is related to the Central Intelligence Agency is definitely not a good thing!

A more figurative metaphor, precisely as stated fbFederal Bureau of Investigation is a good person, Central Intelligence Agency is villain!

Wards Island is now surrounded by the power of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Shi Lei is trapped inside Wards Island, who wants to escape from Wards Island. Not an easy task.

“Izual, why not remind me earlier?” Shi Lei parked the ‘black car’ on the side of the road with a dissatisfaction in his tone. Although Izual does not understand what is dissatisfaction, Shi Lei naturally expresses his dissatisfaction. [

If Izual reminds Shi Lei earlier, Shi Lei will not step into the trapof Wards Island!

“Sr, Central Intelligence Agency, did not block Wards Island before, they were dressed as Ordinary pedestrians. They were distributed around three Robert Kennedy Bridges and the Woz Bridge, and the System method identified their intentions. They were fifty-seven seconds ago. Implemented a unified action, quickly blocked four bridges, System reminded you at First time.” Izual is not self-defense, Izual does not have the concept of ‘self’, Izual is just answering. The issue proposed by Shi Lei.

Shi Lei’s face is slightly sunk, ‘Suddenly blocked four bridges? It seems that Central Intelligence Agency is premeditated! Did I count the Raphael when I calculated the Raphael? ‘

Shi Lei thought about this possible “sex”, but he immediately denied this funny guess. Raphael is a Hacker of World Summit Grade. But Raphael is not good at calculations.

It’s not Shi Lei, look at Raphael. If you want to make such a counter-calculation, Raphael is really not good!

Shi Lei drove the ‘black car’ into a parking lot in the Wards Island Center area. He parked the ‘black car’ in the parking lot and told him: “Izual, did you control the safety monitoring system of the parking lot?”

“sr, the Safety Monitoring System was not found.” Izual prompts.

Shi Lei glanced at the parking lot. This parking lot is a “closed” parking lot. How can there be a Safety Monitoring System? Shi Lei checked the two pistols at the waist, and there were four clips. After confirming the mistake, Shi Lei looked at this one and got the ‘black car’.

More or less in the ‘black car’, there may be evidence left by him, including sweat, liquid, body hair, etc., even the contact with the “sex” micro-cells, can also be used for n test .

In order to completely eliminate the evidence, Shi Lei decided to Destroy this ‘black car’. However, the movement of Destroy ‘black car’ will definitely attract the attention of Central Intelligence Agency. However, for Destroy evidence, Shi Lei decided to take risks.

Shi Lei opened the ‘black car’ trunk with two red “color” 20l spare gasoline boxes, all of which are Li Jian Nation’s No. 93 gol level gasoline. Shi Lei picks up two red “color” spare gasoline boxes, pulls them out on the floor and unscrews the lid of the spare gasoline box. Then, lift one of the spare gasoline boxes with both hands and pour the gasoline inside the ‘black car’.

Shi Lei’s action on splashing the gasoline is very serious and very careful to avoid splashing on the body. He put two boxes of twenty liters of gasoline, after he spilled, there was no hesitation. Directly took out the matches prepared in advance, took out a fire, and threw them into the ‘black car’.

The moment the match touched the gasoline, the burning of the raging flame Crazy, the whole ‘black car’ was entangled in flames, and the fire would completely destroy the evidence.

Shi Lei carried the guitar case while the flame was burning. I did not return to the “Liang” day parking lot. Shi Lei now needs to find a place to hide, or find a way to leave Wards Island to avoid being discovered by Central Intelligence Agency.

The range of Wards Island is not large. The main building of this Small-scale island is the sports field, especially the football field and baseball field, on the whole island. More than 20 football stadiums and 40 baseball stadiums.

It is because of so many sports fields, although Wards Island is small, but there is a Large-scale hotel on it, Shi Lei First idea is to go to the hotel to escape. However, Shi Lei denied this idea the next moment.

Central Intelligence Agency will definitely investigate the hotel at First time!

Even if Shi Lei invaded the hotel’s Management System, the modify check-in time could not escape the Central Intelligence Agency. Check it in a traversal manner.

Only in addition to the hotel, there seems to be no place to escape!

Shi Lei in his mind, recalling the topographic mapof Wards Island, the entire Wards Island is really small, there are not many places to provide shelter, Central Intelligence Agency to search the entire Wards Island, it does not consume too much time.

‘Damn, what should I do? ‘Shi Lei is thinking in her mind.

“Zifeng. Second Set plan, how are you going?” Shi Lei lowered his head slightly and walked on the path of Wards Island, pretending to make a phone call using a Bluetooth headset.

Li Zifeng’s voice came from the Bluetooth headset. “Boss, we’ve had trouble, there’s a lot more nyp’s Police Force on the street. There’s the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation’s personnel and even the agents of the Central Intelligence Agency.”

Shi Lei’s expression is stiff, and the emotion of restlessness is getting stronger and stronger.

“Zifeng, you don’t move. Pay attention to protect your own safety!” Shi Lei told accomplish, he cut off the conversation with Li Zifeng, he still had to find a way out of Wards Island, no time to talk to Li Zifeng.

“Izual, the guy at Central Intelligence Agency, is there any action?” Shi Lei asked.

Izual monitors the dynamics of Central Intelligence Agency in real time. “Sr, the personnel, only held four bridges and inspected the vehicles and pedestrians going out.”

Listening to Izual’s report, Shi Lei’s mind flashed away, and his face showed a smile. The Central Intelligence Agency only held four bridges instead of Wards Island investigate, because Central Intelligence Agency is not enough, or the person who participated in this action is not enough.

So, they only chose to block Wards Island, not a full investigate of Wards Island.

This situation is good for Shi Lei, who can escape from Wards Island with the current blockade of Central Intelligence Agency. If you wait until the reinforcements of the Central Intelligence Agency arrive and then search the entire Wards Island by pulling the net, Shi Lei has no chance to leave!

“Shi Mayi, where are you?” Shi Lei contacted one of the members of the Ruling Security Company, Li Zifeng Squadron, via a Bluetooth headset.

Shi Mayi received a direct contact from Shi Lei’s, a little glimpse, and immediately replied: “Boss, I am near the intersection of the Queen’s Queen’s Bridge and Vernon Avenue in Queens.”

Shi Lei built Shi Mayi’s location in his mind, and then combined with the terrain of Wards Island to quickly think about an escape plan.

“Shi Mayi, you drive to Mount Vernon, enter the promenade, and stop at the intersection of the Yamaguchi Train Bridge and Nineteenth Street. I will wait for you to come over from the Yamaguchi Train Bridge. You are responsible for picking up me.” Shi Lei Said plan.

Shi Mayi took a look at the navigation, started talking: “Boss, about Forty minutes.”

“As soon as you guarantee Safety, the sooner the better! Any issue, contact me directly!” After Shi Lei finished, he cut off the call with Shi Mayi.

Queens’s Guo Dehua Queen’s Bridge and the Shanmen Train Bridge are not close by the route. If Shi Lei is all right, Shi Mayi is not needed to meet. But Shi Lei ordered Shi Mayi to come over, in order to prevent accidents.

If there is any unexpected situation, Shi Lei can’t immediately pass the Shanmen Train Bridge. Shi Mayi can also be on the other side of the river to implement some possible rescue plans.

For example, on the other side of the river, near the Shanmen Railway Bridge, there is an ambush by the Central Intelligence Agency, or an ambush by the Angel Parliament. Shi Mayi can also cover Shi Lei to attract the firepower of the ambush personnel.

For another example, in case the Shi Lei method passes through the Shanmen Train Bridge, it can only be forced to cross the river. Shi Mayi can also assist Shi Lei to cover, prevent Shi Lei from behind the personnel, and attack Shi Lei on attack.

“Izual, check the route along the Shanmen Railway Bridge to see if there is a place to enter the railway directly.” Shi Lei told Izual to find the escape route…

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: Book review area, there is a small event giving a Big Penguin Company account, a pair of Ordinary couple accounts, and the book friends who need it are welcome to attend.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗