
Chapter 990

hk978 Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence :Abdiel !

Li Jian Nation time, June 6th, a little Twenty-three points in the afternoon. Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters, Heaven, 18th Floor, Divisional Monitoring Room.

Shi Lei took a look at the time, the next security personnel patrol, and 14 minutes and ten seconds, he had to hurry to accomplish the invasion within the Safety time.

Safety time is not to leave the 18th floor partition control room before the next security personnel patrol, but to leave the Headquarters Heaven of Angel Funds Investment Management Company!

Because, once the next security personnel patrol found the issue of the 18th floor partition monitoring room, it will immediately block the entire building, no one is allowed to enter, and then check the issue layer by layer.

‘formerly’, Shi Lei personally experienced the actions of the intruder. It was the opposite of a group of Angel Parliament who discovered Heaven’s secret in an attempt to steal data from Heaven. Finally, the Security personnel, composed of Devil Mercenary Corps member, caught in Heaven.

The result, Hudson River’s fish have a bit of a blessing without too much speculation!

Due to Heaven’s internal Access Control System, Monitoring System, it was completely attacked by Shi Lei and controlled by Izual. Therefore, the elevator can be prepared for Shi Lei anytime, anywhere.

Heaven has only a twenty floor, using a high-speed elevator made by Wo Sang Nation Hitachi Company, which runs at a speed of four meters per second. The height of the building in Heaven is 4 meters and the net height is 28 meters. Therefore, from the 18th floor down to the first floor, the elevator needs to run for 17 seconds. Together with the elevator passing through the hall, leaving the Heaven Headquarters through the Safety Access Control System and disappearing into the street, it takes more than thirty seconds. [

For safety reasons, or if anything unexpected happens, Shi Lei’s retreat time, it is best to reserve a minute or even more time. Then in other words. Shi Lei has invaded Angel Parliament’s Secret Server for a maximum of 13 minutes.

The 18th floor, the district monitoring room.

Shi Lei carefully closed the two potassium cyanide injection needles before removing the two poisonous Devil Mercenary Corps members. Shi Lei sits on a soft office chair with his left hand on the keyboard and the right hand holding the mouse to quickly minimize the all kinds of Monitoring System.

“Izual, the countdown begins. Give me 12 in 50 seconds. After the arrival time, get the elevator ready!” Shi Lei reminds Izual that all the action steps need to be stitched together before they can be lost.

“sr, the command was received.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei uses a computer that manages the Safety Monitoring System. Entered the Internal Parliament of the Angel Parliament. Since the user of the Safety Monitoring System is originally a member of the Membership of the Angel Parliament, the computer that manages the Safety Monitoring System can go directly to the Angel Parliament’s Internal Network without the need for a second time intrusion.

Shi Lei controls the computer that manages the Safety Monitoring System and has just entered the Internal Parliament of the Angel Parliament. When you have not had time to scan the Secret Server, manage the computer of the Safety Monitoring System, and a certification prompt box appears on the screen.

‘Angel Funds Investment Management Company’s user, please carry out identity certification. ‘

Shi Lei looked at the prompt box, the face “color” changed slightly, this certification prompt box is not too complicated, but it involves a big issue, Angel Parliament also owns Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System!

This certification is exactly as specified by the Angel Parliament’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel. Second time authentication sent. Any connection to the Angel Parliament Internal Network, Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel will be second time certified.

Although the Angel Parliament’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel is not as powerful as Dream Entertainment’s Izual, Abdiel is not to be underestimated.

According to Shi Lei’s estimate, the Angel Parliament’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel should be approximately Mid Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. ‘formerly’, Shi Lei after entering the Angel Parliament. Very large part technology is learned from Abdiel. Without Abdiel, there would be no World Summit Grade Hacker Shi Lei.

Abdiel’s status in the Angel Parliament, EQ uivalent to a Virtual Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence teacher. Hacker in the Angel Parliament can make an issue to Abdiel. As long as Abdiel can answer, a detailed answer will be given.

‘Damn! How is Abdiel! what can we do about it? ‘Shi Lei in the heart secretly hesitated.

After a little hesitation for a while, Shi Lei sighed, the current situation, Shi Lei is negligent! [

At ‘formerly’, Shi Lei’s authority in the Angel Parliament is very high, and any computer inside the Angel Parliament can be directly connected to the Angel Parliament’s Internal System. Therefore, Shi Lei has forgotten that if there is no relevant authority, the internal computer of Angel Parliament, although it can be connected to the Internal System, requires a certification license.

Shi Lei placed a Devil Mercenary Corps Security personnel’s “Frequency” card on the identity recognizer and accepted Abdiel’s identity certification requirements.

‘Hello, Mr. Kevlarx, you have a Level 4 authority and you can access the Internal Network. Please fill in the reason for entering the Internal Network or select the appropriate option. ‘Angel Parliament’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel, another dialog box.

Shi Lei glanced at the time in the lower right corner of Monitor, who had been wasted by Abdiel for nearly two minutes. Shi Lei controls the mouse and selects the option to ‘find data’ in the options listed by Abdiel.

Angel Parliament’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel turned out to be a dialog box again.

Mr. Kevlarx, what data do you need to look for? Please enter a related data name to allow fuzzy lookup rules. ‘

Shi Lei’s eyes sparkled with a hesitant look.

From now on, I want to enter the Internal Parliament of the Angel Parliament, I am afraid I have to crack Abdiel’s certification system. However, cracking Abdiel’s certification system must be against Abdiel. Then Abdiel and Izual exactly as stated ‘The two tigers fight, there must be a wound! ‘

To be honest, Shi Lei has a bit of ‘old’ feelings for Abdiel.

Although Abdiel is just a Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, it doesn’t have real intelligence, maybe it can only be considered an item. Even if an item is used, it will take a long time to produce a feeling of Right?

Shi Lei is not willing to force ‘Beat’ Abdiel. Because of that, it is very likely that Abdiel’s logical processing hub unit will issue an issue, even Destroy Abdiel.

‘Abdiel, what should I do? ‘Shi Lei in the heart struggling, and finally a touch of face appeared on the face, started talking: “Izual, ready to retreat plan!”

Shi Lei is still reluctant to Destroy Abdiel!

Not only because of the old feelings, but also because Abdiel’s defense is very powerful, even though wnMiwang has more than 1000tflops of computing resources, and it is impossible to break Abdiel’s defense in just 10 minutes.

Angel Parliament’s Internal Network, hosting Abdiel’s Server, Shi Lei in the heart, is definitely not Supercomputer Holy, but another Supercomputer!

Angel Funds Investment Management Company One year’s income Billions US Dollar, how can Angel Parliament not have a powerful Supercomputer? Shi Lei formerly In the Angel Parliament, it is known that the Angel Parliament has a fixed investment every year and is involved in the Supercomputer project.

Although the law invaded the Internal Parliament of the Angel Parliament, and did not have the heart of Destroy Abdiel, it did not mean that Shi Lei could not clean up the power of the Angel Parliament in Li Jian Nation.

Shi Lei entered the keyword retrieve in the dialog given by Abdiel.

‘New York City, weapon library, Underground Influence. ‘Shi Lei has entered a total of three key words, meaning that within the New York City range, the retrieve belongs to all of the Angel Parliament’s weapon libraries, as well as the Underground Influence.

Abdiel immediately gave feedback to the information, ‘Mr. Kevlarx, the existence of your authority method retrieved Underground Influence, is the independent retrieve weapon library information? ‘

Devil Mercenary Corps member, named Kevlarx, only has a Level 4 authority. If you want to query Underground Influence, you need a higher First Grade authority. Shi Lei’s identity Although there is a Level 7 authority, this authority is limited to Heaven. If it is handed over to Abdiel, it is definitely a great tragedy.

‘Inquire! ‘Shi Lei selected the button for the query, and Abdiel immediately displayed the weapon library for New York City on Monitor. The Angel Parliament has a total of four weapon libraries in New York City, and one of the weapon libraries even has a heavy launcher.

Shi Lei recorded the location and quickly withdrew from the Internal Parliament of Angel Parliament. After withdrawing from the Internal Parliament of Angel Parliament, Shi Lei looked at the time and spent 7 minutes 25 seconds in total. The rest of the time was enough for him to retreat.

‘Abdiel, let me go. Next time, it’s not so easy, Hope has prepared a high-end Supercomputer for you! ‘Shi Lei sighed.

Abdiel’s Super Authority is in the hands of the Angel Parliament First Giant, and the other three Giants only have the First Grade authority. So, Abdiel’s Parent Server location is only known to First Giant.

Shi Lei doesn’t know where Abdiel’s Parent Server is hidden. If Shi Lei knows, he will definitely find a way to grab Abdiel.

Izual’s is indeed more powerful than Abdiel, but the way Izual appears is very different. Izual’s Core Procedure, in addition to the Core certification authority, the other source code, Shi Lei fundamental understanding.

Shi Lei wants to understand Izual’s Core Source Code by studying Abdiel’s source code. For Izual’s source code, Shi Lei actually wants to understand that Izual hides the secret of too much, including secrets such as N235 Metal, and Shi Lei wants to unlock them all!

Shi Lei glanced around the zoning monitoring room to make sure that he did not leave any thing that might have identifiable identity. Shi Lei took the book of the Security Monitoring patrol record and opened a new page, which was written in English. A paragraph.

‘Raphael, I found you! Fear, cry, call, then, let’s die! ‘——m

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)


〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗