
Chapter 994

hk982 is aiming at the chest!

Li Jian Nation, June 6th, two points at the Forty-two point in the afternoon. ***

New York City, ManhAT&T an.

ManhAT&T an is a peninsula, one of the Angel Parliament’s Weapons Storage Site, located at the northeast corner of the ManhAT&T an Center Park.

When Raphael received the message and the Weapons Storage Site in the northeast corner of ManhAT&T an Center Park was nypinvestigate, Raphael decided to flee to the Safety House outside the city.

Angel Parliament Around New York City, there are a lot of Safety Houses, one of the closest Safety Houses to Raphael, on Wards Island. Shi Lei began to predict where the Raphael might flee, the Safety House in Wards Island.

However, after a little accident, Raphael wanted to go to the Weapons Storage Site in the northeast corner of Center Park. Fortunately, Shi Lei has previously dealt with the Weapons Storage Site issue, nypcurrently Weapons Storage Site to count the total number of weapon, get the battle!

Since the issue of the Weapons Storage Site in the northeast corner of Center Park, the Safety House that Raphael can choose, naturally moved to Wards Island. The rest of the Safety House is a little too far from Wards Island, and with the excellent safety of Wards Island, it is the Raphael.

Raphael’s current location is located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Sixty-six Street. [

The closest and most accessible route from Fifth Avenue to Wards Island is from Fifth Avenue to Sixty-six Street, then from the Sixty-six Street to the fr Expressway, straight to the other side of Wards Island, through the bridge You can enter Wards Island.

Izual monitors the Raphael’s anti-sedans and prevents the car from driving, just as Shi Lei expected. This road is almost the road to death!

On the third floor of a residential area where F. Expressway meets Ninth 13th Street, Li Zifeng has an Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle waiting for the arrival of Raphael.

If you are familiar with the topographic mapof New York City, you can see that the location of Li Zifeng’s ambush is very reliable. The building of the junction of Fr Express Road and Ninth Thirteenth Street is just beside the fr-speed road. Within 50 meters, the snipe is almost an excellent location.

If Raphael passes from fr fast road and Izual informs Li Zifeng in advance, then Raphael will definitely be Li Zifeng snipe.

At the same time, Shi Lei currently rushed to Wards Island. Since Shi Lei knew the Raphael’s whereabouts, Shi Lei would arrive at Wards Island one step faster than Raphael, ready to wait for the Raphael walking right into a trap.


Fifth Avenue.

Inside the anti-car, Raphael told Tankarn: “Go to Wards Island!”

Tankarn has an authority of up to Seventh Grade within the framework of the Angel Parliament. The Safety House around New York City is known to all about Tankarn. The Safety House in Wards Island, in the Safety House around New York City, has a Safety factor of Top. It has a variety of escape systems, even against Medium-scale.

“Okay, Mr. Raphael.” Tankarn took a glimpse of the steering wheel and left Fifth Avenue, as predicted by Shi Lei, and entered the Sixty-six Street.

On the other side, on the fast road of Fre, Shi Lei is driving a ‘black car’ and heading to Wards Island to prepare for an ambush.

Shi Lei This time, Li Jian Nation’s Third purpose was to steal data from the Angel Parliament’s internal Secret Server. But the existence of Angel Parliament’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel made Shi Lei’s idea fall through.

Fortunately, there is still a surprise waiting for Shi Lei. That is, the Raphael, one of the Angel Parliament Four Great Giants, is in the Headquarters of Angel Funds Investment Management Company.

Shi Lei transferred the purpose of Third to Raphael, and Shi Lei wanted to kill Raphael! [

The Angel Parliament’s Four Great Giants and Three Little Giants have been killed by Shi Lei. Uriel, one of the Four Great Giants, was originally an important help for the Angel Parliament, but the Shi Lei design killed him. Twilight Angel Duskiel, one of the Three Little Giants, was also caught by Shi Lei.

Shi Lei Hope Raphael also stepped into the footsteps of Uriel!

Li Zifeng quiet waited at the intersection of Fr Fast Road and Ninth Thirteen Street. In the Bluetooth headset, Izual simulated a young male “sex” sound, “Captain Li, please note that the target distance from the ambush point, there are three kilometers.”

Li Zifeng secretly guessed Izual’s identity, and Shi Lei did not explain Izual’s identity. Just a cursory explanation, there will be remote support. But this so-called remote support, there is no detailed explanation, what exactly is the personnel provided.

“Received!” Li Zifeng replied briefly, in the heart secretly: ‘Is this remote support, exactly as stated, Mirror Science and Technology’s ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System? ‘

Recently, Mirror Science and Technology, Dream Entertainment, and the news of the ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System have spread throughout the world. Not only the related Industry personnel in investigate, it is precisely as stated some Ordinary netizens, and knows about it. In particular, Brave’s World’s Gamer, they believe that Dream Entertainment has the ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. Otherwise, in Brave’s World, more than the Million Non-player control angle “color”, what is the Virtual Personality?

For the ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System and the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, the computer industry practitioners of Ordinary are unclear. How do the Ordinary netizens know clearly?

Li Zifeng also doesn’t understand the difference between the ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System and the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. He is simply guessing that he is now providing remote monitoring support, precisely as stated Mirror Science and Technology’s ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.

The three-kilometer distance suggested by Izual, for a speed of more than one hundred kilometers per hour, is three kilometers away, just less than two minutes.

Li Zifeng’s spirit is concentrated, and he wants to make sure that he can strike at the center and avoid the escape of the car that the Raphael is riding.

“Captain Li, countdown for five seconds, the target will appear in the line of sight. Five, four, three, and so on, Captain Li, target unexpected!” Izual suddenly reminded Li Zifeng when he was suddenly rushed condition.

The Raphael’s anti-sedans chose to slow down. The reason is that behind the anti-sedans of the Raphael, a huge van appeared. The Raphael’s anti-sedans reduced speed, maintained almost the same speed as vans, and used the huge vans of vans as a shield to block all possible attacks.

The traffic rules of Li Jian Nation are not the same as Xia Nation. The Raphael is in the anti-sedans, the road in the direction of travel, and close to the side of the East River. The van is on the left side of the Raphael’s anti-sedans, and on the left there is a vehicle in the opposite direction.

When the Raphael’s anti-car was passing through the gathering point where Li Zifeng was located, Li Zifeng did not have a good snipe opportunity due to the huge van. In order not to beat the grass to scare the snake, Li Zifeng can only give up the snipe Raphael.

“Boss, snipe failed, target currently on the way to Wards Island!” Li Zifeng quickly reported to Shi Lei via a Bluetooth headset. Although there is no accomplish Task, Li Zifeng has some benefits, but reports directly to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei did not pissed, but comforted: “Zifeng, snipe failed, snipe failed! Rest assured, target can’t run!”

Li Zifeng sighed in relief, this is apologetic. “Sorry, Boss, everything is here!”

Shi Lei said: “It doesn’t matter, Zifeng, we are a team. People have lost their feet, contact others, prepare the Second Set plan, and once they have changed, immediately implement Second Set plan. Understand?”

“Understand!” Li Zifeng said with certainty: “Boss, please rest assured, this time, there will be no accidents.”

Shi Lei didn’t say anything, but stopped at Wards Island and stopped at the Angel Parliament Safety House, about three hundred meters away. Shi Lei took a guitar case from the trunk of the ‘Black Car’ and carried the guitar case back to the Angel Parliament Safety House, a small building of 5-Layer.

Shi Lei used self-study to open the door of the rooftop roof. On the roof, uncover the guitar case and assemble the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle inside.

Shi Lei’s wearing tactical gloves on his hands will not leave fingerprints, sweat, etc., and may violently reveal the identity of the identity. When the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle was assembled, Shi Lei was not immediately erected. Instead, a Quick-drop Equipment was installed on the roof of the 5-Layer small building according to the pre-observed route.

With this Quick-drop Equipment, Shi Lei can quickly descend from the sixth floor to the first floor. Also, the purpose of Quick-drop Equipment is to park the ‘black car’ position at Shi Lei, so that Shi Lei can quickly escape from the scene.

“Izual, where is the target?” Shi Lei asked.

“sr,target is still on the fr-speed road, about three minutes away from Wards Island. It is expected that the target will enter the ambush circle in the range of six minutes twenty seconds to seven minutes and thirty-eight seconds.” Izual determine The situation.

On the fr road, the Raphael’s anti-sedans have been side-by-side with a Large-scale van, blocking the potential for trouble with the huge body of the Large-scale van.

“Tankarn, we still have a long time to get to Wards Island?” Raphael asked. Only in the Safety House, Raphael will feel a little safety.

Mr. M’s strength and supernatural powers have already scared the Raphael, and his eager Hope enters the Safety House to escape. Then wait for the Angel Parliament Headquarters and send rescue forces to pick him up.

“Mr. Raphael, if the Kennedy Bridge is not in a traffic jam, we have about seven or eight minutes.” Tankarn answered Raphael.

Raphael nervous, a little relaxed, “Is there still seven or eight minutes? The rest of the journey, there should be no issue!” Raphael comforted himself.

Five minutes later, the anti-sedans where Raphael is located are almost ready to enter Shi Lei’s vision. The Angel Parliament’s choice of the Safety House is very high. One of the hard requirements is precisely as stated. As long as the anti-sedan car of the Raphael enters the big defense range of the Safety House, it will appear in the visual range. hide.

This wide-ranging measure was originally intended to prevent enemy attacks, but now it is a good condition for Shi Lei to deal with Raphael. After more than a minute, Shi Lei set up the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle, waiting for the arrival of Raphael.

“Sr, target will appear within the line of sight after five seconds to ten seconds.” Izual prompts the time range, which is due to the fact that Izual is also accurate, and the anti-sedans where Raphael is located will open faster. Still slow, so the determination of the time range is provided.

Seven seconds later, Shi Lei saw the anti-sedan of the Raphael through the scope of the Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle, and also saw the Raphael sitting in the center of the back row!

Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle’s sight is aimed at the chest position of the Raphael…

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗