
Chapter 995

hk983 CIA spoils!

In most cases, the sniper will aim at the target and will choose the chest instead of the head!

A shot of a headshot is very cool, but aiming at the chest is the favorite of sniper. Because the dead zone of the chest is larger than the head, even if it is aimed at the chest and deviates from the position of the heart, it can cause the target to die if it hits the upper to the neck and down to the waist.

If you aim at the head, there is a slight deviation. The child is precisely as stated and the rhythm of the head’s passing by, and the fundamental method causes any physical damage to the target.

Wards Island, Angel Parliament Safety House southwest About 300 meters away, on top of an 5-Layer small building roof, Shi Lei is equipped with an Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle targeting the Raphael.

‘Wind speed 19 meters per second, light wind state; target moving speed 12kmh; track offset…’Shi Lei silently calculates the aiming scale of the sniper rifle, when the Raphael is in the anti-sedans, from his gathering point, about At the seven hundred meters, Shi Lei’s right index finger was pressed against the trigger of the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle.

Inside the anti-car, Raphael has a relaxed expression. It is now less than a kilometer away from the Safety House of the Angel Parliament. He is almost safe!

‘Mr. M, even if you are fascinating, you can’t think of our Angel Parliament, and there is the Safety House Right? ‘Raphael in the heart pleased on Wards Island.

Angel Parliament’s Safety House data, all taken to isolate the network data storage method, and only allow up to Seventh Grade, the relevant area of ​​the person-in-charge, can view the corresponding area of ​​the Safety House data. [

For example, Tankarn, as the Security Department person-in-charge of the New York City Angel Funds Investment Management Company, and having the authority of Seventh Grade, he has the qualifications to know, the Safety House information around New York City.

Because of the data of the Safety House, it has such strict protection, in the heart of Raphael, even if Mr. M is niú chā. It is also impossible to know the Information Right of the Safety House?

Unless, within the Angel Parliament, the Core Member of the above Seventh Grade, choose to betray the Angel Parliament, and must also be the high-level personnel of New York City, it is possible to know the relevant information, revealing to Mr. M.

However, Angel Parliament has never seen the betrayal of authority personnel above Fifth Grade!


On the 5-Layer small building rooftop, Shi Lei passes the snipe mirror. I saw the smile on the face of Raphael. He also showed a smile. ‘Raphael ah Raphael, dead to the end, actually still laughing? Sure enough, knowing can be fear! ‘

Shi Lei’s right index finger. The trigger of the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle was pulled hard, and the anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle with a diameter of five feet, which is a caliber, moved to the anti-car of the Raphael.

Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle’s muzzle velocity reached 900 meters per second, far exceeding the speed of sound transmission. The anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle’s gunshots have not been introduced into the Raphael ear, preventing the front windshield of the car. It has been penetrated by the son of Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle.

The entire front windshield broke into pieces, but it was attached to the broken glass by the inner metal braid, which did not cause splashing damage, and blocked the cons of the Lei Lei probe.

therefore. The Shi Lei method determines if the Raphael has died.

To be on the safe side, after Shi Lei fired a shot, he quickly pulled the gun and continued to aim at the anti-car. Unfortunately, the Second gun did not hit the anti-sedans, because the anti-vehicle driver, Tankarn reacted very fast, he drove the anti-sedans and quickly entered the entrance of an Underground garage.

Shi Lei glanced at the Underground garage, shook his head with a sigh, and the Underground garage was exactly as the entrance to the Angel House’s Safety House. In the Safety House of the Angel Parliament, the defense is very strong, and Shi Lei single-handedly breaks into it. Therefore, Shi Lei put the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle into the guitar case and used the downhill device to quickly leave the roof roof.


The Raphael’s anti-sedans entered the Underground parking garage at the entrance to the Safety House. Tankarn quickly passed the verification and entered the Second Level hidden in the Underground garage.

After actually entering the Angel Parliament Secret Safety house, Tankarn was sighed in relief. He turned to look at Little Wight in the passenger seat, and Little Wight’s chest had disappeared, replaced by a huge hollow. [

This is the result of being hit by the ultra-high speed 05 inch!

Little Kraff, sitting behind Little Wight, is also dead! Little Kraff’s abdominal cavity, which was pierced through the small Wight’s chest snipe, penetrated again, causing a fatal attack.

Big Kraff held Raphael with one hand, and the expression on his face was ugly. Little Kraff was his pro-younger brother, and he died in front of him, making Big Kraff feel sad.

Raphael’s in the heart is full of fear!

Raphael is not the Elite member of Devil Mercenary Corps and can remain calm in the face of death threats. Raphael is a big family of Young Sir, and the Great Giant of the Angel Parliament. It is simply a spoiled fellow. What is the spirit of not afraid of death?

Among the anti-sedans, only Tankarn is the most calm.

Just at the moment of Shi Lei’s shooting, Tankarn saw the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle, the fireworks at the muzzle, and he was off the wheel. Although Tankarn saved Raphael, Tankarn also had selfishness. For example, Tankarn deviated from the steering wheel and chose to take care of the driver’s seat, which is himself.

This led to the son of Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle, killing Little Wight and Little Kraff with a double-edged sword.

“What happened just now?” Raphael calmed down and asked about the situation.

Tankarn reveals a sad god “color”, “Mr. Raphael, we are attacked! Little Wight and Little Kraff, they sacrificed!” Little Wight and Little Kraff, that is the absolute cronies of Tankarn, if you can choose Tankarn is definitely not willing to sacrifice them.

“Tankarn, the car we took, with special anti-treatment, how can it be attacked?” Raphael asked inexplicably.

Tankarn frowns said: “Mr. Raphael, attack our personnel, using a zero-foot-foot son. The kind of Grade, our anti-glass can’t stop!”

“Damn!” Raphael coldly snorted, “Tankarn, did you see the enemy? Contact all the power around New York City, quickly block Wards Island, I want to grab the person who attacked us!” Raphael issued an order.

Raphael is also not sure, attacking their personnel. Whether it is Mr. M or not. But it is not Mr. M, who attacked their personnel. Since they attacked them on Wards Island, they proved the person and are still at Wards Island.

As long as the Angel Parliament’s personnel, blocked Wards Island, you can catch a turtle in a jar against the personnel attacking them. Once you grab the personnel that attacked them, you can see if Mr. M is targeting his Raphael.

“Mr. Raphael, I am afraid we are at Wards Island. It is not enough to block the entire Wards Island.” Tankarn said a little.

“Hēng!” Raphael angry coldly snorted. “To mobilize the power of the surrounding. We must…”

When the Raphael was not finished, the satellite cell phone that he carried with him rang. Raphael looked at the calls number, but it was a secret phone.

Slightly hesitated, Raphael still pressed the answer button. “Hello? Who is it?”

“It’s me!” In the handset of the satellite cell phone, a middle-aged male “sex” voice of mediocre came.

Raphael face “color” a joy, “How do you call me?”

“Are you in trouble now? Are you at Wards Island?” At the other end of the satellite secret phone, apparently did not answer the Raphael issue, but instead made his own issue.

Raphael face “color” once again a stiff, how his position information, always known by others? Is he so easy to be traced? To know that he can now connect to the network environment without using the Hacker method, he can not find his location information.

“How do you know?” Raphael asked in amazement.

“I am in New York City. There are some eye-catching eyes. I have already sent some personnel to Wards Island. It’s almost time for you to get it. Do you need help?” Satellite keeps the other end of the cell phone, the middle of the sound mediocre Male “sex”, asks.

Raphael immediately said: “I need help! You can arrange someone. Block the entire Wards Island, look for a sniper. That sniper, just sent me to see God, I must catch him!”

“Is it?” The middle-aged male “sex” of the sound mediocre, with a tone of tone: “Is it something that Mr. M? Raphael, you have been bullied by this Mr. M recently.” Have you ever thought about retaliation?”

“Of course I have to retaliate! How? Do you want to help me with revenge?” Raphael snorted.

“Isn’t it welcome? I am coming over to Wards Island, I will come over and help you with this. After I come over, I will help you settle this matter.” The middle-aged man of sex mediocre Said with confidence.

Wards Island.

Shi Lei gave a reminder when driving a ‘black car’ and preparing to leave Wards Island.

“Sr, the Woz Bridge has been blocked by the Central Intelligence Agency. Through the road Safety Monitoring System scan, Central Intelligence Agency, currently checks each passed personnel.”

Shi Lei’s face is slightly changed. Wards Island is a small island that connects to the outside world. In addition to the Woz Bridge, there are only three Robert Kennedy Bridges.

However, Izual, next, gave a tragic reminder of information, “sr, three Robert Kennedy Bridges, all blocked, and the vehicle inspection work.”

‘Central Intelligence Agency? How did they get in and come in? Do they have anything to do with Angel Parliament? Or is it another situation? ‘


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Ps: Onion is coming back!

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