
Chapter 987

hk975 Raphael, hello!

Third data selection address at ManhAT&T an !

Located in the New York Center business district, ManhAT&T an brings together the Headquarters of most of the World Top 500 companies, the most densely populated area of ​​the world.

ManhAT&T an includes World’s famous Wall Street, United Nations Headquarters, Broadway, EmpIRE State Building, Central Park, and Greenwich Village, a non-mainstream culture.

It is these things that make ManhAT&T an the Center for Economics, Finance, Culture, Trade and Exhibitions worldwide.

Shi Lei likes ManhAT&T an !

If possible, Shi Lei even wants to build a skyscraper belonging to Mirror Science and Technology at ManhAT&T an. A skyscraper like the EmpIRE State Building is the hallmark of Mirror Science and Technology Company!

It’s just that this wish is quite difficult…

“Xiao Bo, how did you find this place?” Shi Lei pointed to the Third data, which marked the West Northern direction of the ManhAT&T an Center Park, the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. [

Cathedral of Saint John the Divine Just a few hundred meters from the Center Park, Xiao Bo found the office small building, which has only two floors above the ground and one floor in the Underground. On the ground floor, the First Level has eight rooms, and the Second Level has only seven rooms and one “show”. This retro small building, located directly opposite the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, is part of the industry of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine.

Xiao Bo smiled and said: “Chief Shi, I originally wanted to rent a commercial office building in Times Square. But the Times Square is not easy to find, and the surrounding office buildings have no free space. So, finally in the Cathedral of Saint John. The Divine found this small building. Although the history of this small building is a bit old and only two stories high, the location is excellent and the surrounding green environment is very good. Another point is that this small building Rent is only half of the same size commercial office, plus some discounts, only 1 Million USD is required for one year!”

Shi Lei’s expression is slightly different, and ManhAT&T an’s house price has always been a high-pitched rhythm. According to Xiao Bo data, the office space of the two-storied little building exceeds the 1500 square. Only one 1 Million USD is needed a year. The rent for one square month is only fifty-five US dollars. It is really a Discounted prices.

“So cheap? How long is our longest contract with the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine?” Shi Lei asked.

If you can only sign a short-term contract for a year or two, then there is no opinion, and at least a five-year contract is worthwhile. After all, after the Dream Entertainment Company got the domain, it still needs to be modified. This is also a huge investment. If you only sign for a year or two. In case it expires. Isn’t it a tragedy that the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine is not renewed to Dream Entertainment Company?

Xiao Bo 『露』 a pleased smile, “Chief Shi, I have a detailed and lengthy discussion with the person-in-charge of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. I finally determined that the lease was ten years. Both of us It is agreed that from the Year of Second, the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine has privilege to increase rents, but the maximum increase cannot exceed 10%. However, according to my calculation, even in the next nine years, the rent for each year Both increased by 10%, and the price we rented was much lower than the price in the rest of ManhAT&T an.”

“A decade?” Shi Lei smiled with satisfaction. “Xiao Bo, this thing, after dawn, you will deal with it immediately. Yes, help me contact -wveCompany at ManhAT&T an’s office. Indicate that I will represent them on behalf of Dream Entertainment Company.”

“Okay, Chief Shi!” Xiao Bo replied to Shi Lei. The two continued to discuss the relevant issue. Shi Lei yawned, indicating that he was going to make a jet lag, and Xiao Bo left with a good interest.

After Xiao Bo left, Shi Lei did not sleep immediately, but planned his own trip to Li Jian Nation.

Shi Lei came to Li Jian Nation for the purpose of telling only two to Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo. In fact, in addition to Li Jian Nation’s location for the Dream Entertainment division and signing with bsTelevision Station, Shi Lei and Third have a purpose!

For the purpose of the Third, there is some discord. Therefore, Shi Lei did not tell Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo. This is not because Shi Lei does not believe in them, but is afraid of them. Anyway, telling them, they will only worry them, why bother telling them?

Proper good faith lies can effectively avoid trouble!

Li Jian Nation Time, June 6th, 11am. Xia Nation Time. Twenty-three points at night on June 6.

Shi Lei woke up and the hotel they booked was also near Center Park, not far from the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. After Shi Lei got out of bed, led by Li Zifeng, Ruling Security Company Elite Squadron, had already got up and waited in the living room.

When Shi Lei came out wearing nightgown, Li Zifeng and others quickly greeted him. [

“Boss, what you told yesterday, you have done it!” Li Zifeng whispered.

Shi Lei nodded. “First eat breakfast!”

A group of people had eaten breakfast, and Shi Lei signaled Li Zifeng to give him the thing he had ordered. Shi Lei yesterday, told Li Zifeng to prepare a few things overnight so that he can act today.

Shi Lei came to Li Jian Nation and the purpose of Third, instead of simply running over and playing. Holding Li Zifeng prepared thing, Shi Lei started talking: “Zifeng, you should familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment today and see if you can get a few weapon. There are 200,000 US Dollar, the password is on the back, you first Take it.” Shi Lei took out a credit card and handed it to Li Zifeng.

The five of them flew on an International flight. Although they have the identity of the Rongcheng Military District, firearm is not allowed on the International Airlines online. Therefore, they can only find a firearm after Li Jian Nation New York City has landed.

Fortunately, Li Jian Nation is a country where firearms are rampant. Although there are strict firearms using papers and authority, the firearm in the underground black market is simply more than imagined!

The easiest way to get a firearm from Li Jian Nation is to pay a premium!

The Black Heart merchants of the Underground Influence will not buy the firearm’s personnel at all. They will apply the firearm to what aspects, they only see, and the benefits they get!

“Understood, Boss!” Li Zifeng replied affirmatively that Li Zifeng’s English is more fluent, and Li Zifeng also taught himself Japanese, and can pretend to be a Wo Sang Nation when necessary. Dealing with Li Jian Nation’s Underground Influence, Li Zifeng certainly has no big issue.

Besides, even if Li Zifeng meets an issue that I don’t understand, Izual will help anytime, anywhere. Izual’s simultaneous translation System is very advanced and can be translated synchronously. Just in the simulation tone aspect, there are some lack of more or less.

This is not the Izual method to achieve tone simulation, but the tone simulation needs to take up too much system resources, with the current Supercomputer, or with the current computer structure, it is difficult to overcome this issue.

Shi Lei wore an Ordinary cotton t-shirt, a New York Yankees baseball cap, and a Notebook Computer handbag that walked out of the hotel’s Back Door.

Just out of the hotel’s Back Door, Shi Lei keeps in touch with Izual’s contact via a Bluetooth headset.

“Izual, did you just have a camera to shoot me?” Shi Lei asked.

Li Jian Nation New York City’s Public Security Camera head is more than too much too much than Shuangqing City, and even a closed surveillance camera that is not connected to the network. Therefore, Shi Lei wants to cover it with a baseball cap.

“sr, all network monitors the Camera System, all blocked data. The information of the closed Monitoring System is not queried, and the System method determines whether it has a closed Monitoring System.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei lowered the capof the baseball capand when he got to the main road, he stopped a taxi and used English: “Wall Street!”

The taxi driver is a middle-aged black man. Like most taxi drivers, this black middle-aged is also very talkative.

“Hey, brothers, come to New York City?” The middle-aged black man asked with a hip-hop style.

Shi Lei, sitting in the back row, nodded and did not speak.

“brothers, where are you from Asia? Nanchao Nation? Hong Kong? Treasure Island? Or Xia Nation?” Black middle-aged casually asked.

Shi Lei replied: “I am a Wo Sang Nation person.”

“Wo Sang Nation?” Black middle-aged through the rearview mirror, as if you want to take a closer look at Shi Lei, “brothers, you are not the same as other Wo Sang Nation people.” Wo Sang Nation people in Western World always show There is a courtesy, this disguise makes the Wo Sang Nation people in Western Nation, and will not be rejected by too much.

Shi Lei is light snorted, as well as the juggling, using Japanese: “Baka, damn Idiot!”

It happens that the middle-aged black can understand some basic Japanese, especially the jealous Japanese. Although the black middle age did not show anything, he finally did not quack quack again.

When the taxi came to Wall Street, Shi Lei took out a US dollar with a face value of 100 yuan. On Shi Lei’s finger belly, there was a thin transparent film. This layer of transparent film effectively blocks fingerprint residue.

“Keep the change!” Shi Lei said casually in English, then pulled the door and walked to Wall Street.

Wall Street is the financial center of the whole world, where the numerous Worldwide Top 500 Company Headquarters, the Stock Securities and Financial Futures Transaction, and most of the Headquarters that monopolize the Organization are gathered.

If there is an accident at Wall Street, the entire world economy will be retrogressive, which is definitely not an exaggeration.

Shi Lei strolling on Wall Street, the cotton t-shirt of Ordinary fabric is not quite outstanding. From the beginning of Wall Street, he walked to the end and came to an inconspicuous building.

Standing opposite the humble building, Shi Lei’s face reveals a strange smile, with a voice that only he can hear, whispering: “Raphael, hello!”


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