
Chapter 988

hk976 Angel Parliament stronghold!

Li Jian Nation, Wall Street. On June 6th, 12 was set at noon.

Shi Lei stood opposite an inconspicuous building, and the face under the cover of the baseball capshowed a strange smile. The inconspicuous building in front of Shi Lei, although seemingly inconspicuous in Wall Street, has a lot to offer.

On the bright side, this humble building belongs to Wall Street Angel Funds Investment Management Company. However, in the dark, this humble building is the Angel Parliament Li Jian Nation New York stronghold! At the same time, it is also the most powerful tool for collecting money in the hands of Angel Parliament!

Angel Funds Investment Management Company, not to mention that there is no reputation in the Worldwide, accurately as stated in Wall Street is not known. No fame does not mean no strength, and Angel Funds Investment Management Company is very strong. Before Shi Lei was born again, Angel Funds Investment Management Company’s profit for the previous year reached 5 Billion US Dollar, even though at that time, it was converted to Xia Nation Yuan and 30 Billion.

Angel Funds Investment Management Company is directly affiliated with the First Giant of the Angel Parliament. The transfer of funds requires the permission of First Giant. However, any of the Angel Parliament Four Great Giants can withdraw funds under the 100 Million US Dollar from the Angel Funds Investment Management Company.

Last time, Shi Lei investigated to Raphael in Li Jian Nation New York City, Shi Lei guessed Raphael exactly as stated in the Angel Funds Investment Management Company. Shi Lei is ready to say hello to Raphael, saying he has found Raphael!

Of course, if you can kill Raphael, Shi Lei will also eliminate the Raphael with the slightest hesitation. However, the Headquarters of Angel Funds Investment Management Company looks unremarkable from the outside, and the internal defense is very strict. Shi Lei wants to get rid of Raphael, basically no chance.

Standing opposite the Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters, Shi Lei did not immediately walk in, but opened the Notebook Computer package, which took out a blank space Induction magnetic card and a work permit from Angel Funds Investment Management Company. . Hanging around the neck, and then through the Bluetooth headset asked: “Izual, find the other party’s network address?” [

Shi Lei does not expect Izual to invade the Angel Funds Investment Management Company’s Headquarters Safety System, Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters Safety System, written by Angel Parliament’s First Giant, with a very strong defense. According to Black Magic Software by Shi Lei, I want to open the Safety System of Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters. The difficulty is very high!

“sr, please wait a moment , currently look up the network address backwards according to the Reality address.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Hacker usually queries the real paddress in the net world, then passes the real paddress, and the address in the investigate reality. This process can also reverse the implement. Reverse query to network address through address in Reality.

Even if the network address is hidden cover, reverse query through Reality address, you can also find the real paddress!

Izual used wnMiwang’s huge computing resources to move Black Magic Software into the network service provider of New York City, inside the server of the network service provider. Search for the location of Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters.

Nearly a minute later, Izual finally found a matching information, reporting: “sr, System has determined the target’s network address.”

Shi Lei smiled on his face and looked at the Notebook Computer bag and walked outside of Wall Street. After walking 300 meters, Shi Lei found a roadside chair. He sat in a wooden chair, took the Notebook Computer out of his computer bag, and put it on his legs to start the boot.

The Izual Act is independent of the invasion of the Defense Funds Investment Management Company’s Defense System, and Shi Lei must assist Izual with accomplish this intrusion.

“Izual, are you ready?” Shi Lei put his hands on the laptop keyboard. The location he chose was a bit remote and there were no pedestrians nearby.

Izual’s cold feelings sounded in the Bluetooth headset, “sr, Izual is at your service!”

Shi Lei didn’t say much. Directly use the new Notebook Computer, first access wnMiwang, develop the notebook into the child of wnMiwang, then access the whole wnMiwang with wnMiwang sub-end, and get direct communication with Izual’s.

“Izual, send the network address!” Shi Lei said through the Bluetooth headset, Izual immediately sent the Internet address of Angel Funds Investment Management Company.

Shi Lei controls the entire wnMiwang’s computing resources and begins testing the Access Control System of Angel Funds Investment Management Company. The Access Control System is one of the IoT Systems. It does not have access to the Internet, but instead accesses the building’s Internal Network. Fortunately, in the building Internal Network, there is a numerous line network, and Shi Lei can invade the building’s Internal Network through the line network. If not, cracking the Access Control System is even more cumbersome.

‘Raphael, don’t know if you are not inside! ‘Shi Lei’s hands are fast on the keyboard, inputting a line of source code, the smile on the face is getting more and more popular.

Nearly two minutes later, on the Shi Lei’s Notebook Computer screen, a mark of successful intrusion was displayed. Access Control System cracks accomplish, Shi Lei can use his own blank space “shot” frequency card, enter Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters, and open the relevant Access Control System. [

The second thing that needs to be invaded is the Monitoring System. Angel Funds Investment Management Company’s Monitoring System is Network Security System, Angel Group’s First Giant is too confident, confident that no one can breathe through his design of Monitoring System defense.

Shi Lei analyzed the definition system of the Monitoring System. His face color changed a bit. The First Giant of the Angel Parliament is very mysterious. The technical aspect is very powerful. Even the current Shi Lei does not dare to say victory. First Giant. If Izual is added, Shi Lei will be sure to defeat First Giant.

Izual The role of the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System is very important for Shi Lei. When Izual processes the underlying Task, the speed exceeds Shi Lei by several times. This basic “following” for the release of Task saves Shi Lei a numerous time.

‘Defense System with sequential random variable encryption algorithm? ‘Shi Lei’s face reveals a serious god color. This sort of random variable defense mechanism is even higher than Chaos Stars ALG orithm.

Chaos Stars ALG orithm is based on the changing rules of Starry Sky, familiar with Chaos Stars ALG orithm’s Hacker, and may also use the powerful hardware “stripe” to crack Chaos Stars ALG orithm.

Order random variable encryption algorithm is different!

The Decryption scheme of the random variable encryption algorithm may be any rule, and may even be the same as Chaos Stars ALG orithm. However, it is not an easy task to write a sequential random variable encryption algorithm. The technology of the programming personnel, want to force the preparation of the random variable encryption algorithm, will only let the program itself flaw, which is quickly broken by Hacker. Only the very powerful programming personnel can write the random variable encryption algorithm, which is perfect.

Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters’ Definition of the Monitoring System, precisely as stated, the perfect random variable encryption algorithm. Shi Lei’s face reveals a bitter smile, whispering: “Izual, all the computing resources of wnMiwang!”

wnMiwang’s computing resources are kept above 1000tflops, but these resources are not always together, but are scattered throughout the wnMiwang System. When you need to use the wnMiwang resource, Izual will sort these computing resources.

“Sr, wnMiwang computing resources is accomplished, a total of 1173tflopsLoose Distribution Computing Resources.” Izual issued a prompt.

Shi Lei took a deep breath, adjusted the Monitoring System defense of Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters, and then controlled the computing resources in wnMiwang’s collection. With the lightning speed, the attack system consisted of attack random variable encryption algorithm.

The random variable encryption algorithm can withstand World Grade’s Hacker, and it can also cause trouble for the World Summit Grade Hacker, which is impossible to invade. Shi Lei is also a Hacker of World Summit Grade, but Shi Lei owns wnMiwang and also has High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Izual.

When all the advantages are brought together, Shi Lei has the possibility of the breakdown order random variable encryption algorithm Defense System, and it is also the breakthrough of sound.

Shi Lei’s hands, quickly pressed on the notebook keyboard, although the pressure of the notebook keyboard is not in line with Shi Lei’s favorite data, but Shi Lei’s typing accuracy has not decreased.

After about five minutes, Shi Lei suddenly stopped and he showed a sincere smile.

“Unfortunately, you have expected that I have the strength of six years!” Shi Lei whispered to himself, then entered a series of code on the keyboard, Notebook Computer on his thigh, cooling fan suddenly Crazy The rotation turned and gave a sharp howling.

The Hard Disk of the notebook automatically repeats the Low-level FormAT&T ing, and the power supply module constantly adjusts the voltage level and current. Shi Lei put the Notebook Computer on a wooden chair, under the keyboard of Notebook Computer, with a pungent smell and a faint smoke.

After waiting for a while, when Notebook Computer was completely destroyed, Shi Lei put the damaged Notebook Computer into the notebook handbag and stood up to go to Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters. When passing by a trash can, Shi Lei dropped the notebook handbag together with the computer.

After losing the notebook handbag, Shi Lei sorted out the appearance, and the chest wore a work card from Angel Funds Investment Management Company to the unobtrusive building belonging to Angel Funds Investment Management Company.

The Access Control System and Monitoring System of the entire building are completely in the hands of Shi Lei’s. This means that Shi Lei can enter and exit Freedom at will, and don’t worry about being recorded by the camera…

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)


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