
Chapter 991

hk979 Shi Lei’s conspiracy, the fear of Raphael!

Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters, Heaven.

Shi Lei patrolled the record in Security Monitoring, wrote a paragraph of intimidation and ridicule Raphael, then tore the page off, placed it on the computer desk, and pressed the page with a pen.

After doing all this, Shi Lei whispered through the Bluetooth headset: “Izual, after I left, the compartment door of the partition monitoring room was blocked, and only the Seventh Grade and above authorities were allowed to open.”

Shi Lei wants to open a person who only allows Level 9, but Angel Funds Investment Management Company’s Access Control System basic rules determine Seventh Grade authority personnel and can enter any area. If you want to change this basic rule, Shi Lei can do it, but it takes a lot of time.

“yes, sr!” Izual replied in a cold voice.

Shi Lei sorted out the appearance, shaking the front tongue of the baseball capwith both hands and shaking it a few times, with a light expression on his face, and opened the door of the partition monitoring room and went out. After Shi Lei closed the door, the Access Control System of the partition monitoring room was immediately tampered with by Izual, requiring Seventh Grade and above authority to open the door.

“sr, the elevator is expected to arrive on the 18th floor after 17 seconds. The system automatically calculates that it takes only 15 seconds to reach the elevator.” Izual reminds Shi Lei in the Bluetooth headset.

The partition monitoring room on the 18th floor is very close to the elevator. This is when the Emergency Situation occurs. The security personnel of the district monitoring room can prevent the suspect from entering the elevator and fleeing. [

Shi Lei stood at the door of the elevator. Two seconds later, the elevator made a ‘beep’ sound, and the smooth mirrored elevator door slideed to the sides, and Shi Lei walked in.

Inside the elevator, Shi Lei pulled out a Li Jian Nation prepaid cell phone. The so-called prepaid cell phone, precisely as stated cell phone, which is not a real name system, can also be regarded as a “sex” cell phone.

When the elevator went down to the first floor, Shi Lei dialed Li Jian Nation’s alarm phone nneoneone. Li Jian Nation’s Alarm Phone System is very scientific. Especially the alarm calls of big cities, with a series of Auxiliary System. For example, when Shi Lei dials the alarm call, the alarm phone system can automatically detect the location where Shi Lei calls, and the accuracy is still very high.

“Hello, here is the Alarm Center.” The operator of the Alarm Center asked Shi Lei: “What can I help you?”

“I have an intelligence to report to you!” Shi Lei said slowly. His tone is no different from the New York native. “I found four illegal Weapons Storage Sites.”

To reinforce the importance of the New York Alarm Center, Shi Lei continued: “One of the Weapons Storage Sites illegally stores the weapon including the rpg soldier rocket launcher.”

The operator of the Alarm Center was shocked and quickly said: “Sir, do you know the truth of the information?”

“I’m not sure, I just received the relevant information. But I didn’t check it out. You alarm Center, willing to go and check it out! Well, I will tell you the specific location.” Shi Lei will provide four of Abdiel’s The location, all told the Alarm Center.

The Personnel of the Alarm Center, currently determines the Shi Lei’s position through the System.

Shi Lei seems to know the Alarm Center’s personnel, currently searching his location, he said with a smile: “Please do not check my location. I am near Wall Street, this is an anonymous phone, you can’t find me. “”

After that, Shi Lei did not hang up the phone and directly dropped the unregistered prepaid phone in the trash. At the end of the Alarm Center, the wiring personnel is trying to query the location information of the Shi Lei cell phone.

When the Alarm Center determined the Shi Lei’s cell phone location information, it was found to be near Wall Street. Alarm Center’s personnel, began to believe in the information provided by Shi Lei.

Alarm Center immediately contacted nyp, let them go to the four locations of investigate Shi Lei. Nyp is the abbreviation of New York Police Department, Li Jian Nation’s largest and oldest Police Department, and one of the most advanced Police Departments in the world.

After nyp received the instruction from the Alarm Center, it immediately arranged the relevant Police to go to the four locations where Shi Lei reported.


Angel Funds Investment Management Company. Eighteenth floor.

The fifteen-minute patrol and the information exchange Safety Squadron came to the outside of the zone monitoring. The Safety Squadron’s Captain was placed on the identity identifier of the zone monitoring room using the identity 『frequency』 frequency card. Ready to open the door.

However, the identity recognizer turned on the yellow “color” light, indicating that the identity authority is insufficient.

Patrol and information exchange Safety Squadron’s Captain, identity authority up to Sixth Grade, and inside the entire Heaven, only a few places are not allowed to enter. These very few places absolutely do not include the partition monitoring room.

There are two possible types of identity identifiers that indicate that the identity authority is insufficient. The first type is the identity authority. This kind of possible “sex” is excluded. The second kind of possible “sex”, accurately as stated internal personnel from the Access Control System from the inside, the internal personnel need to open from inside, or the current Access Control System internal Highest Authority, you can open the Access Control System from the outside.

Patrol Captain does not have too much tension, but hā hā jokingly knocked on the door, whispered: “Kevlarx, hurry to open the door, you two “color” ghosts, don’t use the Safety Monitoring System “chaos” voyeur!”

Inside the Angel Funds Investment Management Company, the secret has a large number of surveillance cameras, including some intimate environments, such as toilets, female “sex” personnel rest rooms, etc., all equipped with surveillance cameras.

The security personnel of Devil Mercenary Corps sometimes use the secret surveillance camera to view the female sex workers. When doing this kind of thing, they will block the Access Control System from inside.

Patrol Captain also thought that the two people in the partition monitoring room, currently peek at the female “sex” staff personnel!

However, when Patrol Captain slammed the door for half a minute and shouted seven or eight times, he finally realized that something was wrong. Even if Kevlarx peek inside, they should open the door. Because they are the Elite personnel of Devil Mercenary Corps, they know that work is more important.

“Immediately contact Section Head Tankarn, let him come over, the partition monitoring room on the 18th floor, an abnormal situation!” Patrol Captain told the players behind him.

Tankarn is Section Head of the Security Department of Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters, and Tankarn is at Head Funds of Angel Funds Investment Management Company, with the authority of Seventh Grade, the Highest Authority here.

“Block the company’s door, no one is allowed to enter or leave. Wait for the Security Department’s notice.” Patrol Captain again.

About a minute later, Tankarn walked out of the elevator door and went straight to the partition control room on the 18th floor. He took out his identity “shot” frequency card and placed it on the identity recognizer.

‘dī ~ ‘

The green light of the identity recognizer illuminates, indicating that the identity is verified and the Room door is opened.

Patrol Little Captain pulled out the silence pistol. Whisper: “Section Head Be careful!”

Tankarn did not change the color, but also took out pistol, made a sudden gesture, Patrol Captain and three patrol players, rushed into the partition monitoring room.

In the partition monitoring room, two security personnel of Devil Mercenary Corps. Has fallen to the ground, was poisonous potassium cyanide poison.

Tankarn looked at the faces of the two men and the pupils, and then “touched” them on both of them. They found that the muscles of both of them were slack. He was lightly snorted: “It is cyanide!”

Patrol Captain face “color” change, cyanide this thing, as the Elite member of Devil Mercenary Corps. How could you not know?

“Section Head, the enemy is mixed in Heaven?” Patrol Captain replied with uncertainty.

Tankarn nodded solemnly. “Yes! The door of the company closed the Right? Collect all the brothers and give me a layer-by-layer search! In addition, notify the Company’s personnel, Company has Emergency Situation. If there is a personnel ask for specific The situation, the unified interpretation is that the company mixed in with commercial espionage, let the personnel find strange faces. Immediately report to the Security Department.”

Patrol Captain quickly said: “Understood!”

“Captain , Section Head, what do you think?” Patrol and information exchanged a member of Safety Squadron and found the paper that Shi Lei left on the computer desk.

Tankarn and Patrol Captain stood up from the ground and looked at the paper strips on the computer desk. Patrol Captain’s authority is not high, and I don’t know who Raphael is. But Tankarn is a change of face color, he is very aware of the identity of Raphael.

“Oops!” Tankarn took out the call and dialed a number after the other party answered. Loud: “Mr. Raphael, immediately close the Access Control System! Our Company Headquarters, mixed into the enemy, we suspect he is going to be against you!”

The Raphael, as Shi Lei guessed, is indeed at the Angel Funds Investment Management Company.

“Tankarn, what do you say?” Raphael didn’t understand, but Tankarn was a confidant of Raphael. He chose to trust Tankarn and immediately closed the Access Control System.

“Mr. Raphael, we found a note in the partition control room on the 18th floor. I will bring it to you right away.” Tankarn took the note left by Shi Lei and went to the twenty building where Raphael is located. go with.

Raphael sits in a simple and low-key Office. Office is specially decorated with a full anti-virus design. Even if rpg soldier rocket launcher hits Raphael’s Office, it will not cause too much. Issue.

After more than a minute, Tankarn appeared outside the Office of Raphael, and Raphael opened the Access Control System with confidence, indicating that Tankarn came in.

“Tankarn, you have just been in a hurry, what is the situation?” Raphael immediately asked Tankarn, Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters, as the secret stronghold of the Angel Parliament, in general, there would be no enemies.

If you are enemies, Raphael must first determine whether the enemy is for the Angel Funds Investment Management Company itself or for the Angel Parliament.

Tankarn took out the note left by Shi Lei and handed it to Raphael. Someworriedly said: “Mr. Raphael, I am afraid the enemy is for you!”

Raphael looked at the paper left by Shi Lei, especially the last ‘m’ mark. His face was very ugly and his eyes were full of horror.

‘It turned out to be Mr. M, he actually found me! ‘Raphael has only one feeling in an instant, that is escape…


〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗