
Chapter 992

hk980 was forced to evacuate!

Raphael, one of the Angel Parliament Four Giants, has a great privilege in the Angel Parliament. At the same time, Raphael is also the Hacker of World Summit Grade, and has great prestige and status in Worldwide Hacker World.

For Raphael, he can be described as a teenager, almost what he wants, and what he can have. However, Raphael has a troublesome thing recently, and someone specializes in confronting him!

In the past, no one was right with Raphael, but none of those who played against Raphael had a good end!

Raphael is the Hacker of World Summit Grade and the Great Giant of the Angel Parliament. On the real world, or the net world, as long as the guy who dared to be right against Raphael, all of them were picked up by Raphael, and they were cleaned up one by one.

But this time against Raphael, not everyone else, but Mr. M, also known as World Summit Grade Hacker, is one of Shi Lei’s small Sockpuppet.

When Raphael found the note left by Mr. M in the secret stronghold of Angel Parliament, Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters Heaven, the surprise and fear of Raphael in the heart was simply added.

The note for Mr. M, which appears inside the Angel Funds Investment Management Company, shows that Mr. M has found the relationship between Raphael and Angel Parliament. At the same time, Mr. M must have also found out the relationship between Angel Funds Investment Management Company and Angel Parliament.

Whether it is Raphael or Angel Funds Investment Management Company, the relationship with Angel Parliament is a top secret. Even within the Angel Parliament, the person who knows the relationship between Angel Funds Investment Management Company and Angel Parliament is not too much.

Devil Mercenary Corps’ Security Person, though, knows that the Security personnel of Devil Mercenary Corps are all Elite personnel with a strong reputation. The loyalty of these Elite members is absolutely unquestionable. They will not betray the Angel Parliament at all, nor will they reveal the relevant information of the Angel Parliament. [

Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters, Heaven, twenty floor.

In Raphael’s Office, Raphael holds the note, and the face is very dark. He turned to Look Head towards the Security Department’s Section Head Tankarn. The tone was serious: “Tankarn, what is this?”

Tankarn has already made the relevant situation clearer, and he has the ins and outs of things. I told Raphael in detail, and finally: “Mr. Raphael, we only found this note in the partition monitoring room on the 18th floor. We have not found the suspect person. Please don’t worry. We have blocked the entire Heaven, and Each layer of the channel. All have Security personnel guarded. Security Department’s personnel. Currently, the suspect personnel is checked layer by layer.”

It seems that in order to show his determination, Tankarn continued: “Mr. Raphael, please rest assured that if the crime personnel are still inside Heaven, we will definitely catch this person!”

Raphael nodded and didn’t speak.

‘If this person is really Mr. M. Since he dares to enter Heaven, it will never be caught. ‘Raphael in the heart regretted to come up with a conclusion.

“Tankarn, if I remember correctly, there are a total of three Monitoring Systems inside Heaven. It’s all over Heaven. Have you checked the monitoring records for your Security Department?” Raphael asked.

Angel Funds Investment Management Company’s Headquarters Heaven, has a numerous Security Surveillance Camera. Unlike the general Safety Monitoring System, there is always a monitoring dead angle. The Monitoring System inside Heaven is that there is no monitoring dead angle. In other words, exactly as stated, as long as the creature enters Heaven, it will be discovered by the Safety Monitoring System.

Even if it is just a fly, it can escape the monitoring record. Unless you enter Heaven’s creature is invisible!

“Mr. Raphael, after our Security Department found the note, First time notified you that we haven’t had time to view the relevant Security Monitoring record.” Tankarn responded to Raphael.

Raphael coldly snorted, “stupid!”

Tankarn quickly said: “Mr. Raphael, we will go to the relevant Security Monitoring record now. Please don’t worry, the storage room recorded by Security Monitoring is protected by six Security personnel, and there is absolutely no accident.”

“Hope is like this! If there is an accident in the Security Monitoring record, you know the consequences!” Raphael said coldy.

Tankarn didn’t justify anything and went straight out of Raphael’s Office. As he walked, he used the walkie-talkie to tell: “Security Monitoring records the personnel compartment of the storeroom. Note that the Security Monitoring record is protected. No one is allowed to enter before I arrive, including the Person of the Sixth Grade and Seventh Grade authority.”

In the walkie-talkie, a clear response was sent back, “Command received, Section Head!”[

Raphael is sitting in Office, Office has been blocked from the inside, want to open Office from outside, according to Raphael’s Grade, at least two Great Giant simultaneous authorization, or First Giant in person, it is possible to open Office from outside .

“Mr. M, what is your opinion? Why do you want to be against me? Or why do you want to be against Angel Parliament!” Raphael asked himself, he got up from the couch and walked to the office. Next to the table, in the mezzanine of the desk drawer, a pistol was taken out.

Raphael is not the power of the chicken, his shooting is quite good!

The Security Monitoring record storage room is located on the first floor of the Underground. Entering the lower layer of the Underground requires the authorization of the Seventh Grade authority. After the Tankarn enters the negative layer of the Underground, it is found that there is no accident in the Security Monitoring record store. He is sighed in relief.

“Fortunately, okay!” Tankarn used the identity card to open the glass door and told him: “After the last Safety patrol, the Eighteenth Floor’s Security Monitoring record was extracted. At the same time, the entire Heaven, today’s Security Monitoring record. , also extracted.”

Security Monitoring records the Security personnel in the storeroom, immediately following the instructions of Tankarn.

After a few moments, Tankarn took the Security Monitoring record and returned to Raphael’s Office, Raphael in Office, silent waiting for Tankarn’s results.

“Mr. Raphael, I have extracted the Security Monitoring record data from the last Safety patrol of the Eighteenth Floor. The Eighteenth Floor is the Second Grade alert zone, and the Security Department’s personnel will be patrolled every fifteen minutes.” Tankarn found Raphael is not aware of the Second Grade warning zone and the patrols that are fifteen minutes apart. A detailed explanation was given.

Raphael nodded and said that he understood the patrol mechanism: “A patrol once every fifteen minutes, the last patrol, the record of the Eighteenth Floor shows that there is no issue, which shows that the time of the issue occurred in the last fifteen minutes. Isn’t that right ?”

“Yes! Mr. Raphael, the Secret Security Surveillance Camera is also installed in the Eighteenth Floor partition control room. Since the partition monitoring room of the Eighteenth Floor was attacked, the Secret Security Surveillance Camera must record the image of the invading personnel!” Tankarn Answer Raphael.

Raphael coughed. “Since this is the case, what are you waiting for? Let’s play the Security Monitoring record. Let’s see who it is. Invade our Heaven!”

‘Mr. M, will it be you? ‘Raphael in the heart is full of doubts. If it is really Mr. M. Raphael will send all the power to trace the relevant clues.

Raphael inside Office. Equipped with a projector system, you can easily view computer data and information. Tankarn holds the Notebook Computer and connects to the projector system to play the monitoring records of the Eighteenth Floor partition monitoring room.

However, there is a shocking consequence in the Security Monitoring record!

Before playing the Security Monitoring record. Both Tankarn and Raphael are guessing, the Security Monitoring record, the suspected person being recorded, what kind of person it is.

Raphael even once Fantasy. Mr. M is handsome and handsome, or a standard otaku lame uncle. It’s just that when they actually look at the Security Monitoring record, they find that there is nothing in the Security Monitoring record!


Nothing at all!

There are no screens in the Security Monitoring record on the Eighteenth floor. This is Izual’s own black data recorded by Security Monitoring, because Shi Lei’s behavior in the partition monitoring room is not convenient for virtual processing with Unreal Graphics Processing Software.

“Damn!” Raphael face “color” changed, the data recorded by Security Monitoring does not exist, Raphael is somewhat psychologically prepared. Since the other party is Mr. M, it is a good thing to black out the Security Monitoring record.

Tankarn took a glimpse of the Raphael and didn’t dare to speak. Instead, he chose to play the Security Monitoring record in the Eighteenth Floor corridor. Since the other party has committed a crime in the district monitoring room, it must have left traces in the corridor.

There is a numerous Security Surveillance Camera in the hallway, and Tankarn Hope always has a Security Surveillance Camera and has not been cleaned up. Tankarn’s efforts were rewarding, and he found a corridor Security Monitoring record that coincided with an accident in the partition monitoring room.

“Mr. Raphael, this is an accident with the partition monitoring room, the security monitoring video of the corridor during the same period. If the suspect person enters the Eighteenth Floor and kills our two personnel, he must pass the corridor. Mr. Raphael, corridor The Security Monitoring record is normal and the other party does not destroy the relevant records.” Tankarn in the heart sighed in relief.

Unfortunately, it’s a pity that Tankarn’s tone is too fast!

Because in the corridor Security Monitoring record of the Eighteenth Floor, although it is not the blank space, there is no Shi Lei’s in the Security Monitoring record.

This is Izual’s joint wnMiwang, and Unreal Graphics Processing Software, which wipes Shi Lei’s figure directly from the presence of a single pixel level, and finally creates perfect visual spoofing.

Everything in the corridor is as usual, and other pedestrians are recorded in it, but the power is lacking!

Raphael looks at the Security Monitoring record and he is long sighed. Raphael does not know the existence of Unreal Graphics Processing Software and does not know the capabilities of Unreal Graphics Processing Software. Therefore, Raphael mistakenly believes that Mr. M has mastered the method and can enter Heaven without being discovered by the Safety Monitoring System.

If so, then the Raphael’s Safety is guaranteed!

So, Raphael is ready for an emergency evacuation, forced to evacuate Heaven…

(to be continued


〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗