
Chapter 986

hk974 division site selection, D-Wave!

On June 5, at 11:50.

On the 38th floor of the Emerald Building, Shi Lei and the High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General Canbein York of bsTelevision Station decided to cooperate with each other. After talking to Canbein York, Shi Lei put the phone back on the deskphone.

As the popularity of Dream Entertainment and Brave’s World grows, so does the external cooperation aspect. The cooperation with bsTelevision Station is exactly what bsTelevision Station is looking for. It doesn’t require Dream Entertainment Company and Mu Shuang to go to work.

Mu Shuang sat in the office chair, and the expression didn’t change. For this result, Mu Shuang had already guessed that she called Shi Lei to the company and personally talked with bsTelevision Station, in fact just to see Shi Lei.

“Shuang Shuang, Little Mo, let’s go, let’s have lunch together. The things of bsTelevision Station have been successfully solved!” Shi Lei “Liang” showed a pure smile, and his right hand scored a ‘ry’ gesture, as if his More credit for First Year.

Ling Yumo cheerfully patted her hand and said, “Stone Monster, I am going to eat rural Earth Eel!”

The so-called rural Earth Eel is a true wild squid, not a captive squid. In Bai Shan Village, next door to Shu’an Village, there is a unique restaurant specialising in wild salmon and wild salmon.

In the 2007 era, the wild squid of that famous restaurant, the price is as high as 70 yuan a pound, for the Ordinary people, it is expensive. [

It was discovered that the famous restaurant was the staff of Shu’an Village Ruling Security Company. After the introduction of the locals, they went to the famous restaurant and Shi Lei went there once.

“Shuang Shuang, what do you think?” Shi Lei asked Mu Shuang’s comments.

“Yes!” Mu Shuang did not raise objections. Although Mu Shuang is not a native of Shuangqing City, she also likes spicy food. As long as it is not a particularly spicy food, Mu Shuang is acceptable.

“Since you like it, let’s go!” Shi Lei claphis hands. Signal to Bai Shan Village.

Ling Yumo got up and walked to Shi Lei, holding Shi Lei’s left hand and showing a relationship with Shi Lei’s. Such a move is obviously deliberately done to Mu Shuang.

Mu Shuang’s “sex” style is a bit cold, but in the love world, Mu Shuang will also defend his status!

I saw that Mu Shuang took Shi Lei’s right hand and refused to give back, but there was no provocative expression. It seems that Shi Lei can have both of them at the same time.

Shi Lei’s face is “showing” the god of color, but in the heart is very refreshing. Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang fight each other. It’s completely cheaper!

noon. The three men tasted the Stopped Spicy Earth Eel at Bai Shan Village. There is also a tofu soup. The culinary skills of a restaurant are worthy of its pricing, and even Shi Lei, a very picky guy, also expressed a delicious opinion.

After eating and drinking. The three returned to the Emerald Building.

In Mu Shuang’s Office, Shi Lei lying on back on the leather sofa, the action is quite casual. Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo are sitting opposite Shi Lei’s.

“Shi Lei, our signing ceremony with bsTelevision Station, why should we put it in Li Jian Nation?” Mu Shuang asked, and then explained: “Our cooperation with bsTelevision Station, we are in an advantageous position, let bsTelevision Station come to Xia Nation Shuangqing City signed, they will come at the fastest speed. Why are we going to pass?”

Dream Entertainment and bsTelevision Station collaborate with Dream Entertainment. If Dream Entertainment signs up for Li Jian Nation, there will be more or less inferior opinions in it, as if Dream Entertainment is looking for a bs radio.

Shi Lei lying on back, tilted up the legs. “Shuang Shuang, Li Jian Nation There is something to be dealt with there, just by this opportunity, so as not to attract the attention of others.”

“Hey?” Mu Shuang’s eyes showed a curiosity, but Shi Lei did not explain that Mu Shuang did not ask. Ling Yumo originally wanted to ask, but Mu Shuang did not ask, she also did not ask Shi Lei. [

Shi Lei looked at the two curious younger sisters, hā hā smiled twice. “This time I went to Li Jian Nation. There are two things. First is exactly as stated. The location of the selected Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation division, Xiao Bo has chosen three positions, but he is sure, I am going to see it myself. Second thing, Li Jian Nation has a company very interesting, I am going to talk to them and see if I can buy it.”

Xiao Bo has a very strong ability to work, and in Li Jian Nation’s New York City, he has chosen three locations that can serve as the Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation division. Although every position is appropriate, the final choice also requires Shi Lei’s decision.

“Interesting Company?” Ling Yumo curiously asked: “How interesting Ah?”

Shi Lei replied with a smile: “Little Mo, they developed a very interesting computer, known as Quantum Computer. However, the outside world did not agree with Quantum Computer.”

Mu Shuang brows slightly, “Shi Lei, are you planning to acquire this company?”

“En! That company is called -wve, an emerging company. Although -wveCompany is not a company of Li Jian Nation, their main market is Li Jian Nation. -wveCompany released the official product this year, but unfortunately there are no orders. The market value of -wveCompany is currently not large, I am optimistic about its development potential.” Shi Lei answered Mu Shuang.

Without Shi Lei’s “plug-in” hand, the development prospects of -wveCompany are not very good. Due to the lack of research funding, -wveCompany’s research and development progress on Quantum Computer is very slow.

It was not until 2013 year that -wveCompany’s Quantum Computer was purchased by Li Jian Nation ns and googleCompany. The thing that can be purchased by these two Big Shots, the Quantum Computer produced by -wveCompany, is really useful, not an embroidered pillow.

Regarding the acquisition of -wveCompany, Shi Lei and Mu Shuang have been in Office. It was discussed that close to an afternoon, Ling Yumo had already left, so boring discussion work is not suitable for Ling Yumo.

“Shi Lei, if you want to buy -wveCompany, I will go with you!” Mu Shuang said directly.

Shi Lei’s Aspect in Hacker Technology is the existence of World Summit Grade, but in the negotiating skills aspect, he is not an opponent of Mu Shuang at all. Shi Lei knows this for himself, but the value of -wveCompany is not high and does not require Mu Shuang to come out.

Moreover, once Mu Shuang comes forward, -wveCompany will think that Dream Entertainment Company cares about them. And raise the asking price. Let Shi Lei go to the bar and negotiate with him. If you can’t keep it, you can easily talk about it!

Shi Lei said his reasons, and finally said: “Shuang Shuang, you have to deal with enough things, this small thing, let me handle it myself!”

Mu Shuang thought for a long time before he nodded: “En! Shi Lei, when you are negotiating with -wveCompany, remember not to express a very interesting look to them. You try to show a kind of attitude that you can do. ”

Shi Lei nodded: “Reassured, I understand this!”

June 5th. Five p.m. Shi Lei took the Elite Core from Ruling Security Company. Li Zifeng’s Squadron, rushed to Li Jian Nation.

Departing from Shuangqing City in Xia Nation, arriving at New York in Li Jian Nation, sailing time exceeded twenty hours. Shi Lei chats on the airplane. You can only look at the travel magazines provided by the airplane.

At the same time, Shi Lei gave birth to an idea, that is to order a private plane!

In the entire World range, many of the Large-scale Company leaders, as well as some invisible rich, have purchased a private plane. For example, Mr. Director-General Bill of mrosoftCompany has a very luxurious private plane.

Having a private plane not only provides flexible flight times, but also comfort during flight, far beyond commercial airliners. Simultaneously. The private plane has greater security in the security aspect.

If Shi Lei purchases a private plane, it can be rebuilt in the private plane, the Steel and Iron War Room, or Dawn.

‘It seems that I should buy a private plane to play! ‘Shi Lei in the heart thinks secretly.

Worldwide’s well-known private plane suppliers include Bombardier, Cessna Aircraft, Cirrus Design, Dassault Aircraft, Gulfstream Company, and Raytheon Company.

Among them Bombardier and Gulfstream. Most famous!

In particular, the private plane of the Gulfstream Company, the market share of Xia Nation First; Bombardier Company Ranked Second. Among them, the Gulfstream g33 business jet, which sells for 550 billion, has 14 aircraft in Xia Nation.

In various private planes, Shi Lei also prefers the private plane produced by the Gulfstream Company. However, Shi Lei does not like the Gulfstream g550private plane, but prefers the higher-end Gulfstream g650 business jet. Compared to g550, g650 is selling at a higher price, reaching 42 billion. Unfortunately, in the years of 2007, the Gulfstream Company’s g650 business jet was not officially released, and Shi Lei was destined to select the Gulfstream g550 business jet first.

After a long flight of twenty hours, Shi Lei took Li Zifeng Squadron and landed at Li Jian Nation’s New York City.

Li Jian Nation’s time is not the same as Xia Nation’s time. After the regional time difference conversion, it is now more than one o’clock in the middle of the night on June 6th, and Xia Nation is more than one o’clock on June 6th.

Fortunately, Shi Lei booked the hotel through the network before coming to Li Jian Nation. Otherwise, going to the hotel in the early hours of the night is not harmonious at all.

Xiao Bo was driving a business car outside the Airport and took Shi Lei and others to the hotel. After checking in through the passport, Shi Lei independent met Xiao Bo.

In Shi Lei’s suite, Xiao Bo reports on Li Jian Nation, “Chief Shi, which is the three alternative addresses for the Dream Entertainment division. Let’s see?”

Although Li Jian Nation is a little early in the morning, and Shi Lei has also experienced a long flight, Shi Lei’s mental state is still very exciting, there is no opinion to sleep.

Shi Lei looks at the data brought by Xiao Bo. The first location is a Small-scale office building near BAT&T ery Park.

Shi Lei asked: “Xiao Bo, this BAT&T ery Park, is that the BAT&T ery of Hudson River?”

“Well, yes.” Xiao Bo nodded. Although Xiao Bo came to Li Jian Nation for a short time, his daily affairs, exactly as stated, driving around the car, the entire New York City terrain, Xiao Bo is almost recorded.

Throughout New York City, Xiao Bo has carefully selected three locations that could become the Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation division. These three places are not only convenient geographical location, convenient transportation, but also the surrounding green environment is very good.

“That’s abandoning this! Washington Square Park is also abandoned!” Shi Lei took out the data of Third, and his face showed a mysterious smile. “We chose here!”

Xiao Bo’s alternative address prepared by Xiao Bo is very interesting…



Shanshan firmly believes that no one can guess the location!

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗