
Chapter 985

hk973 Brave’s Peak, fast reach an agreement!

From the end of June to the beginning of July, there is a worldwide feast at Game World.

June twenty 5th to June 30th, Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, in which First Place’s bonus is up to 3 Million US Dollar, attracting Worldwide’s proximity to 10 million Gamer.

From July 1st to 3rd, the educational institute Cup power struggle competition and the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition will be held together. The rewards of these two competitions are not as rich as the Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.

Brave’s World, the main melody is World of Martial World Heroic Traveler, and more about a personal heroism. The team-style competition is not the main theme of Brave’s World’s, so the reward is not high, and there is no large-scale publicity.

Dream Entertainment Company puts its main focus on the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, and Hope uses the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition to drive Brave’s World’s Worldwide Gamer growth.

“sr, Brave’s World runs smoothly, all data is fine.” Izual replies to Shi Lei and displays the relevant data on the front projector.

At present, the number of Brave’s World’s Gamer registrants has reached more than 15 million. Compared with the previous, the number of registered Gamers has increased by about 100 500,000. At the same time, the number of online Gamers has stabilized more than the 10 Million.

Looking at such data, Shi Lei is very satisfied!

“Izual, Brave’s World, what is the current ratio of good to evil in Gamer?” Shi Lei asked. [

Brave’s World has a special Morals System that can determine the value of Gamer’s good and evil. This is not a simple Game System, but also a Human Nature Testing System. Through this System, you can easily analyze the inner and the evil tendencies of Gamer and build a human data library.

“sr, currently 90% 4:14 Gamer. In Good Faction; only the 5% point eighty-six Gamer, located in Evil Faction. Among them, there is 1% point three Gamer, not actively enter Evil Faction, but Because of some unexpected circumstances, I entered Evil Faction.” Izual replied to Shi Lei and showed the specific situation through the projector.

Brave’s World has an all kinds of random events System, under the control of Izual’s, Brave’s World simulates a complete Ancient Era World. Some of the originals are Good Faction’s Gamer. When encountering a random event, when the evil thoughts are raised and an improper choice is made, it will become the Gamer of Evil Faction.

For example, one of the most famous things in the recent Brave’s World Official Gamer Forum is a Good Faction Gamer. In the middle of the mountain, I met an old man who was seriously injured.

After some conversation, I found that this old man is a peerless man. It is only a serious injury that needs to be treated. at this time. Gamer has two options. First, the private rescue of this peerless high-ranking person, when the peerless high-healed person has a chance, will be accepted as a disciple by the peerless high; Second, naturally, it is killing people and goods!

The Gamer who broke the news in the Forum. Said that he chose to kill the goods, such a choice, naturally for Evil Faction.

Shi Lei looked at Brave’s World’s data and most of Gamer chose Good Faction. This illustrates the theory that human nature is good.

The heart is good, but it lacks guidance. In the huge virtual world of Brave’s World, with the guidance of the Main System, the official of Brave’s World, the Good in the heart of Gamer will be largely preserved.

“Izual, announce an announcement information!” Shi Lei said to Izual, then hands on the keyboard, quickly tapped, and announced the announcement information, all entered, and handed it to Izual.

June 5, 10:30 am.

Dream Entertainment Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website has released an announcement information. About Brave’s World’s announcement information, which has not been released for a long time, was immediately followed by the Gamers when the new information was released.


Brave’s Peak, Double Celebrations Through The Ages! 》

Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition will be launched at the end of this month.

Dream Entertainment Company officially announced that Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition Top 10 name Gamer will open Summit power struggle in Shuangqing City and accept the worship of the entire World Brave’s World Gamer. [

At that time, Dream Entertainment Company will prepare the best game platform in the world, meet the name of Brave’s World Top 10 Gamer, let them start the final battle in Shuangqing City!

In this final Summit battle, Dream Entertainment Company will broadcast live and network to the whole World via Starry Sky. Currently, Dream Entertainment Company is still negotiating with more Television Stations. It is expected that in the future, the Summit will have more live broadcasts of the well-known Television Station.

Dear Brave’s World’s Gamer, do you want to be the focus of the whole World game player? Do you want to get a rich bonus? Welcome to Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition!


Dream Entertainment’s new announcement, which seems to be meaningful, reveals an important aspect of the fact that Dream Entertainment Company and Starry Sky Satellite have reached an agreement to broadcast the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition via Starry Sky TV. .

This retransmission report does not seem to have any direct benefit to Gamer. However, it can expand the name of Gamer and shape the online game Expert’s status in the vast majority of Gamer as a Celebrity.

Ordinary Gamer doesn’t understand the benefits of becoming a Celebrity Gamer, but Gamer, who is likely to rush to Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition Top 10, doesn’t have the benefit of the Celebrity Gamer!

The benefits of Celebrity Gamer are many!

Since it is a Celebrity Gamer, it is natural to endorse some brands. Including the game, you must wear a brand logo on the coat of clothing, or what brand of the brand must be slogan in the game, these are the things that Celebrity Gamer can do, and it does not cost anything. You can earn a lot of money with your energy.

All in all, once you become a Celebrity Gamer, endorsing brands or something, these are opportunities to make money!

Therefore, any Gamer who has the opportunity to break into Brave’s World Top 10 is not only for the great prize of Dream Entertainment Company, but also to become the Celebrity Gamer and become the Virtual spokesperson of Reality Mid Quality.

Near eleven o’clock in the morning, Shi Lei drove the white Porsche Cayenne. Catch the Emerald Building. Emerald Building is the temporary new Headquarters of Dream Entertainment Company, which is also temporarily leased by Dream Entertainment Company.

Dream Entertainment Company’s Headquarters site issuance issue, there is no final conclusion yet.

When Shi Lei came to the 39th floor of the Emerald Building, Mu Shuang’s Office, Mu Shuang currently answered the phone. She spoke fluent English and was currently discussing with the High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General of bsTelevision Station.

When Shi Lei walked into Mu Shuang’s Office, he glanced at Mu Shuang and looked at Ling Yumo and walked to Ling Yumo. Small channel: “Yumo, how are you here?”

Ling Yumo gave a white glance to Shi Lei, and also whispered: “Stone Monster, why can’t I be here? I want to learn some of the company management knowledge from Elder Sister Mu Shuang. Where can I go anywhere?”

Shi Lei patted the forehead, a pair of sorry for the inconvenience. “Little Mo. Shuangqing Medical University. Now that it’s done, you can go to Shuangqing Medical University anytime, anywhere, instead of waiting for September to start school, you really have to become a junior female student!” Shi Lei Just kidding.

Ling Yumo once again glanced at Shi Lei, “Stone Monster, I don’t want to go to school now. I will go to school next semester. I have to manage YuMo Medical Limited Company well, I will not lose to Elder Sister Mu Shuang!”

Shi Lei’s face showed a bitter smile, and Ling Yumo, the little girl, was so excited that she was going to climb down with Mu Shuang. This is not a good phenomenon.

‘Damn, why can someone easily settle three or four younger sisters easily, how can I not? Is it that I am too ugly? ‘Shi Lei in the heart, thinking about it.

“Shi Lei, come over!” Mu Shuang, who is currently calling, suddenly called Shi Lei.

Shi Lei stood up from the leather sofa and walked to Mu Shuang. When she came to Mu Shuang, Shi Lei was not very elegant sitting at the desk. Mu Shuang handed the phone to Shi Lei, grabbed the microphone and whispered it in Xia Nation: “The opposite is bsTelevision Station’s High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General, Canbein York, bsTelevision Station. We are very willing to cooperate with us.”

Shi Lei took the phone and said in a familiar tone: “Hello, Mr. Canbein, I am eoShi Lei of Dream Entertainment Company.”

Canbein York also responded politely: “Mr. Shi, hello.”

After saying hello, Canbein York quickly entered the working mode, “Mr. Shi, about the cooperation between our bs and Dream Entertainment, I don’t know what you think?”

Shi Lei nodded and responded: “Very good!”

“Hey? Mr. Shi, have you agreed to the Dream Entertainment Company’s agreement with our bsTelevision Station, reached?”. Canbein York’s tone is a little excited.

Brave’s World’s main melody background, although not in line with Li Jian Nation’s comprehensive situation, but Li Jian Nation’s youngsters, more and more like Brave’s World, some young people leave a message on bs OffiCIA l Website, Hope can watch through bs, Learn more about Brave’s World’s things.

“Mr. Canbein, the split plan proposed by your bsTelevision Station is pure profit versus half-point Right?” Shi Lei asked bsTelevision Station’s High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General.

Although Shi Lei does not care about the profit of video broadcasting, it is a gesture and must be paid to bsTelevision Station.

“Yes, Mr. Shi, our bsTelevision Station, can be used with your Dream Entertainment Company for a pure profit-half dividend. Your Dream Entertainment Company can also assign a corresponding financial personnel to check the accounts of our cooperation projects. “Canbein York explains the situation. From the fact that the personnel can be dispatched to check this, it can be seen that bsTelevision Station’s willingness to cooperate with Dream Entertainment Company is very strong.

“In this case, this matter is decided, our Dream Entertainment Company, agree to cooperate with your bsTelevision Station!” Shi Lei quickly agreed to the bsTelevision Station cooperation invitation.

In addition, Shi Lei also intends to go to Li Jian Nation in person to sign a contract with bsTelevision Station, and by the way can do something else…

(To be continued…)

Ps: [Thank you for appreciation] Wu Kecong, the time machine of the small drawer, reward 588 Lu Xiang, small Despair, reward 100