
Chapter 989

hk977 comes with courtesy potassium cyanide!

Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters.

Shi Lei took the baseball capof the New York Yankees and naturally went to the building of the Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters. At the entrance, Shi Lei placed the “injection” frequency card hanging around his neck and placed it on the access control Induction.

‘dī ~ ‘

After the light sound of the electronic synthesizer, the access control Induction lights up a green “color” light, indicating that it is allowed to pass.

The anti-glass door slips open, Shi Lei’s mouth has a slight curved curvature, ‘Raphael, I am coming! ‘

Walking into the empty hall, Shi Lei did not observe the chaos, but walked over to the elevator. ‘formerly’, Shi Lei has been to the Headquarters of Angel Funds Investment Management Company. He knows that there is nothing in the hall. It is an empty hall.

Angel Funds Investment Management Company’s Headquarters has no name, and the file reserved in the Government Hall is just an 1976 Large Building. The internal personnel is called ‘Heaven’ here.

That’s right, it’s Heaven! [

Angel Funds Investment Management Company is not famous on Wall Street, but the personnel benefit is very good, as Heaven described it as beautiful, so the internal personnel will be called Heaven here. Although there are some restrictions in Heaven, such as strict confidentiality terms. However, those restrictions are compared to the personnel benefit.

It is ‘formerly’, or now, Shi Lei hates the name Heaven. Shi Lei calls this ‘Birdcage’ because the personnel here are all poor people who are encircled by the Angel Parliament.

Inside the elevator, Shi Lei activated the elevator again using the “shooting” frequency card. In Heaven, every staff member has its own “shooting” frequency card, and each “shooting” frequency card contains different authorities. Different authorities, restricted the different active areas of the personnel.

For example, when the low-authority “shooting” frequency card and “fighting” are used as elevators, the absolute method enters the high-level area. Some secret places, including archives, Machine Room, monitoring room, etc., do not have corresponding authority, but also enter.

Shi Lei’s “shooting” frequency card for himself. Not the most Top Level authority. The most Top level authority has the Core area into the Machine Room. Shi Lei does not need to enter the Core area of ​​the Machine Room, because in the Core area, not only the program certification, but also the Angel Parliament’s four-hour uninterrupted guard.

Heaven has only the High Degree of the twenty-story layer. This High Degree building is almost the lowest building on Wall Street. In fact, Heaven can’t really be considered in Wall Street. To be precise, it’s outside of Wall Street. Just next to Wall Street.

This is also the practice of Angel Parliament to keep a low profile.

Shi Lei is in the elevator. I chose the 18th floor. Shi Lei’s “Shooting” frequency card. With authority directly into the top-level twenty building, but the top level has a patrol personnel, Shi Lei can’t guarantee to go to the top, will it be hit by the patrol personnel.

Among the Heavens. There are only a handful of people who can enter the twenty layer, and those who patrol the person cannot know. Shi Lei can’t take risks. Otherwise, he is now deep into the Core of the Angel Parliament. It is a tragedy.

Shi Lei ventured into the Heaven Parliament of Angel Parliament, he wanted to find a thing! Or say an information!

Angel Parliament has a Secret Server, which is not connected to the Internet, but is connected to the Internal Network of Angel Parliament Old Nest. Access to the Internet in an interval by the Internal Network.

That is, the Internet accesses the Angel Parliament Internal Network and the Angel Parliament Internal Network accesses the Secret Server. However, Secret Server does not access the Internet. It only accepts the information transmitted by the Internal Network.

Shi Lei wants to enter the Secret Parliament of Angel Parliament. It is only possible to enter through the Internal Parliament of the Angel Parliament. Angel Parliament’s Internal Network, Shi Lei is also not sure about entering the black, he can only find the Secret Stronghold of the Angel Parliament, using the computer of the Angel Parliament site, implement to enter the Internal Network.

On the 18th floor of Heaven, there is a Room called Shi Lei’s target, which is a zone monitoring room that monitors the 19th floor and the twenty floor. In this zoning monitoring room, two security personnel have been stationed for a long time, and every fifteen minutes, there is a four-person Squadron that checks and informs the district monitoring room.

Shi Lei didn’t think about it. Going to other Room ‘borrowing’ Angel’s internal computer, entering their Internal Network, other rooms, which one has no staff personnel at work? [

Shi Lei is not without Heaven!

‘formerly’, Heaven even became Shi Lei’s direct jurisdiction, which is used by First Giant to draw Shi Lei’s conditions, let Shi Lei manage Heaven, which means that Shi Lei can get a lot of money from Heaven. However, Shi Lei finally refused!

Shi Lei sat in the work break on the 18th floor. It is the place where the staff rests. You can have a cup of coffee and eat something. Due to the special “sex” of Heaven’s work, most of the same company’s personnel, I don’t know. Therefore, Shi Lei ‘hidden’ in the work break room, very safe.

Shi Lei skillfully brewed a cup of instant coffee in the workplace and took out some cookies, but he didn’t eat it. This is to prevent leaving evidence. According to the strength of the Angel Parliament, if Shi Lei takes a sip of coffee, from the coffee cup, they can find the corresponding institution and extract Shi Lei’s saliva to find the Shi Lei’s genetic characteristics. Then determine Shi Lei’s identity.

Shi Lei put a transparent film on the fingertips of his hands and fingers, precisely as stated to prevent fingerprints.

‘There is another minute! ‘Shi Lei pretends to look at the fashion magazine. It is actually silently counting. He has to enter the zone monitoring room and must wait until the inspection and communication of this round of patrol personnel before entering the zone monitoring room. Otherwise, Shi Lei has no fifteen minutes at all.

‘Countdown, five, four, three, two, one! ‘Shi Lei in the heart countdown accomplish, there are four Security personnel wearing black suits in the corridor. They walked straight to the district monitoring room. After a quick inspection and information exchange, they went to X 9-Layer. Going patrolling with the twenty layer.

Shi Lei put down the fashion magazine in her hand and walked out of the work break, pretending to take a random look at the Security personnel. When they walked up the stairs to the 19th floor, Shi Lei quickly walked to the partition control room.

Since Izual controls the Safety Monitoring System, Izual uses wnMiwang’s huge computing resources to process surveillance images anytime and anywhere. Combined with Unreal Graphics Processing Software, Izual visually removes Shi Lei’s from the Safety Monitoring System.

Also in other words, the camera record of the Safety Monitoring System is still in implement, but Shi Lei’s figure is not recorded. Izual handles Shi Lei’s images in real time, which is a powerful thing that Izual combines with multiple image and motion processing Engines, plus wnMiwang’s huge computing resources.

Shi Lei quickly came to the partition monitoring room. He used the “shooting” frequency card to open the Room door of the partition monitoring room. When he opened the door, two Security personnel High Degrees in the partition monitoring room looked at him with vigilance.

Shi Lei 『露』 a look of human and animal damage, raised his hands, started talking: “Security Guard, I want to report a situation!”

The two gods of the Security personnel were a little lax, and one of them asked: “Sir, what do you want to report?”

Security personnel in Heaven, all of which are Origin’s Devil Mercenary Corps member under the Angel Parliament. The member of Devil Mercenary Corps, if he is a meritorious candidate, can apply for transfer to the All kinds industry of Angel Parliament, acting as a security personnel, thus leaving the career of Gun Linyu.

In other words, precisely as stated, the Security personnel of the industry of Angel Parliament, each with their hands covered with blood, they will not be soft in order to protect the industry of Angel Parliament!

If Shi Lei is slightly wrong, the two Security personnel will immediately subdue Shi Lei and then slowly interrogate.

“You put the monitor screen in the bathroom!” Shi Lei deliberately said something that is more difficult to do.

The bathroom is a ** area, even if it is the industry of the Angel Parliament, it will not open to the public, they have a surveillance camera in the bathroom.

Two Security Guard personnel from Devil Mercenary Corps rejected Shi Lei, one of whom responded to Shi Lei with a short hair: “Sorry, sir, our Safety Monitoring System is not covered in the bathroom.”

Shi Lei coldly snorted, “I have the authority of Seventh Grade. I am now instructing you to immediately transfer the monitoring screen to the bathroom on the 18th floor!” Shi Lei said while concentrating his identity on the frequency card. Placed on the identity recognizer in the partition monitoring room.

The identity recognizer reads the Shi Lei’s identity “shooting” frequency card and does have the Seventh Grade authority. The internal structure of the Angel Parliament is divided into Tenth Grade, with the lowest First Grade and the highest Tenth Grade.

Ordinary’s personnel, up to the author of Seventh Grade. The Person that reaches Seventh Grade is not the Inner Member of the Angel Parliament, which is exactly the staff member that needs to be protected.

The security personnel of the two Devil Mercenary Corps immediately became Esteemed. “Sir, please wait a moment, we will adjust the monitoring immediately.”

Shi Lei deliberately made a difficult request and then proactively showed his identity level, which is to reduce the caution of the two Security personnel. If Shi Lei shows that he owns the Seventh Grade authority, the two Security personnel are not allowed to doubt.

When two Security personnel entered their respective passwords on the computer and were ready to open the secret Monitoring System, Shi Lei suddenly behind the two Security personnel, holding a note and a shot on each of the left and right hands. The device plunged into the neck of two Security personnel.

After the two Security personnel were shot and shot, they only had time to turn around and look at Shi Lei, and they fell to the ground. The inside of the two injections is a potassium cyanide solution, which is classified as a highly toxic substance. When they are injected into the human body, they will cause human death in a very short period of time…


〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗